
The young woman and Taehyung continued to stare at each other without blinking as we stood before the preying eyes of the audience. I can tell they're both shaken by each other's presence. On the other hand, I maintained eye contact with Yoongi without blinking. It felt as if the world stopped spinning around us as we stood in the freezing night... staring unblinkingly at each other...

"Kim Seokjin and Gyeong Jiwon! The highest-ranked alpha!" The announcer hollered through the speaker, causing us to snap out of our thoughts. Taehyung quickly turned to look at me and made our way down the carpet.

"Yah Kim Taehyung," Seokjin called after Taehyung, so we turned around to face his smug expression.

"Where are you going? Come on, let's take a picture together... with... your average... date...?" Seokjin smugly beckoned Taehyung over as his date smiled at us. She has straight brownish hair and a long slender body.

"I don't want to," Taehyung spat shortly before pulling me away from Seokjin and his date. Why is he suddenly in a bad mood??? He was fine a moment ago.

"Yaaah! You're so rude!" Seokjin scoffed in disbelief as we entered an enormous ballroom filled with people. The lower ranks gawked at us with their mouth hanging open while some gossiped in the corner as we passed by them.

"Oh! Jimin!" I called out when I caught a glimpse of Jimin standing near one of the pillars. He quickly turned to search for me in the crowds as I approached him with Taehyung.

"Sora! You're so pretty!" Jimin gasped at me. He was dressed in a white suit and a black button-up shirt. Next to him was this short-haired girl with cat-like eyes. She has a very tiny figure, barely surpassing Jimin's shoulder.

"Who's this? How do you know Jimin oppa?" She questioned while lingering her eyes over the lavish fabric of my dress. Ah. This girl... she's very judgemental... typical of an alpha.

"A really close friend, of course," Jimin suddenly pursed her lips at her unwelcoming attitude. He looked as if he was about to burst at her, but he held it in and turned to smile at us instead.

"Ah, majah! The average girl? Ah~" The girl rudely rolled her eyes at me. I gritted my teeth in irritation. This is exactly why I don't want to be here! They make me feel out of place!

"-Come on. Let's greet them!" Someone whined loudly to our left, so I turned to find Minah tugging on Jungkook. He was glaring at her in frustration.

"Ani! Let's just go over there!" Jungkook groaned, attempting to walk to the other side, but Minah wouldn't let go of him.

"Why can't we say hi to them? I want to say hi to the average!" Minah snapped, yanking Jungkook repeatedly, so Jungkook gave up and grumpily followed her towards us.

"Oh? Average! Did you borrow that dress?" Minah smirks at me, causing the lower ranks to snigger at me. I said nothing but stared at her with a blank face. Does she really have to cause trouble? I'm really not in the mood to be trampled on by her rotting mouth.

"Oh? Do you think so? I mean, that's an expensive dress... WAIT. That's the dress I wanted so much! The one designer Gam made and displayed in his VIP studio. Omo... how did you get it?! He wouldn't give it to me!" Kwang Eunhae (Jimin's date) gasped, reaching out to feel my dress in shock. That's why she's been eyeing my dress all this entire time?

"Did she really fool you into buying it for her?" Minah laughed loudly at Taehyung, who was staring dully at her.

"Minah hajima," Jungkook spoke lowly. I've been trying to make eye contact with Jungkook, but he wouldn't look at me. He kept on turning his head to the side. Jungkook was dressed in a casual black suit and bow tie.

"Wae? There's no way she could've gotten it, right?" Eunhae rudely waves her hands at me. Jimin let out a heavy sigh and rubbed his forehead in irritation. He's losing his temper.

"Maybe it's a fake one-"

"MINAH! HAJIMA!" Jungkook suddenly roared in anger. Minah pursed her lips at him in shock.

"Why are you yelling at me?! Do you-"

"You're not making any sense! Cut the crap, will you?! Stop being a brat!" Jungkook snaps at her. His face was bright red. Minah stared at Jungkook with an offended look, lifted up her dress, and stomped off in anger.

"Aish!- Minah! Minah!" Jungkook quickly called out for her, but she disappeared.

"Nice job," Eunhae glared at Jungkook and walked off after Minah. Jungkook let out a hefty sigh before rushing off after her as well. He's really like a puppy... following her around like that...

"Tough love," Jimin shook his head at Jungkook.

"I'll be right back. Stay here," Taehyung leans over to whisper in my ear before walking off. He turned and scanned the venue to search for someone while he made his way through the crowd. Is it the girl? He's looking for her, isn't he?

"Sora? Are you okay?" Jimin asked, taking a step closer to me.

"I-I'm fine... just a bit dizzy. That's all," I weakly smiled at him.

"Come on, let's get some fresh air then," Jimin grabbed onto my hand. My cheeks flushed red when he unconsciously linked his fingers with mine. Before I could say anything else, Jimin dragged me out of the crowded room, through a few hallways, and onto an empty balcony.

"Better?" Jimin smiled as I stared at the elite field in awe. It was filled with pretty lights and decorations. I can even see the city lights from here.

"Yeah, definitely," I smiled at him, then turned to stare at the breathtaking view.

