
Jungkook's POV

"Fucking asshole!" Taehyung howled, shoving Yoongi with all his might, sending Yoongi crashing into the wall with a loud thud. Yoongi kept his head low as he stood against the wall in silence.

"What have you done?!" Taehyung bellowed as he hastily grabbed onto Yoongi's collar in anger.

"Taehyung, stop," I tugged his arm lightly. He can't act this way in front of the elders.

"Let go of me!" Taehyung roughly pushes me off him. He's starting to get on my nerves. Why does he have to be so violent?!

"Kim Taehyung! What do you think you're doing?!" Mrs. Kim called from the end of the hallway while staring at her son in shock.

"He's trying to murder Min Yoongi," Seokjin jokingly sniggered as he watched the tense situation with his mother. Taehyung paused and turned to stare at his mother with a blank expression. No... not that look...

"TAEHYUNG HAJIMA-" I was cut short when Taehyung quickly turned to punch Yoongi hard in the face, sending him onto the floor. I knew it. I knew it! That blank face he has? It's never a good sign! Yoongi slowly got up from the floor while clenching his nose in pain. He looks very guilty... is that why he's not defending himself? Is he really responsible? I stood by the wall and stared at him unsurely.

"Yah. Kim Taehyung!" Jimin reached out to stop his friend in frustration.

"ARHHGHHHHH! I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME! IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT- THEN STAY OUT OF THIS!" Taehyung roared angrily, scaring Jimin away from him before turning back to Yoongi, who was back on his feet again. Before anybody could react, Taehyung tackled Yoongi back onto the ground and punched Yoongi with all his might.

"Taehyung! Call the guards!" Mrs. Kim gasps in shock.

"Get off me!" Yoongi finally resisted and slammed his fist against Taehyung's jaw so hard it sent Taehyung rolling off him.

"How dare-"

"DO YOU THINK I WANT TO DO IT!? DO YOU THINK I DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT HER?!" Yoongi howled until veins appeared on his neck. His face... turning bright red.

"YEAH! YOU'RE THE REASON SHE'S HURT! YOU DON'T FUCKING DESERVE HER!" Taehyung turned to glare at Yoongi, so he threw a hard punch in Taehyung's face, sending Taehyung crashing into the opposite wall.


"YEAH? NOW LOOK AT HER! YOU FUCKING TRIED TO MURDER YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND!" Taehyung growled, cutting Yoongi off as he roughly pinned Yoongi against the wall. The alphas and the elders froze in their place as we watched the two alphas wrestle each other in the corridor, murderously trying to tear each other apart. I don't even know what to do anymore.

"IT'S NOT ME! IT WAS MY PARENTS!" Yoongi howled as he resisted Taehyung. My body turned cold. For some reason, my heart stopped beating for a second. Did he just confirm that it was his parent's doings?

"W-what did you say...?" Taehyung stuttered, taken aback by Yoongi's sudden confession. Hoseok and I exchanged nervous glances, and so did Seokjin and Namjoon.

"HOW DARE YOU HARM MY SON!" A loud and deep voice boomed across the hallway. I averted my eyes to find Mr. Min stomping down the hallway.

"Omo! My Yoongi!" Mrs. Min gasped, running up to Yoongi, whose nose was bleeding.

"Eomma, I'm fine-"

"Was it your doings?" Taehyung questions, staring sharply at Mrs. and Mr. Min as he breathes shakily with his fist clenched.

"MY SON IS IN THE SECOND RANK!" Mr. Min roared at Taehyung to dismiss the question.

"I ASKED IF YOU TRIED TO MURDER SORA, MRS. AND MR. MIN? GIVE ME AN ANSWER!" Taehyung bellowed. Taehyung was shaking in anger. Is he going to punch Yoongi's parents too? Mr. Min glances at the others uncomfortably.

"You'll have to deal with-"

"WHY ARE YOU IGNORING MY QUESTION?! DID YOU HAVE ANY IDEA- HOW MUCH RESPECT SORA HAS FOR YOU?! SHE WOULDN'T STOP TALKING ABOUT THE KIMCHI YOU MAKE FOR HER OR THE FRUITS YOU PLANT IN YOUR GARDEN?! WAE?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HER?!" Taehyung bellowed and took a step forward as he angrily confronted Mr. Min in the face. Mr. Min, on the other hand, stood his ground, staring sternly back at Taehyung without blinking. He's clearly uncomfortable because Taehyung is towering over him.

