
Letting out a heavy sigh, I made my way through the hallways of the alpha building and settled down on a desk beside the window. Rumors circulated the campus about the poisoning incident at the club, and people think I'm the culprit. Of course, I'm always the one to blame.

"-I mean, it's obvious, right?" Mira whispered to her friends while eyeing me in disgust. Aish... there she goes again...

"Would you like a taste of it? The cyanide?" I smirked as I got onto my feet. I won't tolerate her bullshit anymore. I've had enough of this.

"You're so shameless," Mira spat as I slowly made my way toward her.

"If I ever wanted to murder someone, my first victim would be you. Why? You know why don't you...?" I smiled, pressing my hands against her desk. Mira looked up and glared at me dead in the eyes.

"Did you hear what she said? If something happens to me, it's her," Mira gritted while glaring at me. Ah... her hands are shaking... She's nervous, but why does she have to act so tough?

"Do you think they can do anything about it? Aniyah... Wae? Because you're just a pathetic alpha on the verge of crumbling into pieces," I shook my head at her sarcastically. Just then, people started pouring into class but halted when they saw us.

"YAH!" Mira shot up in anger.

"Wae? Are you offended?" I chuckled, folding my arms in disbelief.

"We all know you're a murderer Jang Sora," Mira grits her teeth in anger.

"Is that so?" I nodded, turning to look at the people in the room for answers until my eyes landed on Minah, who was staring at me with her spiteful eyes. Moh? Why is she tearing up???

"Yeah, you obviously poisoned all of them on purpose," Mira snapped. Minah gulped as I continued to stare at her. She seemed uncomfortable with my unprovoked reaction, so she grabbed her things and quickly left the room. What's with her?

"Why are you making a fool of your-"

"I might not know why you wanted to murder Hoseok, but I do know why you wanted to kill Haerim on purpose. So you can be with Taehyung, and to be with him- You also had to kill Jimin, your own boyfriend, but instead, Jungkook drank from the cup!" Mira yelled. What the fuck?... My ears... it's bleeding. How did she come up with the nonsense...?


"You're a whore- Willing to play dirty just to get Taehyung-"

"Stop talking. Dead skin cells are coming out of your mouth," Taehyung spoke lowly, appearing out of nowhere with his bag swung over his shoulder. The room grew hushed as Mira stood staring at Taehyung in shock.

"How- How dare you-"

"Come on, why are you listening to that trash?" Taehyung turned to look at me with his eyebrows furrowed together. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the room.

"YAH!" Mira screamed in frustration as we made our way out of the room. We came to a stop around the corner. Taehyung stood staring at me in silence, then averted his eyes to his hand on my wrist.

"You didn't have-"

"Sora!" Jimin appeared, waving at me from the end of the hallway with a bright smile on his face.

"Ka...(go)," Taehyung whispered, quietly letting go of my wrist before walking off in the opposite direction as Jimin approached me.

"What happened?" Jimin asked, glancing at Taehyung with an uneasy expression.

"Nothing. He dragged me out while I was arguing with Mira," I shrugged at him.

"You fought with Mira? Wae? Are you hurt?" Jimin asked in a worried tone as he searched my body for signs of injuries. I shook my head while smiling at Jimin before reaching out to push his hair back since it was covering his eyes.

"You didn't brush your hair," I grinned, running my hands through it. I can't believe he came to school dressed like a homeless kid, despite being a high-ranked alpha. Actually, that's what I love about Park Jimin. He's so humble and free-spirited. Jimin grabbed my waist and drew me towards him... leaning forward to kiss me on the lips.

"Does messy hair turn you on?" Jimin whispers, pulling away with a mischievous smile, causing my cheeks to heat up. PARK JIMIN!


Jimin left with his parents to attend a meeting after we came home, and I think I'm the only one home besides the maids. The mansion was pretty vacant, so I assumed everyone was out. After washing up, I made my way into the medical room to check on Jungkook. Haerim and Hoseok are still resting at our mansion, and so far, they're all unconscious.

"Can I-... Oh? Where did she go?" I paused in confusion when I noticed the nurse wasn't in the room. She probably went to the bathroom. Slowly, I made my way past the medical rooms, stopping to watch Hoseok rest unconsciously on his bed. I hope he's doing alright. 

Sighing, I walked forward but abruptly stopped again when I saw Haerim. For a moment, anger rushed through me. What did she do to Taehyung exactly? To mess him up this badly? Why did she lead him on if she didn't even like him? Despite the unpleasant things she did, Taehyung seems to have a soft spot for her - Creak. I quickly turned to look at the next room in confusion. I thought I heard something? I slowly walked towards the next room and peeked inside to find a tall and slender woman bending over Jungkook. She was holding a pillow in her hands... staring at him blankly.

"What are you doing?" I questioned, walking into the room without hesitation.

"AH!" Mrs. Jeon shrieked in panic as I entered the room. She quickly hid the pillow behind her back, then turned to look at me with a stern look. What's wrong with her???

"That should be my question," Mrs. Jeon stated, darting me a sharp stare. She's still rude...

"I came here to check on Jungkook, now. Tell me, why are you sweating? What did you do to Jungkook?" I asked, crossing my arms suspiciously... watching her glance back and forth in panic. What is she up to? Why is she so shaken?

"Nothing. I wanted to adjust his head position since it looked uncomfortable. You better watch yourself. You don't own this place, so stop acting like you do," Mrs. Jeon blabbed nonsense before striding out of the room in a hurry.

