Click Click Click

I stood... numbly staring at Jimin. Wae...? Jimin sat on the couch, watching me with a sullen look. Jungkook tugged me again, but I refused to budge.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped angrily at Jungkook and yanked my arm away from his grasp. Jimin suddenly let out a heavy sigh. He got up from the couch, grabbed my hands, then pulled me into the dressing room.


"Y-you can't do this! I'm in pain!" I stuttered with my eyes wide open. Jimin ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Don't cry. It'll ruin your makeup," Jimin sighed, weakly smiling at me. He reached out to cup my cheeks, but I quickly slapped his hands away. How can he care about my makeup in a moment like this?! It's life and death!

"It doesn't matter! Why won't you let me protect you!? You can't sacrifice yourself for me! I won't let you!" I screamed in frustration, pain, and anger racing through my entire body all at once. It was so painful the tears dried away even before it could slip down my cheeks.

"Sora, you can't protect me. But I can protect you," Jimin shook his head with a pained expression.

"You can't protect me by sacrificing yourself! W-wae?! WHY IS IT OKAY FOR ME TO BE IN PAIN?! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE IN GUILT?!" I cried while smacking Jimin's chest with my fist. He tensely gulped and leaned against the door with a beaten expression.

"Will you trust me?" Jimin whispered, weakly gazing into my eyes in tears. I stood watching him in silence. My heart wouldn't stop throbbing. I was internally conflicted by his decision. I wanted to believe in him- I'd trust him with everything but his own life.

"Tr-trust you to end your own life? No, I can't-" Before I could finish my sentence, Jimin pulled me into a tight hug. A hot burn formed in my throat as I pressed my head against his upper shoulder.

"I always see us at the end of this hell. Every day, I want to hold you close to me, but the world is scary. Sora, the pain has been tormenting me too. I know you're in pain, so am I. W-why would I want to let you go? It kills me, Sora. It kills me to see you like this. I-I'm trying... I'm trying my best to be with you, but I need you to trust me. Please... trust me," Jimin shakily spoke while running his hand through my hair... tightening his grasp around me. I can feel every part of me breaking into pieces against him.

"I trust you," I nodded against his chest and wrapped my arm around him. I'm scared. Jimin, I'm really scared.

"Thank you," Jimin sobbed while pressing his face against my shoulder. I could feel his tears rubbing against my bare skin. I wanted to hold him in my arms longer when he suddenly pulled away, yanked open the door, and pushed me out of the room.

"J-Jimin... Jimin!" I cried, turning the door handle in horror, but it was locked. Fear loomed over me as I tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge. I'm not ready! Let me in!

"Come on, we need to leave," Jungkook stated, wrapping his arms around my shoulders to stop me from thrashing around. Tears formed in my eyes as I watched the door disappear from my view. Don't do this to me... Park Jimin. No matter how desperately I tried to return to him- they wouldn't let me. Five bodyguards were assigned to watch me wherever I went. Jungkook and Taehyung also kept their eyes on me, so I was hopeless. I was frustrated and angry, but I couldn't do anything. I felt weak, powerless, and lost.

I was numb by the time we arrived at the seaside port. My head was blank, so I let them drag me around like a puppet. I didn't talk to anyone on the way to the main building. The stylist and imo fixed my hair and makeup just before I got off the car. We were at a big port field decorated to welcome the government officials and the alphas. Instead of staying outside, I went into the VIP building and sat alone on a couch facing the ocean view. The event was held on the ground floor of the venue.

"Why don't you try smiling? It's good for the camera," Eomma advised as she sat down beside me. I didn't acknowledge her presence and continued to stare at the dark navy sea. She reached out to touch my hand, but I yanked it away in disgust, got onto my feet, and rudely strode off. I've never hated anyone as much as I hate my own parents...

"Where's your boyfriend?" Minho smirked at me as I was about to pass him. I abruptly stopped and turned to look him dead in the eyes. I was so numb I couldn't even feel the pain anymore, but I won't let him off the hook either.