"Haerim is back. I'm surprised," Jimin suddenly muttered. Haerim?

"Who?" I asked curiously.

"Gae Haerim. She's one of the top alphas. She left years ago to study abroad. She's Yoongi's partner. Oh- I'm sorry-"

"Ah, ani. It's fine," I weakly smiled at him. Yoongi...

"Taehyung must've gone looking for her," Jimin turned to look at the ballroom, then turned back to me.

"What's the status of their relationship?" I sighed when I felt an empty hollow within my chest. Wae?

"They used to like each other a lot. Especially Taehyung, she's the first girl he ever liked. Dated for a while. They got really close, and he thought he had it all until Haerim suddenly left without telling him. She even cut off all contact with him. He was very upset back then and even detached himself from all females. But that was all in high school, we were quite young and immature, so it doesn't matter," Jimin explained while leaning against the balcony railing, then turned to smile at me. So she was his first love? That's what imo was talking about, huh? He never liked anyone since Haerim. The emptiness inside me grew heavier the longer I thought about it. Why? Why am I like this?

"We should head inside," Jimin sighed, pulling the door open for me when the night grew colder, so I quietly slipped back into the hallway with Jimin.

"What's up? Are you okay?" Jimin turns to ask me worriedly. He must've noticed I grew quiet.

"Ah- Yeah. I'm fine-" I stopped dead when we rounded a corridor.

"What- oh," Jimin turned to look at me in confusion when I abruptly stopped in shock. Jimin almost bumped into me, so he had to grab onto my shoulders to stop himself from walking into me. And yet, I stood unbothered... fixedly staring down the hallway in silence. There... around the corner, Taehyung was pressing one of his hands against the wall... and a girl stood between him and the wall... it was... Haerim. Taehyung was leaning close to her with her body pinned against the wall. And for some reason, my chest swelled in pain. Sora... What's wrong with you...? Why am I jealous? Why would I be jealous!? Maybe I'm just used to his attention. Haerim was intensely staring at Taehyung without blinking as he stared back at her. She averted her eyes and saw us.


"I'll get going now. I'll see you inside," I quickly cut Taehyung off when a hot lump formed in my throat. Taehyung quickly straightened his body in panic and took a step away from Haerim as soon as he saw me.

"Sora, let me-"

"It's okay. Have fun. Let's go," I forced a weak smile at Taehyung before walking off with Jimin without uttering another word. I'm not supposed to be this way! I shouldn't be like this! I'm emotionally unstable! Taehyung tried to explain himself, but I disappeared with Jimin. He didn't have to explain, and I shouldn't be feeling this way!

"Are you okay? I mean, are you sure-"

"Jimin-ah. I'm okay," I let out a deep sigh before turning to face him with a bright smile on my face. I'll heal soon. I know I will. I just need time... that's all.

"You don't look well-"

"Don't worry, I promise I'm fine," I smiled, taking both his hands in mine as he stared at me with his concerned-looking eyes. He's always there for me when I'm at my lowest, and I'm really thankful. He's one of the alphas with a bit more good than bad in him.

"Araso, I believe you. If you don't feel well, just tell me, okay? We'll go to the Han river together," Jimin shyly chuckled and squeezed my hands. Did I ever tell you Jimin has adorable smiley eyes when he smiles? I guess it's his hidden killer charm.

"Of course," I nodded at him. Jimin kept on staring at me without blinking. That's when I noticed... he was rubbing my knuckles in a steady rhythm. My heart started racing as he continued to stare at me. His eyes... drifting to my lips as we stood in the empty hallway... his bright brown eyes gazing right into mine as we held hands. I felt this little spark in my chest. What was that? Sora! I know you're heartbroken, but you can't go weak for every man you're seeing! You need to heal first!

"Oh," A familiar voice echoed when someone... appeared down the hallway. He stopped dead when he saw us, and my heart sank again when I saw who it was. Jimin and I quickly let go of each other's hands. Yoongi stared at me with his pair of hollow eyes as if he wanted to tell me something, but he didn't.

"We should get going," Jimin coughs awkwardly before tugging me away from Yoongi.

"Jimin-ah! Where have you been???!" A feminine voice shrieked loudly, causing us to stop again. We turned to find Eunhae glaring at Jimin with her sharp cat-like eyes.

"I was about to-"

"What are you doing with her?! You're my date! Where's Taehyung?? Oh... did he dump you already?? Ah... what a pity... of course he did. I mean Haerim returned. She's the only person who can tame Kim Taehyung," Eunhae fired me a mocking smirk. My blood started boiling in anger as I stared at her dead in the eyes. Why is she being such a bitch? Ani- Wae- Why is everyone so fucking problematic here?! Wae?!

"Eunhae hajima-"

"It's true though. You're nothing compared to Haerim," Eunhae scoffed at me. I wanted to slap her, but before I could react- Taehyung and Haerim appeared... causing my inside to flip upside down again. I feel sick. I just want to go home right now.

