Chapter- 10 : Betrayed Part - 4


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Without all the people in his face his anger dwindled making place for an unpleasant mixture of exhaustion and despair. He was in another fucking world. Alone.

Harry desperately wanted to curl up under the sheets and fall asleep hoping that this would prove nothing but a bad dream, but he didn't even have a bed any longer. The one he'd been using was in the Hospital wing and he definitely didn't want to go there and face Madam Pomfrey right now.

In the end he settled for an empty classroom and sunk down into one of the chairs there, resting his head in his hands on the desk.

Merlin, what was he going to do?

With the adrenalin fading from his system a full-body ache made itself known, telling him he was definitely not completely healed yet. Absently he rubbed his temples too, trying to smooth away the burgeoning headache.

Tired, Harry took off the glasses he'd borrowed and looked at them with his blurry vision. They were better than nothing, but they definitely weren't right for him.

Maybe he should just focus on that. What did he know about rituals and dimensional travel? Nothing would matter if he couldn't see and that was a problem he actually knew how to tackle.

Except, well... He had no money. Fuck Dumbledore and his bloody cult.

He let his head slump on the desk again and tried to think of nothing as the events of the past hour sunk in.

He was stranded in another world. Probably. Maybe. They could be wrong; he'd have to check on that.

People who looked like friends and allies weren't. People who looked like enemies were. Which was just plain unfair.

A pop to his right had him falling out of his seat, twisting so he landed on his back and pointing his wand at Tilly who squeaked in surprise.

"Tilly is sorry for surprising master," the elf said tremulously. His shoulders slumped and his long ears hung down giving him the overall appearance of a wilted plant.

Harry wheezed and coughed. He was obviously high strung if his war-honed reflexes were coming into play again, but his battered body definitely didn't agree with his actions. Slowly, he clambered to his feet and set the chair upright before sitting back down with a tired groan.

"That's all right, Tilly. You're forgiven. What brings you here?"

The elf straightened a bit and proudly held up three fingers as he started ticking items off.

"Master Harry was lost, so Master Headmaster Dumblydore is asking house-elves to finding him and giving him messages. Tilly is offering help. Is Master Harry still lost now that Tilly is finding him?"

"No Tilly, I'm found now." Harry rapidly shook his head in annoyance. House-elf speech was frustratingly contagious. "What messages did he have for me?"

The elf ticked off a second finger. "Miss Nurse Poppy is saying to get lots and lots of rest. Master Harry is to be mending." The elf frowned here, obviously confused. "Tilly can do that for Master Harry if Master Harry is sleepy?"

Harry chuckled faintly. "She meant healing, Tilly. I was hurt but I'm getting better now."

That perked him up and he ticked off the third finger. "Oh! Miss Nurse Poppy is saying Master Harry can be doing the resting in the Hospital or he can be doing that in his own room."

That sounded like a marvellous idea. "I have a room?"

The house-elf bobbed his head enthusiastically up and down. "Oh yes! Master Harry is being teacher now, so Hogwarts is having room for him. Is Tilly be showing Master Harry where?"

Harry ignored the teacher part but sighed in relief at the thought of having a bed to lie in. "That would be brilliant, Tilly. Lead the way."


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