"Wae? Are you sad you won't be seeing him anymore?" Minho mocked me with his eyebrows raised. Dryly smiling, I turned the other way to chuckle but quickly turned to slam my fist hard against his jaw... sending him tumbling onto the floor. The entire room gasped in shock as I stood over the alpha's body to watch him grunt in pain. I will not let anyone treat me like shit again. Mira shot me a sharp glare and tried to strike me, but I shoved her away even before she could touch a strand of my hair. Fucking shitty society!

"JANG SORA!" Appa roared furiously from the far end of the room.

"What? Do you want to try me too, appa? How far will you push me?" I scoffed, turning to look at him with my tongue pressed against the inner side of my mouth. I've reached my limits. Eomma and appa stared at me in disbelief. Where are my feelings? I no longer feel things. The room is manifested with bloodthirsty demons.

"You crazy bitch-" Minho was about to launch at me from the side when Taehyung stepped between us to shield me with his massive body.

"Get out!" Minho snapped, angrily trying to shove Taehyung aside, but Taehyung stood his ground.

"Sora, you can't- Sora!" Eomma called out for me when I stomped away without another word. I don't fucking care. I hastily marched out of the lounge and down the wooden hallway. Thud thud thud ... my footsteps echoing loudly down the corridor with every step I take. I could hear footsteps chasing after me from behind, but I didn't stop.

"Don't touch me!" I gritted, yanking my arm away when the person pulled me. I turned to glare at Taehyung.

"You can't show the alphas your instability! Especially not our internal conflict! You're giving them an opportunity to attack you!" Taehyung scolded me in disappointment. He usually scares me... but not anymore. Those sharp brown eyes don't frighten me anymore. I turned to face him with a straight face.

"Are you happy- I mean, are you satisfied?" I sternly asked while tilting my head at him. Taehyung searched my eyes in confusion.

"Satisfied? What are you talking about?" He asked, dully gazing into my eyes.

"So you'll let him leave like that? Tell me. You're okay with all this?" I questioned, nodding my head towards the devil's lounge.

"It's how the society works," Taehyung said shortly. I scoffed and stared at him in disbelief.

"So it's okay for your best friend to sacrifice his life? Out of all people, Taehyung, you can't do this to him!" I snapped, poking my finger on his chest repeatedly. Jimin always stayed by his side through the ups and downs, and this is how he'll treat Jimin...? It's fucked up.

"It was his choice!" Taehyung snapped at me with his eyes wide open.


"TO PROTECT YOU! TO FUCKING PROTECT YOU!" He bellowed with all his might until veins formed on his neck. It hits me like a truck... smack... right in the face. I breathed heavily with my eyes fixed on Taehyung as he stood glaring at me in rage.

"I don't need to be protected," I scoffed at him in disbelief. It doesn't make sense.


"YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS! I DON'T NEED TO BE PROTECTED! MAYBE IMO'S RIGHT- JIMIN IS SUFFERING BECAUSE OF ME," I bellowed, backing away from Taehyung and marched off without another word. I'm going crazy! Please save me. Someone... please... save me.

I stormed across the venue with my fists clenched, hastily snatching a bottle of wine from the table before stepping out of the building. The bodyguards chased after me, but I didn't care. I walked and walked until the noisy sounds faded away. Sobbing hysterically... I went over to the edge of the bridge... leading into the sea, then sat down... with my feet dangling just above the dark water. Pain pierced all over my body as I sat in silence... tears were flowing down my cheeks, so I uncorked the wine bottle and poured it into my mouth.

"Drunk girl? You seriously have alcohol issues," A male voice spoke up from behind me. I quickly rubbed away my tears to find Bogum walking up to me in a plain tucked-in white button-up shirt.

"W-what are you doing here," I mumbled, glancing away in embarrassment. Why do we always meet at the wrong time?

"Oh, my uncle is in charge of the event's drinks service, and since I'm in Busan- I decided to help out. Are you going to finish that?" Bogum asked, calmly sitting beside me as I tried to hide my puffy eyes.

"Ah, I see. You want some?" I nodded, offering him the bottle... he grabbed it and chuckled.

