
Flashes of visions suddenly crossed my head... I was standing on a port... it was early in the morning... the sun was rising... it was very chilly... except... I wasn't alone... I turned to find another kid standing next to me... he was about 4 or 5 years old... slightly older than me... he turned and smiled at me with his little bunny teeth. He offered me what seemed to be a piece of candy... I reached out for it and turned to look at the pretty ocean view... I can hear the seagulls squawking... waves steadily crashing against the shore... a distorted human voice. Splash... I turned again, and the little boy disappeared. A horrifying cry echoed below me, so I peered down to find the little boy screaming as he splashed around in the deep water below me... terrified... I started sobbing... I reached out for him, but my tiny hands were too short... I remember being extremely frightened... suddenly... I felt a light push on my back... my heart stopped beating, and I sucked in my breath in terror... the world began tilting as I lost my balance... everything was in slow motion... my head was blank. I fell closer... and closer... towards the dark blue ocean water. Splash... the mighty sea engulfed my tiny body... my head emerged above the water for a few seconds and sunk back into the freezing water... I splashed frantically next to the little boy... we were desperately gasping for air... above us was a figure... a slim and tall figure... stood watching us... motionlessly... no matter how many times I reached out for the person... she didn't budge... I felt a sharp burn in my nose, throat, and chest as water filled my lungs... just as I was about to sink- I heard a loud voice screaming... a huge figure ran towards us... I submerged below the surface of the water again... but this time, I couldn't push myself above the surface anymore... I couldn't breathe... I couldn't fight for my life any longer... the morning sun grew dimmer as I descended into the cold sea... the distorted black figure appeared above us... splash... a cloud of bubbles broke out... something caught my arm and yanked me upward... a second later, I was lifted above the water... there was a loud ringing in my ears, so I couldn't hear anything... my visions were blurry, so I couldn't focus on anything... I weakly flop my head against the person's shoulder... I still couldn't breathe... the morning lights grew dimmer as I weakly stared at the little boy... leaning on the other shoulder... his eyes were closed, and his lips were blue... my visions became distorted again...


"SORA! MINAH!" Someone yelled as I shook away the blurriness. I felt a sharp pain in my nose and throat. I began splashing around in fear... I think I'm going crazy... Sora... you're out of your mind...


For some reason, I was panickingI know how to swim. Why am I- just then, someone caught my arm, so I blinked repeatedly. Jungkook's face appeared. He was holding onto Minah and I tightly... our weight started pushing him below the surface- yet he kept us above the surface regardless of his struggle. I turned to find a few more alphas swimming toward us.

"SORA!" Jimin gasped, pulling me out of Jungkook's arm. Trembling... I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck for support as my teeth chattered from the cold breeze. Taehyung and Jiwoo were also in the water. They swam towards us and supported Jungkook and Jimin. Hoseok and Namjoon reached out from the platform above as Jimin and Taehyung shoved me upward. Hoseok caught my arm, but he was struggling, so Minho caught my other arm and pulled me up. Jungkook and Jiwoo pushed Minah upward, so Namjoon and Seokjin hauled her onto the dock. I collapsed onto the wooden platform and gagged out the water as waves of pain tore through my chest. Without hesitation, Hoseok quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. Namjoon did the same for Minah.

About five minutes later, everyone was out of the water. Jimin came rushing towards me in panic. He wanted to say something, but he was shivering too much. It broke my heart to see him like that. Steadily... I began exhaling and inhaling... calm down- my whole body erupted in anger. I gritted my teeth and fired Haerim a deadly glare. I'm done with her. She keeps getting me on my nerves no matter how hard I try to treat her well. I pushed myself onto my feet and stomped toward Haerim. She tried to walk away, but I reached out and caught her by the hair. Fucking bitch.

"AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? LET GO!" Haerim yelped when I harshly yanked her hair backward.


"You're weak- What can you possibly do? You won't even last in the society," Haerim chuckled in a mocking tone, attempting to untangle my fingers from her hair. The anger within me suddenly subsided. I was deadly calm. The cold wind suddenly stopped blowing. I felt this heavy feeling spreading through my entire body. .. It was dark and hollow.

"Oh really...," I whispered in a low tone. Kill her... Sora... kill her... kill her now. A little voice echoed in my head. Dryly laughing, I slowly clawed my fingers against her scalp.

"AHHH! AHHHH! LET GO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Haerim cried when I roughly yanked her hair, making her tumble onto the platform. ThudWithout blinking, I crouched beside her and tilted my head to the side. She fiercely glared at me, but it didn't bother me.

