
"Seokjin is hosting this year's Post Party?" I turned to look at Jungkook in surprise as we pulled into the mansion.

"Yup, he's hosting it, "Jungkook replied, carefully approaching the red carpet. Suddenly, I felt like puking. Why is this so scary? I'm so nervous!

"You look pale, "Jungkook darted me a brief glance as I tapped my feet nervously.

"I don't think I can do this," I whispered, clenching my fist tightly when I felt my organs flipping upside-down from the intense anxiety.

"You have to appear stronger, remember? Step up your game, Sora or you'll never survive," Jungkook stopped the car. I was too afraid to look out the window, so I kept my eyes on my fist instead.

"Hey, hey... you have me. You'll be fine, okay? Yoongi might be in there. Who knows? Look your best," Jungkook reached out to squeeze my hand... and weirdly, it made me feel a bit at ease. I nodded nervously. Jungkook let out a heavy sigh before getting out of the car, and a second later, he pulled the car door open for me. I felt as if I was gonna have a panic attack when I felt the cold wind brushing softly against my skin.

"Remember, keep the beasts away. You can do it. Come on," Jungkook smiled, offering me his hand. I took a deep breath, then held on to his hand. I can do this... just breathe, Sora. I carefully stepped out of the car and linked my arm with Jungkook's.

"Try to stay away from Taehyung for now. He's not prepared," Jungkook whispered in my ears as he led me down the carpet. The crowd was weirdly hushed at our presence. I slowly looked up to find the gawking eyes staring at us from every direction. Heads up... chin high... Sora...

"S-Sora...?" Hoseok walked towards us with his eyes wide open. Why are they gawking at us?? It made me want to disappear.

"Hi, "I smiled at him even though I wanted to turn around and run away again. Get it together! You'll be fine! I'm shaking! Jungkook noticed my shaking hand, so he unlinked our arms and held onto my hand instead to reassure me.

"Ah! Son! Sora! You're finally here," Mr. Jeon came striding towards us with a prideful smile.

"Anneonghaseyo," I bowed at him politely.

"And... you're back. Huh... unbelievable," Seokjin stared at me with his eyebrows raised. He still hates me, doesn't he?

"Where have you been? Did you convince her???" Jimin gasped and took a step closer to us. He was as shocked as everyone else. Jimin turned to stare at Jungkook for explanations.

"Home, I went home," I smiled at him.

"Jeon Jungkook, third rank, and his date Jang Sora have arrived at the post-party," Someone announced over the speaker. Do they have to freaking announce it?!

"Get out," Taehyung suddenly pushed past Jimin, roughly bumping into me and everyone else, and marched away with his head hung low. He's upset. I knew it.

"He's really moody these days. I'll catch up with you later, Sora," Jimin gave me a quick smile before rushing off after Taehyung.

"And who's this Jang Sora...?" An elderly woman with a sharp chin and this weird feather scarf wrapped around her neck appeared before us. Seokjin's mother. She glances at me from head to toe as if I was some alien. She doesn't even remember me.

"What rank are you in? I've never heard of you," Another tall and lean woman asks... standing next to Seokjin's mom. Hoseok's mother. I can remember their faces from the last time we met at the hotel.


"She's a part of our family," Mr. Jeon replied, proudly placing his arm around my shoulder. I felt as if the pat placed me under his powerful protection, away from the hawks.

"I didn't know the Jeon has a daughter?" Seokjin's mother questioned, tilting her head as she gave me a sharp glance.

"She's not my daughter, but she's our family. Why don't you kids go and enjoy the party?" Mr. Jeon patted Jungkook's back, signaling us to leave them alone, so we did.

"Why did you come back?" Seokjin asks coldly.

"Because I want to," I shrugged while scanning the room for Yoongi. There's no sign of him.

"What are you up to? What can an ordinary-"

"Can you please shut up? Are you afraid of her or something?" Jungkook snapped while glaring at Seokjin. I sniggered and smiled at Jungkook.

"Why would I be afraid of her?! I'm just wondering how long she'll last! I hope I don't have to attend your funeral anytime soon," Seokjin snapped, eyeing me in annoyance before stomping away.

"Ah... What a jerk," I glared at his head as he stormed away from us. He hates me for dating Yoongi! Does that make any sense? He's threatened by Yoongi's status.

"Sora, I'm glad you're here. I'll see you later," Hoseok darted me a weak smile before rushing away with Seokjin.

"You're back," Namjoon greeted, staring at me with a dull smile. The intelligent and mysterious guy...

"I guess so?" I shrugged at him. Namjoon softly chuckles at my response, then walks away without another word. Weird.

"They're acting weird," I whispered to Jungkook, but he didn't say anything, so I turned to find him staring in the opposite direction. I glance towards the area to find Minah standing with a few alphas... giggling happily.

"You should go up to her," I encouraged him. He seems... sad.

"No, she'll walk away," Jungkook shook his head, still keeping his eyes on her.

"You should at least greet her. Plus, you look good tonight. She might give you another chance," I nudged him lightly.

"Did you just say I look handsome?" Jungkook suddenly turned to look at me with one of his eyebrows raised. Uh...

"What? No! I said you look good!" I snapped uncomfortably when my face flushed red.

"That's the same thing as saying I'm handsome!" He smirks at me. Is he for real?

