Chapter 9

Kai felt terrific; she could sense every cell in her body. A surge of power coursed through her, her body cheered as if it had missed the power, like an animal reuniting with its owner. "Is this me causing this rain?" she asked, turning to Torin. She described to him how her body suddenly felt energized and powerful. Kai compared it to the sensation of drinking a glass of ice-cold water when you're dehydrated; you can feel it slowly flowing through your body. "Now imagine that but much faster, wilder, and constant."

Torin was happy for her but highly concerned at the same time. Things just took a turn and he didn't exactly know what he was dealing with; at first, he thought she just had the power to heal with body fluids, but this rain was something else. It was too much water, even to call it a downpour. "That's good, im happy for you but who returned that power? You dont think its strange that it suddenly appeared eighteen years later at a store? " Torin asked, showing his concern.

"I don't know, should I thank them, or should I be worried because it might mean there are others like me around here."

Torin continued looking around, completely astounded by the torrential rain. When a strange thing caught his eye, "Yeah, and I don't think all of them are as friendly as you are. As bad as it might be, this might be the part we find out." A hooded person stood across the street dressed in a green cloak and holding a bow and arrow set. "I can tell you now that is one hundred percent not normal," Torin remarked, his gaze fixed on an unusual figure. Kai followed his stare, her eyes landing on Artemis, entirely covered by her one-of-a-kind green cloak.

Back with the General, military soldiers set his idea to catch Triton's attention into play. Without the exact location of the sirens and Triton, the General chose three locations and used three tactics.

In the first area, the General had two massive ships sail around, leaking oil into the ocean. Miles out in the North Pacific Ocean, covering a vast part, oil spread, and without anyone knowing a thing, the General set the sea ablaze. The smoke attracted every news media, but the General also had a plan for that. Boats with water pumps sprayed water to give the appearance of trying to put out the fires. The media couldn't see the ships mixing the gasoline with water. Even so, the General had troops pretend to be coast guard and tell the press they had it under control. Saying that pirates sunk a oil ship trying to take it over thought the crimals had been caught.

In the second area, a large part of the Artic Ocean, the General deployed strategically placed objects that reflect light, creating a dazzling display underwater. This involved using mirrors, crystals, and other reflective surfaces to catch and amplify ambient light, as well as bioluminescent organisms that have been scientifically modified. He was lighting that part of the ocean up like a city. The downside was, the longer this continued it began to melt the ice. Potentially reviving frozen organisms and dieseases, but that was a gamble the Genergal was willing to take.

The final area was the North Atlantic Ocean. The General tried to make as much noise as possible. The General used specially designed underwater fireworks to create bursts of color and light beneath the surface. Scientists used technologically advanced tools combined with depth charges that produced a loud sound and huge splashes with a dazzling display of color as waves rocked the ocean like water in a tub. The depth charges also made underwater cliffs and rocks break apart, and, in addition, the General's twisted mind favorited the part that each of these methods harmed thousands of marine life.

Torin and Kai ran for their lives as they argued back and forth, "Who is that? Your powers return, and now a crazy psycho is jumping from building to building, launching arrows, followed by a mob of women dressed in black."

Torin began looking at her weirdly as Kai was incredibly fast, no doubt if he wasnt with her, she would be able to run much faster. Kai running faster than she expected stumbled but quickly recovered, her senses heightened by the adrenaline coursing through her veins. One thing she couldn't ignore was the uniqueness of the arrows, each seeming to possess an otherworldly quality. As one flew past her and embedded itself in a nearby car door, Kai couldn't help but marvel at its design. Continuing to run, she responded to Torin with frustration and concern. "I don't know. I'm just as clueless as you," Kai said between breaths, her voice strained with urgency. "You're the one who said you were taking me to see someone. Are you sure that person isn't one of yours? If so, learn how to control your people!"

With an alleyway in site, Torin makes a hard turn down the alley and snatches Kai by the arm, pulling her to his opposite side. "Hide here. To answer your question, nobody I know can jump like that. But that is amazing, I wish I could get a good look at the person." Torin slowly peaks around the corner, "I see his merry men, but I don't see Robin anymore.

A sudden whoosh cut through the air, and before Torin could comprehend what was happening, time seemed to slow for a heartbeat. The fletching of a deadly arrow brushed against the edges of his neck as the projectile missed him by a scratch. Staggering back, he felt a sudden chill down his spine. "Never mind, I found him," Torin stated, his voice a mix of relief and horror, his hand brushing against the scratch on his neck given by the arrow's narrow miss. The sheer terror he felt made him realize the thin line between life and a terrifying joke. He knew that arrow was meant to go through his Adam's apple; It dawned on him how out of reach sanity seemed for the mysterious archer.

As Torin was busy thanking his lucky stars for the arrow's narrow miss, Kai urgently patted him down for the keys. "Who cares?" she yelled, seeing the proximity of the RV, eager to get in and drive off without wasting any more time. However, Torin, sensing the lethal sharpness of those arrows, and strongly disagreed. In his opinion, there was no way they could escape unscathed. Even if they managed to get inside the RV, he could vividly imagine the arrows tearing through the vehicle, shredding it piece by piece. Moreover, considering the archer's nimble movements, leaping effortlessly from building to building, he doubted they would make it very far. The imminent danger loomed over them, casting a shadow over his mind and shutting down the possibilities of any fleeting hopes of escape.