"I'm weak? That's why you're still breathing, you fucking bitch. Who do you think you are? Ah, a low-rank alpha. Now I see you don't deserve it. I should've let the poison clog every single one of your rotten veins," I spat, letting go of her hair with a hard shove. Everyone was gawking at me in silence, their jaws dropping in shock. I walked over to the red bucket I was told to bring back and picked it up. It was filled with foul murky water. I lifted it up and slowly made my way past everyone as the dark sensation seeped within my soul.

"Oh yeah, this is for yesterday," I smirked, dumping the water on Haerim's head. She gasped in extreme shock when the gross water splashed against her face as she sat with her head hung low. The filthy water dripping from her messed-up hair. Without another word, I strode off, back towards the shore, and returned the bucket to the lady. I was so pissed I wasn't even freezing anymore. That's right, I, Jang Sora, tried so hard to be forgiving, but they all took it for granted. They shamed my sincereness, so I'll give them what they deserve.

The professor scolded everyone for the incident. One of the professors tried to lecture me, but he immediately backed off the moment I shot him a sharp glare. Funny how they're only brave when I'm nice to them, but they chicken away from me the moment I show them the darkness I possess. I didn't talk to anyone besides Jimin and Jiwoo on our way back to the hotel. I thanked Hoseok for his generosity and quickly took a warm bath.

"Are you feeling okay? If you have a cold- I brought the med-"

"I'm fine. What about you?" I chuckled at Jimin. He's been following me around to ask me if I was alright.

"I'm fine. D-do you need anything-"

"What's wrong?" I asked while smiling at Jimin. For some reason, he wouldn't take his eyes off me.

"Hmm? I'm just worried," Jimin shook his head.

"I know you're holding in something. If it makes you feel better, then tell me," I sighed, gently reaching out to stroke his soft cheek.

"Well... I'm only used to you being nice, but my jagiya was kinda badass when she confronted her bully," He grinned while biting his plump lips.

"You like it when I hurt people?-"

"Ani. Not like that. I'm just glad you stood up for yourself. What you did is enough to keep all the alphas away from you for a while. This is how you protect yourself amongst us," Jimin denied. I didn't know what to say, so I gave him a warm hug. He's always so caring and supportive. What will I do without him? We ended up skipping dinner and left the hotel once again. This time Jimin and I bought all kinds of street food along the way. We bought drinks at the mart and walked towards my house when Jimin abruptly stopped dead.

"Wae?" I asked in confusion. Sighing... Jimin turned around and dully eyed the big bush to our right-hand side.

"Whoever you are. Show yourself right now, or I'll beat the shit out of you," Jimin howled, balling up his fist in frustration.

"Don't kill us!" Jiwoo shrieked, jumping out of the bush with his hands up. Omo... He's been following us...? How did Jimin know? I didn't even notice.

"Us?" I asked in confusion. Jiwoo tugged someone in the bush, but the person refused, so Jiwoo tugged harder. To my surprise, Jungkook stepped out... awkwardly glancing away- but it didn't end because-

"Stop hiding," Jiwoo muttered, turning to look at another person and unexpectedly... Taehyung stepped out too. I-I don't understand...? Why are they here?

"Why are you following us?" Jimin scoffed at the alphas as he rested his hands on his hips in disbelief.

"At first, it was just me. I followed you guys since I was bored, but I figured you didn't want to be disturbed. I-I just wanted to explore, but I didn't know the area that well- so I-I quietly trailed after you guys. Look- I even bought what you bought- it's really delicious," Jiwoo grinned, showing us the bags of food in his hands.

"If you came alone, then how did-"

"They-" Jiwoo abruptly got cut off when Taehyung suddenly head-locked him while Jungkook covered his mouth. Jiwoo's eyes bulged open in panic as the two alphas tried to stop him from talking. Jimin and I briefly exchanged glances...

"Let him go," I smacked Taehyung's arm and Jungkook's hands. They both glanced away with an unsettled look. Why are they like this?

"They were also following you. I noticed when you guys entered the mart back there," Jiwoo gasped, nodding toward the mart down the street. Jimin and I eyed Jungkook and Taehyung suspiciously. Why would they follow us? Why won't they mind their own business?

Jungkook started whistling... averting his eyes cluelessly as if he didn't know anything. Taehyung awkwardly poked a leaf with his fingers in silence.

"Go back then-"

"Araso! We just wanted to have fun..." Jungkook confessed, averting his eyes away from mine. They're lying... they won't even look me in the eyes.

"Oh really?" Jimin smirked at Jungkook.

