The Threat

"You should all head to bed," Mr. Jeon came striding into the mansion, looking exhausted. Taehyung gulped and walked off without saying anything.

"Where's... your mother and Taehyung's parent?" I quietly asked Jungkook after he backed away from me.

"Bussiness trip to somewhere I don't know," Jungkook shrugged, getting onto his feet.

"Have you seen Taehyung? He keeps disappearing," Jimin came striding into the mansion with his parents.

"He went to his room," Jungkook nodded towards the corridor. Jimin let a huge sigh and rushed after his friend.

"Well... get some rest," Jungkook shrugged, walking away from me. I sat alone in the living room, glancing around the familiar door and the familiar wooden pattern of the Jeon's mansion. Here I am, again, huh? No matter how hard I try to escape this place. I'm back again. I slowly limp back to my room. The familiar scent and the city view. It's true. I can't escape this place, can I? I took a long bath before crawling into my bed in exhaustion.

"I'm doing this for you," I whispered, quietly repeating Yoongi's words in the dark. Why was he warning me about his own parents? I didn't even do anything. I twisted and turned in my bed, unable to sleep as the thoughts crept into my head.

"Maybe I should take a walk," I whispered, getting off my bed, then wandered down the dimly lit corridor. I'm feeling homesick already. I miss eomma and appa so much. I slowly sat down on the couch, feeling weirdly... empty.

"APPA! APPA!" Someone shouted from the hallway as thudding footsteps approached the living room... startling me. Suddenly, the lights in the entire mansion lit up so brightly- I had to shield my eyes from the bright beam.

"Call APPA! Wake everyone up!" Jungkook shouted at a sleepy-looking maid, so she quickly nodded and rushed off.

"What's going on?" I asked, turning to look at Jungkook in confusion. He looks terrified.

"What are you doing here?" Jungkook turned to ask me as he tightly clenched his phone.

"I couldn't sleep, so I... you know- Are you okay?" I asked, getting up unsurely as Jungkook combed his hand wildly through his hair, growing paler by the passing second. Why does he look so scared?

"I-I'm not fine!" Jungkook snapped in panic. What's wrong with him??

"Why are you screaming in the middle of the night?" Taehyung questioned sleepily as he walked into the living room in his robe and slippers.

"I received a the-threat..." Jungkook turned to look at Taehyung with his eyes wide open.

"Threat? What threat?" Jimin groggily walked into the living room, followed by his parents.

"Appa!" Jungkook gasped, frantically turning to look at Mr. Jeon as he approached us. What's going on?

"What's with the fuss?" Mr. Jeon yawned, slumping onto the couch.

"I GOT A FREAKING DEATH THREAT!" Jungkook shrieked, holding up his phone with his eyes wide open. Jimin was sleepily staring at the floor but snapped his head in Jungkook's direction when he heard his words. Taehyung frowned at his cousin and crossed his arms.

"What...?" Mr. Jeon questioned, getting onto his feet cautiously as if he misheard Jungkook's claim.

"I go-got a threat. They called me," Jungkook stuttered, holding up his phone in fright.

"Get it together, Jeon Jungkook! You're a man! Why are you frightened?!" Mr. Jeon snatched the phone out of Jungkook's hand.

"What do you mean I'm not supposed to be scared?! Two alphas were murdered in less than a month! I might be next! Who knows?!" Jungkook shrieked with his eyes bulging open as he waved his arms in the air. He has a point.

"You can't show them your weakness! You shouldn't go jelly over such a trivial threat! We're here to protect you, but you have to defend yourself! Now, what did the person say exactly?" Mr. Jeon firmly shook Jungkook's shoulders, trying to get Jungkook back to his senses, but Jungkook was too terrified to even speak.

"He says he knows everything about me, and tha-that... I should be ready because...,\" Jungkook gulped as tears formed in his eyes. The whole mansion fell silent as we waited for him to finish his sentence. I nervously chewed my lips when the living room grew tense.

"Because...?" Jimin questioned, tilting his head curiously.

"Because someone precious to me is going to be in danger. Minah-" Jungkook gasped. What the fuck?

"JEON JUNGKOOK!?! Do you seriously think that girl is in danger?! I expect more from you but- but-"

"SHE IS PRECIOUS TO ME?!" Jungkook suddenly roared, startling me and everyone else.

"Are you crazy?! What about your MOTHER?! She's not home right now! Isn't she precious to you?! The one that's in danger is your mother! I can't believe you! I'm disappointed," Mr. Jeon snapped at Jungkook angrily and stormed out of the living room.

"Eomma," Jungkook quietly whispers in realization.

"Don't worry, we'll send our people to escort Mrs. Jeon and the Kim back home safely," Mr. Park patted Jungkook before returning to their room.

"Come on, Sora. I'll walk you back to your room," Jimin smiled, helping me onto my feet. I turned to look at Jungkook anxiously as he stood in the living room alone.

"I hope nothing happens to them," I whispered quietly.

"Of course, they'll come home safely. You should sleep," Jimin smiled at me. Taehyung suddenly appeared, walking down the hallway at a steady pace... lost in his head. I tried to make eye contact with him, but he wouldn't look at me and walked forward. He must be worried about his parents.

"Good night," I smiled at Jimin before closing the door. What's going on? Yoongi warned me to stay away from him. Alphas are getting murdered. And Jungkook is receiving death threats. Maybe I should talk to Jungkook...? I opened my door again just in time to see Jungkook approaching his room.

"Hey... you-"

"Go to sleep and leave me alone," Jungkook muttered, shoving his door open, and disappeared into his room.

