cap 3

After my grandfather's death, I dedicated myself to creating video games like Pokémon, God of War, and other titles that, although considered trash by some, were cherished in my past life.

My plan was to make the company more powerful in Japan and other parts of the world by expanding our contacts abroad. I didn't see the usefulness of certain applications that seemed more like toys for teenagers. However, the Pokémon and Digimon video games were a success, so we decided to establish an animation studio within the company in less than a week. Though it will open in a year since I need to write the first chapters and make other preparations.

After my grandfather's death, he left everything in my name. However, Kanji, the vice president and trusted friend, as well as Esteban, have been a great help. Kanji seemed to be a distant relative of my grandmother Saori, so I saw him from time to time. He was a good person and cried a lot at the grandfather's funeral. I'm not sure if he was loyal to my grandfather or just waiting for his death to take over the company. I knew that my grandfather's original plan was to sell the company and donate part of the profits to charity.

The important thing is that thanks to Esteban, who helped me as a butler and friend, I was able to set several plans in motion. During that period, more than six months passed in which I worked tirelessly, but something strange started happening with my quirk. Sometimes when I showered, scales would appear, and when I didn't sleep one day, the next day my body didn't feel the need to sleep. I don't know what's happening to me, but it worries me.

Quirks are a disease in this world; they are not part of the human genome nor an evolution like the X gene or something like that. But these quirks can awaken under three conditions:

Training your power day and night.Having an unbreakable will.Being on the brink of death.

If someone meets these conditions, they can experience an awakening. In my case, it shouldn't be possible...

"I shouldn't think about this now. I'm already done with the KonoSuba and Kimetsu no Yaiba mangas. I should go to sleep, although I no longer need sleep, it's still good to rest."


I got up slightly annoyed and saw it.

"Wait, three years and you barely show up, stupid system."

[Hey, you piece of meat, what did you call me?]

"Did this thing just talk?" I stepped back, surprised.

[Of course, you idiot. How could you call me a system? Can't humans live without me since my father created them? You know what, let's talk more appropriately.]

Suddenly, a flash came out of it, blinding me in the process.

"Huh? Where am I?"

"First, greet me, not like last time."

A voice snapped me out of the trance. It was a woman dressed in a business suit, with long, straight blonde hair, skin as white as snow, an hourglass figure, white eyes, and a G-cup bust, or more, not to mention her thighs.

"Seriously, it's weird. Stop narrating your thoughts, why do you do that?"

While the stupid woman was asking such nonsense about narrating my thoughts, being that I'm a character in a novel...

"Hey kid, what do you mean by stupid, you little monkey?" She frowned as she slowly approached me.

"Okay, sorry. But may I know what I'm doing here? Besides, what about that last time... this is the first time in my life that I've seen you."

"Well, my name is Alys, well, that's the one I like the most. I'm the goddess of reincarnation and was in charge of taking souls to heaven or hell, including yours."

How is that possible? I know I died in my past life, but I never saw her. Did she reincarnate me and bring me to this world?

"Sigh. So, you reincarnated me in this world?"

"No," she declared indifferently, which left me baffled. "What happened is that for some strange reason, while the other souls were in line, you walked like a zombie instead of waiting and lining up. I didn't notice until I couldn't catch you, so I searched for you, and here I am."

"Wait, are you here to kill me? Damn, I thought I'd die because of One For All, not like this."

"No, if I did, my father would punish me for losing a soul during my shift. But thanks to your soul not being registered, I was able to break the record for souls registered in a day."

I don't know whether to be happy or scared by the fact that she sees souls as a number to break a record.

"Well, if you don't want to take me to the other world, what's the reason you're here?" I asked as calmly as possible, hoping to get the answer. I don't think this woman is here for a visit or to greet me.

"Well, you see, anime worlds like the one you're in are second chances for people who have lived miserable lives. Initially, the goal was to give them a life in a fantasy world, but seeing the cultures of your world, especially Japan, we made those decisions."

The goddess's explanation fascinated me. It seems that the cliché stories of reincarnation in your favorite anime were real.

"But since you're not deserving of that opportunity, you can't be here, at least..."

With a somewhat eerie laugh that didn't give me a good feeling, I don't think this is a cliché scenario where the goddess asks the hero for a favor for her benefit... or is it?

"You know I can read your mind, right?"


"Continuing on, what you have to do is simple: kill the reincarnated one."


"Wait, wait, do you want me to become a murderer?"

"Yes," she said with an adorable smile.

What the hell is wrong with her?

"You told me that systems are gifts from your father, and if the reincarnated ones are like in the novels, this one has a system, right?"

She looked at me with slightly wider eyes and let out a chuckle.

"I see that as an otaku who has read manga, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese novels, you know quite a bit, right? And yes, they have a system."

That made me lose hope. Systems are cheats; they are the damn booster of protagonists like Kirito. How could I kill them?

