Chapter- 41 : Fire and Fury Part - 7


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Back at Hogwarts after a successful errand Harry slowly lowered himself down to the floor of his living room, clutching a thick parchment envelope.

A slight chink in his plans had revealed itself when he realised he couldn't just stop by Privet Drive and introduce himself. Knowing where their saviour lived would get the Order in a tiff like nothing else. Harry White was not supposed to know Iris Potter and his cover was flimsy enough as it was without the extra scrutiny.

No, the constant Order guards she was surrounded by made visiting impossible, so he had to send a letter. And yet they might intercept her owl post as well so he needed a non-standard method of delivery. He needed someone who knew where Iris lived and could get in and out without being seen.

Harry sat cross-legged and took a deep breath that he let out very slowly, trying to prepare himself for coming face to face with a dead friend. In a loud, firm voice he called, "Dobby!"

With a pop the oh-so familiar elf appeared three feet in front of him, toting six- no, seven of Hermione's ridiculous knitted hats that wobbled with every move he made. For an instant Harry only saw his own Dobby excitedly grinning up at him and his eyes watered as he remembered the elf's dying words.

The image was replaced, however, by the reality of a much more business-like expression on the elf's face even as he hopped from foot to foot in front of him.

"Master Harry calls for Dobby?"

"Yes Dobby." He swallowed to get his emotions back under control. "Please, have a seat."

The elf froze for a moment before doing as asked. He looked at Harry askance. "Is Master Harry friends with Miss Iris Potter?"

Harry smiled faintly. "No, Dobby, but that is who I wanted to speak with you about."

To his surprise Dobby actually glared at him. "Dobby may not be Miss Iris Potter's elf, but Dobby is a free elf and Dobby can keep secrets for whoever he likes."

Harry held up both hands. "Calm down, I wasn't going to ask you to betray her secrets."

Dobby huffed and crossed his arms. "Good."

"I was actually hoping you could deliver a letter from me to her," he said a little hesitantly, taken aback at the vehemence. His Dobby had never scowled at him like that.

"Why is Master Harry not sending owl?"

"I'm worried it might be intercepted and I don't want anyone else to read it."

The elf nodded slowly. "Master Headmaster Dumblydore is sometimes sending letters like that with firebirdy."

Harry shrugged helplessly. "Yes, well, I don't have a phoenix of my own to send letters with."

That was rewarded with an eye roll, which looked very impressive on such large, bulbous eyes. "Dobby was meaning Master Harry is giving the letter to Master Headmaster Dumblydore so that he can give it to firebirdy."

Harry fidgeted. "Ah, well, you see, I kind of don't want Dumbledore to know I'm writing to her?" he half said, half-asked.

Dobby stilled and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why?"

Surprised and unnerved at the hostility, Harry was suddenly babbling. "Because I don't trust the Headmaster and we don't get along and if he knew I was writing to Iris he'd take even more interest in me and..." He trailed off. Merlin, this was not going at all how he had pictured it. Dobby had always been so happy to do anything asked of him. What happened?

"I just don't want him to know," he said, emphatically.

Dobby was silent for a long time before speaking slowly, "But surely Miss Iris Potter would be telling Master Headmaster Dumblydore who is writing to her and then he would still be knowing."

Harry smiled a sickly half-smile, now very unsure of this idea but unsure of how to get him out of this. "I was hoping you'd deliver the letters anonymously, at least until she agreed to keep the secret?"

The elf went rigid and any leftover kindness drained from his face. "Dobby will not be keeping secrets from Miss Iris Potter. Many people want to be hurting Miss Iris Potter and Dobby is not taking chances."

He stood and cocked his head before nodding decisively. "Dobby thinks he will be telling Miss Iris Potter what Master Harry be asking."

"No, no, no!" Harry frantically waved his hands for him to stop. "Wait! Please!"

To his utter relief the elf stopped in his tracks.

"Master Harry is saying please." Dobby sounded very confused.

"Yes. Please, forget I asked. I'll find another way. Just please don't tell anyone."


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