"She will put my son at risk. She made him run away once. I had no choice," Mr. Min finally admitted.

"No, your son is the one endangering her life! It wasn't her fault!" Taehyung snapped and turned to glare at Yoongi, who stood in the corner with his head hung low.

"So what? My son is an alpha! She's merely an average!" Mr. Min sneered at Taehyung. He didn't even flinch at Mr. Min's reaction. Taehyung glared furiously at the Mins and was about to say something when-

"Are you insane?!" Mrs. Kim gasped in shock as she took a step forward with her glowering eyes

"I think you should teach your son-"

"Don't lecture me about my son Mr. Min. Sora is the kindest person I've ever met, and you're telling me you're responsible for the tragedy?!" Mrs. Kim snaps with her eyes wide open. She's never been this upset about anything...

"She doesn't matter-"


"I can do whatever I want- I'm in the higher rank," Mr. Min smirked rudely at Mrs. Kim. His words made my blood boil... and it got my ears fuming in anger.

"You're gonna regret it," I spoke in a dull tone.

"Moh?" Mr. Min turned to look at me.

"You're gonna regret everything you did to her," I gritted while glaring at him. He darted me an uneasy look before glancing at everyone else. The alphas stared at him in disbelief. Before I could say anything else, the doctor finally stepped out of the medical room... followed by a few nurses and assistants.

"How is she doctor-nim?" Jimin quickly rushes up to him anxiously. Is she alright? I really want to see her.

"Her condition is stable right now, but we need more blood. She lost too much blood. We used up all the blood we had this morning," The doctor let out a deep sigh.

"What do you mean? We'll get more-"

"Mrs. Kim, we need the blood right now. It'll take at least half a day to deliver the blood we need for her," The doctor shook his head.

"I'll donate my blood," Hoseok blurted, so everyone turned to look at him.

"Hoseok! You can't!" His mother scolded him in shock.

"It's alright, eomma! She's my friend," Hoseok lightly pats his mother's arm.

"No, not you. I'll do it," Taehyung shook his head sternly.

"We need more blood than you think, young master. You'll get exhausted, and we can't risk draining-"

"I'll do it! I'll donate my blood," I raised my hand. I have to help her.

"I'll do it too!" Jimin shrugged at the medical team.

"You all probably have different blood types. Not everyone can donate," Namjoon spoke from the back of the crowd with a smirk on his face. Huh... being the smart ass, huh?

"Actually, everyone can donate. Sora's blood type is AB," The doctor informed, turning to Namjoon. His smirk faded away, replaced by embarrassment instead. In your face.

"I'll donate," Yoongi said quietly.

"No. You can't," Taehyung fiercely turned to glare at Yoongi.

"She needs as much blood as she can receive," Yoongi quickly fired Taehyung a furious glare.


"He's right. We'll need to collect as much as we can," The doctor agreed, cutting Taehyung off.

"Whatever," Taehyung huffed and pushed his way into the medical room. Namjoon and Seokjin left soon after, but Hoseok stayed back to donate his blood with us. Yoongi, on the other hand, was dragged away by his parents. I was the last to go in after Hoseok came out with an anxious expression.

"I'm sorry about what happened. I hope she recovers soon," Hoseok nodded while patting my shoulder before leaving the mansion. Taehyung and Jimin disappeared after their blood donation to who knows where.

"Jungkook...?" A familiar voice called, causing my heart to skip a beat- right before I entered the medical room.

"What are you doing here?" I turned to find the familiar pretty eyes staring back at me.

"I wanted to talk to you. Can we talk?" Minah smiled weakly. Looking at her made my heart ache. Why is she here?

"Um..." I scratched my head unsurely. I'm close to moving on... but I really want to be with her.

"Can we?" She questioned, tilting her head at me. God... she's putting me in so much pain. Why does my chest ache so badly? I turned to look at the medical room, thinking of Sora's condition. What should I do? I'm really worried about her.

"S-sure..." I bit my lower lips anxiously, still staring at the door.

"Great," Minah beamed, wrapping her arm around mine, causing me to pause in confusion. What is she doing...?