"Sure, asshole," I cursed in irritation and returned to my room. I went to bed and suddenly... I felt super tired. My body was so sore I couldn't move my limbs. Slowly... I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up early the next day, but breakfast wasn't even ready yet, so I quietly strolled in the garden by myself.

"Ah!" I yelped when I tripped and fell onto the ground like an idiot.

"Ah~ I'm so clumsy," I whispered while staring at the scratches on my knee. I'm so stupid. Sighing, I slowly got onto my feet when someone ran into me at full speed. The person tripped over me so hard- the impact sent me off my feet.

"ARGHH!" I screamed, tumbling back onto the ground as the person toppled on me. I whimpered in pain when my elbow scraped against the rough pavement, sending a sharp pain up my arm.

"OWW! What the?!" Taehyung groaned after he collapsed onto the ground, rolling on the pavement in discomfort. Oh no. My heart thumped in fear after recognizing his voice. Shit shit...

"Oh- I-I'm sorry," I whispered, nervously turning to look at Taehyung. He looked annoyed at first as he dusted his wounded knees. Taehyung was about to snap in irritation until he realized it was me, so he immediately neutralized his face.

"Ah~ jinja," Taehyung mumbled under his breath, getting onto his feet to dust his clothes.

"I-I tripped, and I was gonna get up b-but... you... um- I'm sorry," I stuttered as he continued to dust off the dirt on his shirt. Otteoke??!

"I'll clean the- Taehyung-" I slowly approached him, but before I could reach him, he turned around and jogged off into the garden. Every time he ignores me, I can feel a sharp stabbing pain in my chest. I don't know why but I hate it. I hate it when he acts this way.

"Sora! Have you seen Taehyung?" Jimin called after closing the mansion's door. It's funny how he's following Taehyung around like a puppy.

"Oh- he's jogging around the mansion," I pointed at the garden and walked away without another word.

"What's wrong...?" Jimin turned to look at me in confusion.

"Nothing," I whispered, pushing the mansion door open, and walked inside. Why does he have to hate me so much? I mean, I know what I did was wrong! I am trying to make it up to him. Why is he so childish? I let out a huge sigh and cleaned up the scratches on my knees and elbows.

"Aish! Why are you so clumsy?!" I snapped at myself as I inspected the scratches on my knees.

"Ms. Sora, breakfast is ready!" The maid knocked on my door.

"I'll be right there," I called before shutting my drawer. I rushed into the dining room to have breakfast, but to my surprise... only Jimin and Taehyung were there. Well, this is... awkward.

"Shit..." I muttered as I awkwardly sat in front of Jimin. Taehyung stopped eating the moment he saw me enter the room.

"Oh hey, Sora. Jungkook snapped at me when I tried to wake him up. And the elders left for some important business," Jimin greeted me while he chewed his food.

"Ah," I nodded and sat down when Taehyung suddenly dropped his fork on his plate... creating a loud clatter, and then leaned against the chair with an irritated expression. I froze in my seat at his harsh reaction and stared at him unsurely. Really...? He's getting on my nerves.

"Wae? What's wrong? Yah- Taehyung ah!" Jimin turns to Taehyung in confusion. Taehyung lets out a heavy sigh in displease. He hastily stands up and marches out of the dining room.

"I'm done," I gritted my teeth with my fingers clenched tightly around the spoon. Why did he have to do this?!

"S-Sora... don't mind him. He's just- Sora!" Jimin turned to look at me apologetically, but before he could finish his sentence- I quickly stood up.

"That's it, Kim Taehyung," I seethed, dropping my spoon in anger and stomped out of the dining room. I CAN'T FUCKING STAND THE WAY HE TREATS ME! LIKE I'M SOME FUCKING PARASITE IN THE GODDAMN MANSION.

"Yah! I told you to knock-" Taehyung snapped angrily when I burst into his room, but he immediately stopped the instant he saw me.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung. What's your problem?!" I snapped at him. He stood staring at me blankly as if he wanted to say something but didn't. He tried to walk past me, but I hastily yanked him backward.

"I know you hate me for whatever I've done, but there's no need to show me the hatred!" I snapped at him. Taehyung breathed heavily, turning his face away to contain himself.

"Whatever you've done...?" Taehyung scoffed, turning to look at me in shock. Why is he so offended?!

"Yeah. Whatever-"

"IT'S NOT JUST ' WHATEVER ' SORA! APPEARING AND DISAPPEARING WHENEVER YOU WANT. YOU'RE IN THE GAME AND ALL YOU DO IS FOOL AROUND AS IF YOU OWN IT," Taehyung angrily cut me off with fire burning in his eyes. Bulging veins formed along his strained neck and arms as he stomped toward me. He's... very... upset.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN FOOL AROUND?! WHEN DID I EVER?!" I argued in frustration. All I wanted was my ordinary life back!? Can't he understand that!?

"OH?! YOU WON'T EVEN ADMIT IT NOW!? YOU'RE RIGHT. I AM AN ASSHOLE, SO I'LL CONTINUE TO BE THE ASSHOLE YOU THINK I AM! DON'T WHINE ABOUT IT!" Taehyung angrily smashed the lamp on his nightstand, causing it to shatter everywhere. I stumbled backward in fright. NO! I'm not gonna back down!



"W-what are you talking about...?" I whispered while staring into his sharp brown eyes as tears formed in my eyes.

"You don't understand anything. Fuck it," Taehyung seethed, roughly releasing my arm before stomping out of the room without another word.

"W-what...? Feelings...?" I whispered, turning to look at the empty hallway in confusion as my heart churned in discomfort.