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook- I just said you look good!" I sighed at him in disbelief. Does he really think he's handsome? Even if he is- I will never admit it! Tsk! WHAT DID YOU- SORA! What's wrong with you!?

"Just admit it! I'm good-looking, aren't I?" Jungkook teasingly pokes my waist, so I giggle at the ticklish sensation.

"Shut up! And stop it!" I chuckled, pushing him away. He winked at me while laughing at how irritated I was. He's enjoying it, huh? Shithead.

"New couple? I'd like to say congratulations," A feminine voice spoke from Jungkook's side. I turned to find Minah smiling at us with a wine glass in her hand. She's not over him. I knew it!

"We're not a couple," I said shortly. Jungkook awkwardly cleared his throat... and patted his suit and hair nervously. Aish... does he have to be so nervous?

"Is that so?" Minah questioned, turning to look at Jungkook with a smirk. She seems jealous... Whatever I need to find Yoongi.

"You two can enjoy your time. I need to use the restroom real quick," I patted Jungkook's arm before turning away, but he quickly caught my arm.

"I'll go with you," He whispered nervously. Huh, he can't even look at Minah? I turned to find Minah gripping her glass tightly as Jungkook held on to me. She's obviously jealous...

"She's fucking jealous. Just talk to her," I whispered into Jungkook's ear. He turned to look at me in silence and furrowed his eyebrow.

"See you in a bit then," Jungkook slowly nods, finally receiving my message and released my arm. I quickly left the two of them alone and pushed past the crowd. Yoongi is definitely not here. If he was here- he would've come looking for me when they announced my name.

"Where are you...-" I whispered while scanning the crowd. I sucked my breath when I spotted a familiar pair of eyes staring back at me from the far end of the crowd.

"Yoongi..." I whispered in shock as he stared at me with a blank face. I quickly pushed past the crowd towards Yoongi. He didn't react but stared at me. When I almost got to him, he suddenly turned around and walked away... causing me to come to a sudden halt. Wae? Why is he avoiding me???

"What's wrong with him?" I whispered when I felt a sharp pain in my chest. Why did he walk away from me?

"Yoongi!" I called out and hurriedly pushed past the crowds. Why is he running away from me?

"What's wrong with you!?" I snapped, pulling Yoongi's arm as my chest swelled in pain.

"Hey, Sora- I have to go," Yoongi stuttered. Why is he like this?

"Yoo-Yoongi... Wae-" I whispered, staring at him in disbelief. He glanced past me before pushing my hands away. Before I could say anything else... he quickly walked away from me.

"What the hell," I whispered. I stood in place until tears formed in my eyes. Does he hate me now? For leaving him? Slowly, I made my way out of the crowd and into Seokjin's garden... where there were fewer people. I felt like crying, but I couldn't because I'd be weak. So I held in the pain that was stabbing in my chest. I stood staring at the water fountain with an emotionless expression. Millions of questions rushed through my head. What happened to him?

"Why's a pretty face like you out here alone?" Minho chuckled, approaching me. I ignored him and continued to stare at the clear water.

"Where's your date? Oh right... I saw him with Minah. Did he ditch you? Poor you. Of course, you're not his priority," Minho continued talking.

"Jungkook and I... we're nothing, don't worry," I said shortly. I'm not in the mood.

"Of course, he'd pick an alpha over an ordinary person like you," Minho mockingly smiled, so I rolled my eyes at him. Right now, those words can't hurt me because I'm already hurting over Yoongi.

"But I see the value in you, Sora," Minho chuckled, slithering his arm around my waist... sending chills down my spine. What the hell?

"Stop it," I glared, attempting to push his arm off me, but he was stronger.

"They can't see it in you, but I do," He continued as he slid his arm down my back.

"Stop- You fucking dick head!" I snapped, pushing him away, but he caught my arm and quickly pulled me towards him. Oh shit.

"A tough girl, huh? You just turned me on," Minho smirked while licking his lips. DISGUSTING!

"Let. Go," I gritted in anger as he tightened his grip around me.

"Fuck it. Come on," Minho suddenly yanked me with him. What the hell is he doing?!

"Let go! Where are you going?! Yah!" I snapped as he dragged me deeper into the garden until there was no one around.

"I want you," Minho roughly pinned me against a light pole. HELL NO- YOU FUCKING SHIT.

"STOP IT!" I screamed, pushing his face away as his hands wandered over my body. This can't happen!

"Shut up! Why are you so stubborn!" He snapped, leaning in to kiss my neck. My heart started racing in panic. Sora! You have to do something! DO WHAT? GET OUT OF THIS PLACE!

"ARGHHH! What the hell?!" Minho screamed in pain when I sunk my teeth into his back. I could taste his blood in my mouth as I pulled away from him.

"Fuck you!" I shoved Minho off me while he gripped his back in pain.

"Come back- you bitch!" He aggressively yanked me backward. I shrieked when he pinned me in place and lustfully fondled my thighs with his hands.

"LET GO! STOP IT!" I screamed in fear as he roughly held me against the pole. I let out a loud whimper when I felt him groping my butt with his filthy hands.

"SOMEONE PLEASE- HELP ME!" I wailed as loud as I could, but before I could scream for help again, Minho covered my mouth with his hand. I screamed internally in horror. My heart began racing in fear while I resisted him with all my might.