"Is that right, Taehyung-shi?" Eunhae turned to look at Taehyung. He briefly glanced at the girl, then averted his dull eyes to mine. Haerim abruptly let go of Taehyung's arm and walked toward Yoongi. Is he not going to say anything....?! Fine. What did I even expect? I'm just a weak average amongst all the gods and goddesses.

"Sora-" Taehyung tried to say something, but I quickly stomped off and headed back into the ballroom. I don't want to listen to him! I don't own him, and he doesn't own me either, so he can do whatever the fuck he wants! And I'm tired of the alphas spitting hurtful words about me! I feel so weak and worthless around them! I pushed through the crowds as the host spoke in the ballroom.

"-Now that we've successfully welcomed the new alphas. Let's congratulate them and wish our players the best of luck!" The host announced while smiling at about ten rookie alphas standing on the stage. The ballroom erupted with applause as I pushed towards the exit. I'm leaving! I'm so fucking done!

"Where are you going???" Jungkook suddenly grabbed onto my arm as I was halfway through the crowd. Not again... please don't fucking touch me!

"Doesn't matter! Let me go!" I snapped, yanking my arm away in irritation. I don't want to be here!

"Ladies and gentlemen! This might be surprising, but the Supreme Alpha is here with us tonight! And it will be the first time in ten years!-" The whole ballroom roared in disbelief.

"Yah... What's going on? Talk to me. Did someone hurt you?" Jungkook stubbornly followed me when he noticed Taehyung fighting his way through the crowds towards me as I attempted to push Jungkook away.

"Just let me go! I'm going home!" I snapped at him, but he wouldn't let go, and Taehyung was getting closer. Fuck! I really don't want to see him right now!

"ARE YOU READY TO MEET THE SUPREME ALPHA?" The host exclaimed, earning a loud uproar from the audience. Taehyung almost got to us, but the commotion pushed him away from us when people shrieked at the host in excitement.

"Don't make me repeat myself! I don't want to be here!" I hastily fought to tug my arms free from Jungkook, but he wouldn't release me. What the hell is wrong with him?! Is he deaf?!

"You can't leave!" Jungkook yelled through the noisy ballroom in annoyance.

"Yah! Let go of her! You're mine!" Minah appeared out of nowhere while glaring at Jungkook in rage.

"You're not going anywhere!" Jungkook snapped at me and ignored Minah. Her face flushed even redder when he wouldn't acknowledge her presence. Taehyung glared at the crowd around him and fought his way toward my direction again, so I repeatedly yanked my arm from Jungkook's grasp.


"What are you doing? Let go of her! YAAAAH!" Minah screamed and tried to push Jungkook away from me, but he refused to budge. JUST LET GO OF ME- YOU DUMB SHIT! I FIRED HIM A DEADLY GLARE, BUT HE STILL WOULDN'T LET GO. Minah let out a frustrated sigh- then... I felt a sharp pain surging through my scalp when Minah yanked my hair back with all her might.


"YOU FUCKING BITCH HE'S MINE!" Minah screams angrily, cutting Jungkook off as she tightens her grip around my hair. WHAT THE- WHY IS SHE ATTACKING ME?!

"OOOOWWW- WHAT THE FUCK! HE'S THE ONE HOLDING ON TO MEEE!" I screamed in pain. Jungkook immediately let go of my arm to back-hug Minah and pulled her away from me. Minah's face was flaming red as she reached out for me in anger, but Jungkook was too strong for her. Furiously panting, I glared back at Minah as I rubbed my throbbing scalp in pain. What the fuck is wrong with her!?


I darted Minah one last piercing glare before pushing my way through the crowd, but then... I felt a hand wrapping around my wrist. I angrily turned to glare at Jungkook. WHY THE FUCK WON'T HE LEAVE ME ALONE- I stopped dead when I found Taehyung staring at me instead. Fuck. The crowd was going crazy as the host taunted them about the supreme alpha.



"Please, just let me go," I begged him as pain expanded through my chest. Taehyung wouldn't budge but stared at me with these sad-looking eyes. Why does he look so sad? What's up with him? A part of me wanted to escape from him but...


"I need you right now. You're the only person I can trust... Sora... jebal. Stay with me," Taehyung bit onto his lower lips anxiously. He looked like he was in pain... extreme pain... as he held onto me. Is it because of Haerim? I'm not his rebound! Did he really think it's right for him to use me?!

"I know-"

"KIM" I was cut short when the host called the first name of the supreme alpha. My body turned cold as Taehyung gripped my wrist harder. KIM?

The crowd fell silent.... holding onto their breath at the first hint.

I stared at Taehyung with my eyes wide open...

Taehyung was staring at me with his scared-looking eyes...

He knows something...

Something he's been keeping to himself...

No way... no way... this can't be true. Memories came flowing back into my head. For some reason... he was never afraid of anyone... not even the higher ranks. How the hell did I miss all of the clues??

Slowly, I averted my eyes to him in shock.

"Taehyung..." I whisper with my mouth hanging open in shock. All these times... How can I not know?... How?

"Sora..." Taehyung whispered with tears in his eyes. We've just met... but there was something in his eyes... something only he's aware of. Why is he staring at me with pain and guilt on his face? Wae?

"KIM... TAE... HYUNG."