"We wanted to have fun... and also keep an eye on you... since... you... went missing... yesterday," Jungkook coughed as he waved his hands in my face. Aish...

"Do you want to die?" I asked, raising my hand at him. Jungkook suddenly jumped back in panic- Taehyung's legs wobbled, making him stumble into the bush but he played it cool by pretending to lean against the fence. Jiwoo, on the other hand, shielded his face with the bags. They're seriously acting weird...? Are they afraid of me? Suddenly?

"What the hell is wrong with you guys...?" I whispered. I'm puzzled by their reaction.

"Look after us? Who do you think I am? I can protect my girlfriend," Jimin huffed in an offended tone. He protectively wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Araso, you can join us. You two can't come empty-handed though- go grab something and see you at my house," I exhaled, nodding at Jungkook and Taehyung. So, Jiwoo, Jimin, and I made our way to my house.

"You're telling me a supreme alpha lived here?" Jiwoo gasped when he entered my house with a doubtful look.

"Wae? What's wrong?" I asked, darting him a glare.

"Nothing, it's quite cozy- just like a cabin my family owns. I like it," Jiwoo shrugged. Taehyung and Jungkook appeared with more drinks and food. We settled down in the living room and were preparing- CRASH. Something shattered outside the door. We all froze and stared at each other. Slowly... we made our way towards the front door. Maybe it's just a cat... or are we about to get murdered..? Sora, don't say that!

"Be careful..." Jiwoo whispered as Taehyung cautiously reached out for the door handle.

"AH!" Someone yelled when Taehyung yanked the door open. The person tried to run away, but Taehyung caught him by the collar and tugged him back.

"IT'S ME! IT'S ME- YAH- Don't you dare leave me!" Hoseok winced in shock as he stared at us. He turned to yell at someone, who was trying to escape through the gate. Jiwoo quickly rushed over and pulled two figures towards us. Okay... Why are they all following me?

"He dragged me here," Yoongi dawdled, pushing his way into my house in embarrassment. I turned to look at Minah for explanations.

"We kind of overheard you said we have to bring food..." Minah smiled, shyly lifting up more bags of food. I exchanged glances with Jimin. We shook our heads and stood aside to let them in.

"You people are creeps," I scoffed in disbelief. We had to remove the small table in the living room since there were too many of us.

"Come on, let's party~!" Jiwoo screamed, opening his soju bottle, then raised it towards us. Creak. Creak. The room grew hushed as we all looked up at the ceiling above us.

"D-does your house have rats-"

"Who went into my room?" I asked, scanning the room for the missing person, but everyone is here. If everyone is here. Then who the hell is moving above us...? My floor only creaks when someone walks over it...

"Oh shit... maybe there's a burglar? An assassin? Or is this place haunted?" Jiwoo whispered, earning a hard smack from Jungkook.

"You guys wait down here, just in case," I nodded at Hoseok, Yoongi, and Minah. Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Jiwoo, and I slowly made our way up the dark stairs and onto the first floor. Slowly walked towards my room... even if it was dark- I could clearly see the shadows of people moving under the little gap in my doorOmo... someone broke into my room. I carefully reached out for my doorknob and turned it.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I screamed, shoving the door open really hard. THUD. The door smacked hard into something. Did I hit someone?! Frantic footsteps rushed all over the place, so I looked up -

"ARGHHH! AH-! THUD, " Someone screamed- falling off my balcony while two other people tried to jump off, but Jimin caught them. Taehyung and Jiwoo quickly rushed back downstairs to chase whoever slipped off the balcony. Don't worry, the person won't die, but he could've sprained his ankles from the fall because my terrace isn't that high.

"IT'S US!" Mira yelped, surrendering up her hands. I quickly turned on the light to find Minho and Mira staring at us in fright. Jimin was wrestling Minho on the floor. I quickly checked behind the door to find Namjoon sitting against the wall with his hand pressed against his forehead in pain. I was speechless. We took them all to the living room. I was about to scold them when the front door opened and Taehyung and Jiwoo came back in... panting heavily...

"I've never seen a person with a sprained ankle run so fast after a fall," Jiwoo gasped, turning to look at... Seokjin ... who was slowly limping towards us with twigs and dead leaves striking out from his messed up hair. There were dirty smudges all over his face. He briefly glanced at me and awkwardly averted his eyes away.

"Great, just great," I exhaled in disbelief, turning to stare at all the alphas. Someone, please tell me what the hell is going on here? Why are they following me while others broke into my house? Ah~! They're giving me a headache.