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"That's it!" Moody exclaimed in frustration when it took too long. From fifteen feet away he pointed at Harry. "You seem to have forgotten something, sonny; something we found out after you tried barging into the Auror office like a bull in a china shop. You weren't born in this world and as a result you have all the rights of an Acromantula."
Moody's one good eye was cold and for a change the other was fully focussed on Harry as well making for quite an unbalanced stare that sent shivers down his spine.
"Do you know what is interesting about Acromantula?" he asked rhetorically. "Using the Imperius Curse on one is perfectly legal. We can simply make you tell us what we want to know."
Harry stilled as held Moody's eyes, barely noticing the cries of objection from some of the others present. The man looked completely serious and quite willing to do it if all else failed. Worse, Dumbledore was shaking his head in dismay but was not actually voicing his objection.
Adrenalin shot like fire through his veins and sound fell away as his vision tunneled until it was wholly focussed on Moody. Warily he looked for any kind of sudden movement that would precede the ex-Auror drawing his wand. His own fingers flexed close to the opening of his sleeve, inches away from his own wand and ready to cast spells at a moment's notice.
"While that may be legal it is a distasteful way to go about things," Dumbledore said, stepping in between the pair, his back to Harry, raising his hands as if placating Moody.
The voice sounded tinny and far off, even though he was only feet away. Moody didn't look like he'd heard him and his arm gave a minute twitch.
In two quick steps Harry was at Dumbledore's back and his left hand reached over the man's shoulder to grab the lower end of his beard. A quick loop around the neck followed by a harsh jerk provided enough leverage to painfully draw the man's head to the side even as he was being strangled. Harry drew his tall body close, positioning him as a human shield and made sure to keep his back to the wall.
Instinctively Dumbledore's hands reached for his throat and Harry took the opportunity to lift the Elder Wand from his sleeve and pointed it at Moody. Dumbledore tensed even further and jerked in his grip but Harry didn't let go.
As if a switch was flicked sound suddenly popped back into the world as everyone jumped to their feet and started yelling and threatening him
"Quiet!" he yelled harshly and everyone instantly fell silent, even as the Aurors moved sideways with their wands drawn to come at him from different angles.
"Your problem, Moody," he said in an ice cold tone, "is that if you treat me differently because we come from different worlds I have no problem doing the same in return. That makes you all violent Acromantula in my book and I have no problem cursing big-ass spiders."
"We promise not to treat you like anything less than a human being," Kingsley acceded immediately in his calm deep voice and Harry could feel the tension lower a little in response.
"Good, but I don't trust Moody to just give up like that," he said, eyeing the crazy man with the fake eye who was practically frothing at the mouth even as the tip of his wand glowed an angry red and was aimed rock-steady at his head.
"Dumbledore is turning blue," Tonks said worriedly from somewhere on his right.
"Oops." Harry slackened his grip on the beard a miniscule amount and the Headmaster immediately drew in a wheezy breath and stopped struggling quite as much.
"I bet you charmed your eye against summoning, right Moody?" he called out, thinking furiously.
"Bet your ass I did, punk! Now let him go before you need a new eye too."
Harry grinned. No matter how powerful or skilled Moody was, Harry was holding the Elder Wand. "Accio Moody's eye!"
With a sickening plop the white ball detached from its socket and Moody yelled out in pain and frustration as it zoomed across the intervening space right at Harry. With the unerring precision of a seeker used to pursuing small flying objects he took aim.
The eye exploded in mid-air into a cloud of miniscule white fragments. Mr Weasley, who was closest, was splattered with some kind of sky-blue potion the colour of its former iris and recoiled at the smell.
"That's for threatening me with the Imperius," Harry called out from behind Dumbledore. "I consider this finished now, will you keep the mad man in line, Kingsley?"
"I will," he promised gravely, looking a little tense at the sudden violence.
Harry nodded and let go of the Dumbledore's beard. The old man stepped away immediately and whirled, plucking the Elder Wand right out of Harry's hands. He overbalanced though and dropped to his knees, wheezing and coughing though he never lost his grip on the little stick.
Harry in turn was hit with three different body-binds and his stiff body toppled backwards from the impact, leaning at an angle against the wall.
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