"I think you should stop drinking. You alright?" Bogum asked, trying to get a better look at me, but I turned the other way. No... I'm not okay... I'm a mess.

"I'm not drunk, don't worry. And I'm not an alcoholic. It's just we keep meeting each other when I'm drinking," I muttered, then glanced at him with my puffy eyes. He silently smiled at me without saying a word, so I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"The event is weird," Bogum sighed, glancing away from me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, reaching for the bottle, but he wouldn't give it to me.

"No- stop drinking- Why are your eyes puffy? Did your boss bully-"

"Ani. Just answer me," I shook my head.

"I was unloading the wines from the truck into the storage room when I accidentally entered the wrong room to find... ah... I must be crazy," Bogum mumbled, scratching his head unsurely.

"What? What is it? Give it to me!" I snapped, looking at him curiously before attempting to snatch the bottle again but failed, of course.

"Nothing. It's probably the bodyguards doing their jobs. They were arming themselves, I guess- I dunno. I left even before I could get a good look. Governments gathering are scary," Bogum shook his head. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. I turned to the sea and thought about his words...

"Sora," Jungkook's voice echoed from behind us. We quickly turned to find Jungkook standing at the far end of the bridge.

"You should report him if he's abusing you," Bogum sighed, turning to look at me.

"No, he's not hurting me. Don't worry. I have to go now. He's waiting," I smiled, getting onto my feet. But Bogum grabbed my arm to stop me.

"I hope you'll truly find your happiness one day. But I'm going to confiscate this for your own good," Bogum smiles warmly at me while raising the wine bottle.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and made my way towards Jungkook, who was patiently waiting for me. I was about to tell Jungkook to move out of my way since I didn't feel like arguing with another person when Jungkook warmly engulfed me in his arms. Caught off guard by his embrace, I stood in his arms in shock. He tilted his head and gently pulled my head forward, so I could rest my chin on his shoulder.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked in confusion.

"I know it's hard," Jungkook whispered... softly patting my head. For a moment, I felt at ease. The pain subsided and the fear disappeared. I was less... afraid.

"You're being weird," I whispered, pulling away from him. Jungkook rested his hands on my shoulder and stared right into my eyes. There was something in his eyes... I could see it, but I didn't know what it meant.

"You're the weird one. I swear if a gun was within your reach- you could've blasted everyone's head off back in the lounge," Jungkook scoffed after snapping out of his thoughts. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him.

"Why didn't I think of that? I could've borrowed a gun from the government officials' bodyguards since they're heavily armed. I guess they wouldn't mind lending me a gun," I chuckled weakly at him. It could've been nice to end the alpha's society just like that.

"What are you talking about? Who told you that?" Jungkook asked, turning to glance at me with a baffled expression.

"Bogum said so. He saw them while loading the wines-"

"The government officials' bodyguards aren't allowed to bring weapons-" Jungkook suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. His face turned pale. What's with him? He's acting weird.

"What? They aren't allowed to bring what?" I asked curiously.

"H-huh? Nothing. They aren't allowed to bring personal things," Jungkook shrugged while shaking his head at me, but something was clearly bothering him. Weirdly, Jungkook quickened his pace and dragged me back toward the venue.

"I don't want to go back-"

"Stay here. I'll be back," Jungkook shoved me back into the lounge. His face was weirdly drained. What's with his odd behavior? Does he have explosive diarrhea or something...?

"Oh, Sora. Are you alright? " Minah asked, nervously approaching me.

"You think?" I huffed. Suddenly, everyone began walking out of the lounge. Minho and Mira glared at me on their way out of the room.

"Aren't you coming? Come on," Minah beckoned, but I shook my head.

"It was a good punch," Namjoon smiled as he passed me.

"I bet I can punch better," Seokjin laughed, pushing his way out of the lounge before I could respond to him. Aish...

"I'm not going," I shook my head at Minah.

"Why not? Come on, they want all the sponsors down there. We gotta give the government some excuse to establish the port," Minha pouted while reaching out for me.

"Sora. At this point, I'm going to stick with you. My friends betrayed me, so why don't you come along?" Hoseok asked, appearing right next to me.