"Don't worry, I'll give you this. Combined with your quirk, it won't be difficult to kill him when he comes to your world. He will only be an ordinary person; kill him and become the protagonist. So, goodbye, Zhuo Yi-Fan. Ha, you have the name and appearance of your favorite cultivator, you're really lucky!"

Before I could respond or speak, the same light that brought me here blinded my vision for the second time.

I appeared in my room alone as if nothing had happened, as if my strange encounter had never occurred at any moment.

"Uh, surely it's nothing, but killing... I don't have the head for this." Rubbing my temple, I sat on my bed, trying to relax.

[Installation of A.D.A.D.T.A.C.I.O.N program] [Progress loading: 1% -> 10% -> 40%]

Huh? What's this?

I remember Alys's words:

"Don't worry, I'll give you this. Combined with your quirk, it won't be difficult to kill him."

"So, this is the gift. I wonder what its function is. I know that systems give you a shop, status, and other things, but I've never seen or read of a program in anime or novels..."

[Process loading: 80% -> 99% -> 100%] [Program installed]

{Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error. Installation error.}



[Alys: Hey kid, what the hell happened to you?]

"Huh, wait, does this program have a virus?"

[Alys: How dare you? It's perfect for being the first one I made!]

"But if this... wait, the first one?"

"Hey, is this the first program you've made? It wouldn't have had any factory defects, would it?"

[Alys: Of course not, the problem is that your body is too weak for the installation.]

"What did you expect? I'm just about to turn 4 next month."

Damn, I'm not even good enough to receive powers... damn.

[Alys: Ah... cough, since the program is too much for your child's body, it won't install completely, but this will be a forced installation, so I don't know what will happen.]

[A.D.A.D.T.A.C.I.O.N program: 20%]

[Emergency installation completed: Name: Zhuo Yi-Fan

Quirk: Reactive Adaptation

Current Limit: 0% -> 20%]

"Damn, the thing is only at 20%, it won't work... damn, it looks like a video game that didn't download due to lack of data."

[Alys: Hey kid, congratulations, you're the first user of a program that no other otaku has used. So be grateful to me and try to survive. I won't give you a sword or training because of your cursed knowledge of this world. You have all the possible benefits, so bye.]

"Damn, the thing is only at 20%, it won't work... damn, it looks like a video game that didn't download due to lack of data."

[Alys: Hey kid, congratulations, you're the first and only user of a program, a pirate one at that.]

"Ha, ha, ha, how funny... but how do I get this thing to finish loading?" I asked, laughing at her bad joke with clear sarcasm.

[Alys: You better respect me, kid. And for that, it's simple.]

[Seasons: 0/8]

[Alys: Just complete the series' seasons. And by the way, the activation word is 'Adapted Mode.' Well, with all that said, I won't be able to contact you ever again. Goodbye and don't forget: if you want to stay in this world, you have to kill him. Bye-bye!]

Damn, damn... shit, it turns out my power has a freaking nerf.

But my quirk Reactive Adaptation... adaptation, uh... wait, that's Darwin's power from the X-Men. I remember before I died, I read the comics because, damn, the X-Men Origins movie made me interested in finding out if there was any comic version where he didn't die.

But it turns out the guy is an Omega level, which makes no damn sense. He couldn't survive a compressed energy sphere, but he did survive a goddess of death.

Well, first, a plan:

- Go and monitor the protagonist. If the reincarnated one comes here, he'll surely want the One For All.

- Master the program.

- Hire an assassin to train me and others to help me kill the reincarnated one.

I headed to the mansion's garden, but not before having something to eat, just for my own enjoyment, even though I don't need food or sustenance.

"Well... Adapted Mode."

[Program activated] [Quirk: Reactive Adaptation: Awakening (innate)] [Abilities obtained through the user's adaptation:

- Scales: Allows you to breathe underwater.

- Language translation: Ability to speak languages as if they were your native tongue.

- Reading of languages.

- Linguistic speech.

- Learning enhancement.

- Staying awake.

- Lack of hunger.

- Regeneration.]

[Abilities from the A.D.A.D.T.A.C.I.O.N program] [Available ability slots: (2/2)]


Adaptation of Abilities: Allows for the implementation of two additional abilities beyond those currently possessed during adaptation

.Ability Reader: Scans and verifies the abilities of the user and allows for the scanning of any external ability users.

Zhuo, after reading all the information, thought:

"Uf, it's like a precious gem, but dirty. If it weren't for the program, my abilities gained from Darwin's power would only help in everyday problems, not in more complex situations. Since it's a power that forces the body to adapt to situations, it doesn't retain the abilities gained. An example would be when I became the god of death; when I stopped being one, I could only retain a few abilities.

But this is different. The program stores the abilities and allows me to use them whenever I want. Plus, it's not yet complete..."

In Zhuo's thoughts, only one idea emerged for adapting to a situation where he needed to obtain powers: the sea.

"There are factors in the sea that would quickly grant me abilities. For example, the ability to withstand the pressure found in its depths."

12 months later...