"Jungkook? Come on," She tugs, snapping me out of my thoughts. My heart started to race at her tender touch. Jungkook- get yourself together!

"O-oh yeah. What do you want to talk about?" I stuttered while smiling at her. I'm going crazy for her. We slowly walked down the quiet hallway.

"Oh. After some time apart... after spending some time by myself," Minah trailed off quietly... with her eyes trained on the floor.

"What is it?" I asked as I gazed at her pretty eyes. Does she want to give it another go? I'm not sure about that.

"I kind of miss you..." She whispers, stopping abruptly.

"You miss me?" I smiled, feeling a bit excited. She is going to ask me to get back together again... right?

"Yeah... I was wondering..." She whispered, turning to look at me nervously... and reached out to rub my cheek.

"Wondering...?" I whispered while staring at her dilated pupils before lowering it to stare at her pink lips. The air grew hotter around us as we stood staring at each other.

"Can we give it another shot...?" She nervously bit her lips. I stood in silence, confused. 

I'm supposed to feel happy..? After trying so hard to get her back... but I felt... nothing. I mean a bit happy. Yes, but is that all? Shouldn't I be overjoyed? Minah slowly leaned forward, pulling me down towards her lips. I could feel her soft breath against my face as we leaned it when a maid suddenly rushed through the hallway. We quickly pulled away in embarrassment.

"Why are you here? Get out!" Minah snapped at the maid in annoyance.

"I'm sorry, miss. I had to get the news over to Mrs. Kim," The maid bowed and quickly rushed away, but I grabbed her arm.

"Master- What are-"

"What news?" I questioned her curiously.

"It doesn't matter. Let's go somewhere else," Minah huffed, tugging my arm with an upset expression.

"I said what news?" I asked, ignoring Minah and turned back to the maid.

"Jungkook. Come on-"

"Miss Sora, sir. She woke up. I was told to report to-"

"She what?!" I gasped, letting go of the maid's arm in shock. Did I hear her correctly!!?

"She regained her consciousness just now, sir. I have to report it," The maid quickly bowed and rushed away.

"She's awake...?" I stood smiling in shock. A flood of happiness surged through my entire body at the unexpected news. She's alright.

"Jungkook. We should go-"

"I have to go. I'm sorry," I smiled, pushing Minah's arm off my arm as she stared at me in confusion.

"Is she more important than me?" Minah scoffed while glaring at me.

"I'm sorry," I darted her a weak smile before dashing down the hallway towards Sora. I suddenly felt this rush of happiness and relief rushing through me. I have to admit I'm happier about her waking up than Minah asking me to rekindle our relationship.

"Sora!" I called, pushing the door open to find the nurse helping Sora sit up on the bed.

"Jungkook?" Sora weakly smiles at me in exhaustion.

"Why are you smiling!?" I snapped in disbelief. She almost died last night- How can she smile??!

"What do you mean- Whoah! What's wrong?!" Sora was cut off when I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, hugging her tighter. Having her in my arms... made me happy.

"I'm fine... Why- What..," Sora asked while searching my eyes in confusion as I slowly pulled away from her.

"You're not fine. How can you say that?!" I snapped at her. Her face is still swollen!

"What? I'm fine-"

"You look like a zombie," I teased. She looks too beaten! Like a living corpse.

"So mean. Tsk... I thought you're nicer now, but I guess not," She shook her head at me.

"I'm glad you're alive. I did tell you not to die, didn't I?" I whispered while staring at her. I gulped when I felt this rush of uncomfortable feelings expanding across my chest as I gazed at her.

"You are? I can't tell if you're joking or not," She softly chuckles. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. I wanted to protect her. I wanted to hold her. What's wrong with me? Do I like her- JEON JUNGKOOK get it together! No way!

"Of course, I'm joking. It wouldn't have mattered if you died," I quickly shrugged and snapped out of my thoughts... a flash of disappointment flashed across her face. Was it too much? Did I hurt her feelings???

"Of course... that's the Jeon Jungkook I know," She forcefully chuckles and glances at her hands quietly. I wanted to say something when I suddenly felt an uncomfortable stir in my chest.

"What the..." I whispered, gently rubbing my chest in confusion.

"What?" Sora turned to look at me.

"N-nothing!" I snapped awkwardly. 

The pain. Why was I in pain when she's sad? Am I malfunctioning???