"What's up with her...?" I whispered in confusion, turning to watch her leave. Shrugging it off, I turned to look at Jungkook, who was resting on the bed. I was about to take a step forward when Jungkook suddenly turned to lay on his side after letting out a deep sigh. Mohyah? Is he awake?? I stood watching him in shock with my heart racing.

"Y-yah? Are you awake?" I stuttered, approaching him unsurely. Was he awake this whole time? He lay motionlessly on the bed... that's when I noticed his eyeballs moving under his eyelids. Aish... this kid... does he think he can fool me?

"Yah! Wake up! Stop pretending!" I snapped, smacking his arm repeatedly.

"Ah! Yah! Hajima!" Jungkook shrieked, sitting up quickly. Aish... Why was he pretending to be unconscious?!

"Yah... Are you crazy??! I was worried about you!" I snapped while staring at him in absolute shock as he sat with his arms crossed.

"Moh?! You're so annoying! Aish!" Jungkook darted me an irritated glare and averted his eyes away.

"How long have you-"

"I woke up at noon! I wasn't pretending! You ruined everything!" Jungkook snapped at me repeatedly. Ah... he seems to have a lot of energy for a sick person...

"What are you talking about?! You can't just pretend-"

"I wasn't pretending! I was so close to catching her red-handed! Damn it!" Jungkook argued while glaring at me in frustration.

"Catch who-"



"It's none of your business-"

"Tell me! Tell me now!" I insisted, reaching out to pinch him. What is he saying!

"ARGHHHH! ARASO! STOP HURTING ME!" Jungkook wailed in pain when I pinched harder. Panting breathlessly, I took a step back and sat down on the couch to face him. Jungkook rubbed his arm in discomfort while giving me side glares.

"Are you talking about your mother?" I asked curiously.

"Who says she's my mother?" Jungkook snapped. I froze. Wh-what? I stared at him without blinking... completely dumbfounded. Mrs. Jeon isn't his mother? Moh? Before I could even say anything else, Jungkook suddenly snatched the IV injection out of his wrist and stomped out of the room in frustration. I'm so confused right now... What is he saying exactly?!

"Yah Jeon Jungkook!" I ran after him, but he was nowhere to be seen. Aish... Where did he go?? I quickly pushed the door open into the empty hallway. He's not supposed to leave!

"Oh, you scared me!" I jumped back in panic when I bumped into Taehyung. He immediately lowered his head upon my presence.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, walking past me.

"I was just- What's with him?" I didn't get to finish my sentence. Taehyung disappeared into the clinic room. Sighing, I pushed the door open and entered after him. He didn't notice me as he sat beside Haerim's bed.

"Le- let me go. There's nothing left between us, so stop hoping for more," Taehyung sniffled in tears with his head hung low. He's crying... she's the cause of the wound in his heart. Love is undefinable... no matter how much pain we go through... love is always there... even if you don't want it. Is that what it's like for Taehyung? Trapped? No matter how desperately he wants to escape it, he can't. Maybe that's why he's turning to me? The only way to escape her grasp is to fall for someone else... it hits me hard in the heart. I wish I can help you, Taehyung-ah... he's trying so hard to let go of her.

"What's wrong with your hands?" I accidentally blurted when I noticed blood all over it. Why is he bleeding?

"It doesn't matter-"

"What do you mean it doesn't matter?!" I snapped, pulling his hands towards me when he tried to hide it behind his back. Taehyung wiped his tears, then turned his face away when he realized I was in the same room.

"Are you hurting yourself?!" I asked, turning to look at him in shock. There were scratches all over his hands... and it's bad. How can he do this to himself?!

"Why don't you go care for your boyfriend?" Taehyung sighed, taking a step away from me without blinking. I stood staring at him in shock. Why is he like this?

"She's trying to be nice to you- yet this is how you treat her?" Jimin came striding into the room with a disappointed look. Oh god... here we go again...

"I'm just advising her not to waste her energy on me because clearly, someone is in need of attention and affection from her," Taehyung smirked at Jimin, causing Jimin to clench his fist. Yup... they're going to fight again...

"Hajima, come on," I sighed, pulling Jimin out of the room, but he wouldn't budge. Jimin kept his eyes on Taehyung with a fierce glare.

"Jimin..." I muttered, tugging him again... yet he refused to glance away from Taehyung. Why is he so stubborn?

"Fine, whatever," I scoffed, pushing past Jimin and stomped out of the infirmary. The truth is I'm guilty! I'm the reason why they're like this! I don't want to ruin their friendship! I don't deserve to tear them apart like that!

"Sora!" Jimin called from the end of the hallway. I don't want to talk to anyone anymore! Without hesitating, I pushed the door to my room open and slammed it shut. I just want to be alone right now-

"ARGHH!" I screamed in panic when I felt a warm breath brushing against my ear.

"What do you think you're doing...?" Jungkook whispered, tilting his head to the side, causing the tip of his nose to brush softly against my ear. My skin crawled at his unexpected presence... so I stood stiffly in my place. Oh shit. This isn't my room, is it? Slowly, I turned to stare at Jungkook, who was looming over me. I stared at his dripping wet hair, then averted my eyes to his piercing stare. Mouth hanging open, I tried to say something but nothing came out, so I stood staring at him with my eyes wide open. He's- in- his- towel...