Though Kai's mind was functioning clearly, she could see the signs of Torin having a meltdown. "It doesn't matter! Stop talking; on the count of three, run to the RV and get it started. One," she stated, determination in her voice.

Torin panicked as the stealth force closed in, and Artemis's arrows began to appear as if they were bending around the corner. "It doesn't matter?! Are we not having the same traumatic experience," Torin yelled?

"Two," Kai continued, her urgency escalating. Torin grabbed his head, speaking to himself, "Running from a psycho and running with a psycho. Is this the world that I sought for, this is to much."

"Three." Desperate for an alternative, Torin proposed, "How about you control your power? It's flooding. You created all this rain to do what?!" The chaos around them intensified, and time seemed to slip away with each passing moment.

"Shut up and run!" Kai shouted, bursting into a full sprint towards the RV.

Artemis spotted them running in the opening, a broad smile stretching across her face. Watching them flee for their lives like animals caused an excited thrill. Nothing was better in the world than a good chase between hunter and prey. She immediately seized the opportunity to send as many arrows as she could. Artemis relished in the thrill of watching everyone in the street scatter, attempting to avoid the rain of arrows like ants after stepping on an ant hill.

With a twist of the key, the car stirred to life. The engine rumbled to a steady hum, a low vibrato that resonated through the vehicle. Torin started the RV and began driving off, but because of the commotion, there was traffic, and many people were trying to figure out what was happening. With a sinister smile cutting across her face, she descended from the concrete buildings like a twisted angel on a malevolent mission. 

As Artemis plummeted, her form blurred, a silhouette blocking the sun. Her cloak was a tempestuous swirl of greens against the azure sky. The cacophony of the city—the honking horns, the distant screams, and the hum of engines—all serene in the face of impending doom. Like an unwittingly parked car at the mercy of fate compared to her speed, the RV became Artemis's intended stage. The impact was a thunderous collision of metal as she now stood tall on top of the RV, surveying the daylight chaos she'd orchestrated. Her stealth team fell back; the situation was now way too noticeable for them to be around. Hera had told them all this was supposed to be a quiet mission. However, Artemis had gotten wrapped in the feeling and had come too far. She unloaded a few arrows before stomping a hole in the roof and making her way into the RV.

Her voice, sweet and comforting, spoke words of death yet congratulation. "You two make for a good chase. You run like a scared little cat but dodge like the most skilled warrior. I am impressed. Now, remove your gaze, boy," Artemis commended, removing her hood.

Able to witness Artemis's beauty, Torin was perplexed, "Wow, If I had known that's what you looked like, I would have surrendered at the clothing shop," Torin Commented.

Artemis was angered and disappointed that Torin defiled her beauty with his eyes and didn't think twice before killing him. "I compliment you, and you turn round and shame yourself with weakness. And no man shall look upon the Goddess Artemis," Angered Artemis quickly pulls a arrow from her back waist and launches it from her bow. 

 "No!" Kai shouted with her arms held out defensively toward Torin. Her eyes shone bright like a Supermoon, and her skin began to illuminate. In moments of heightened power, her hair changed. It glowed with a bioluminescent brilliance, the purple shifting to a soft light purple and the aquamarine tips radiating an electric blue, embodying the eternal essence and the boundless energy of water. Before they knew anything every drop of water around rushed to Kai's command. A water shield stood between them and Artemis, stopping the arrow in the air.

"Oh, you saved my life. You saved my life," Torin cheered in shock, touching his chest. "We're even now, Oh, we even, I knew you could do it. Yes, I believed in you this whole time."

Artemis removed her glove and walked towards the wall of water to examine it. "Your power seems familiar yet so different. Different from Poseidon. Do these abilities come from another water deitiy? Triton? Nereus? Oceanus? Perhaps one of their wives? "She asked. With no response from Kai, Artemis punched the shield with all her might, creating a shockwave that sent objects in the RV flying but the punch itself only managed to put a small spider crack in the wall of water. The shield gathered water from all around and repaired itself quickly. Artemis stared into Kai's eyes, sensing a bit of Selene, Titan, and the elder Goddess of the moon. But the part that made Kai who she is went beyond just the fusion of both powers. Artemis knew for sure Hera would want it!

Kai's head began to pound, and her abilities flickered like a power outage before returning with renewed strength. With a distorted voice, Kai asked, "Those names sound familiar, but I don't know what you're talking about. Who are they?"

Knowing the shield would protect him, Torin revealed himself from behind Kai. He explained to Artemis how he thought that Kai may have lost her memories, and if she knew anything about Kai, would she kindly share before resorting to violence? It all made sense to Artemis; it explained why she didn't fight back or use her powers in the beginning, even with such power. Torin observed as Artemis reached inside a white pouch made out of fur. He thought she might be considering helping or retrieving something useful, like a god-like item that restores memories. However, it was the complete opposite.

Artemis reached into her pouch, pulling out a taser, which caused Torins eyes to grow large. Artemis push the button twice as two zapps sound off, with his hands pushed out. Torin climbs up on the seat to get out the flood part of the RV. Suddenly the air became heavy and dry, Kai's shield went down and Artemis fell to their knees, both collapsed on the gronud. The presence of power was so significant it demanded respect. The sun grew enormous and hotter, causing the flood from the downpour to slowly evaporate before everyone's eyes.

 Artemis panicked, repeatedly slamming her fist against the floor. "Ra, I didn't notice him," Artemis stated, struggling to reach her feet.