"Fine," I bit my lips anxiously and followed them down into the main hall. It was crowded with government officials, alphas, and our bodyguards. I was half out of my mind because all I could think of was Jimin. Sora... he asked you to trust him. The bodyguards made way for the alphas while the emcee entertained the crowd. The camera's flashes flickered in all directions as we strolled toward the stage. To my surprise, the government officials were very intimidated by the presence of the alphas. All the lower-ranked alphas were invited on stage first, and then the 5th to 2nd rank.

"Where's Jungkook?!" Mr. Jeon snapped, searching for his son in the crowd, but Jungkook was nowhere to be found. He disappeared half an hour ago... shaking his head in disappointment, the Jeons went up the stage without their son. I kept my eyes on the Mins... smiling pridefully on the stage. What happened to Yoongi? Why did they transfer him out of Busan? What's hidden behind those vicious smiles?

"Please welcome our biggest sponsors," The emcee announced, referring to the supreme alphas. Sighing, Taehyung, Seokjin, and I made our way up the stage. I stood in the middle with Taehyung on my left and Seokjin on my right. The stage lighting illuminated our presence. My parents tried to stand close to me, but I took a step away.

"Do it for the camera," Appa's chilly voice whispered from behind me. He roughly pulled my arm towards eomma, causing me to wince in pain.

"You can't- ah!" I gasped when appa tightened his grip on my arm while maintaining a smile for the camera. Taehyung turned to stare at me anxiously as I balled my hands into a fist.

"Don't force her," Taehyung spoke lowly, wrapping his arm around me. He then drew me away from appa, so my father fired him a disapproving look.

"Let me go," I whispered, pushing Taehyung's arm off me. I'm not a toy caught in the game of tug of war. Frustration began to build up inside me the longer I stood before the audience. I felt restless due to the blinding flashes...

"Sora, behave yourself," Eomma hastily grabbed me when I tried to walk off the stage in annoyance.

"Let me go," I gritted, tugging my arm from eomma but again, appa leaned forward.

"If you embarrass us- I will make sure to make your life a living hell," Appa warned me. My heart dropped at his words... slowly... I looked up at appa in disbelief. My inside erupted in anger as I stood staring at my father's corrupted eyes...

"Watch me," I scoffed, hastily yanking my arm away in anger.

"Sora-" Taehyung nervously turned to the audience... watching the madness take over my body. Seokjin turned to stare at us in confusion. The darkness filled my entire body as I stood facing camera flashes. I'm going to destroy this society, and this is my opportunity.

"Sora- What are you doing?!" Appa gasped when I suddenly walked toward the emcee with an evil smile. Fuck them, fuck everything. I can see the confusion on all of the alpha's faces, and you know what's even more entertaining...? The fear on my parent's faces. They ruined my life, so I'll wreck theirs.

"Oh. It looks like one of our sponsors wishes to speak," The emcee cluelessly smiled at me as I approached him. Innocently smiling, I nodded and reached out for the mic.

"Thank you. Ahem. Good afternoon, I'm Jang Sora, and I'd like to say a few words," I smirked, turning to stare at my father, who was turning pale.

"First of all- I'd like to formally thank all our honored government officials for attending this event. Thank you for letting the alphas' society ruin-"

"-allowing us to make a major contribution to an important part of South Korea's economy," Appa suddenly snatched the microphone from me, causing anger to boil in my veins. But before I could react, Taehyung slipped his hand into mine and tugged me back.

"What are you doing?!" I snap at him in anger. He ignored my burning eyes and stared off into the crowd with an unbothered expression. I tried to pull my hands away, so he tightened his grip.

"LET ME GO-" I bellowed at the top of my lungs when anger finally erupted through my entire body, but before I could finish my sentence- the room turned pitch black. Everyone gasped in total darkness. I quickly turned in confusion and in that split second of darkness... The room wasn't actually dark. In the crowds... this green neon stain glowed from different parts of the room. What's with the smudges of glowing stains on the audience...? The stains were scattered all across the room. Taehyung suddenly tightens his grip in the darkness. After about 15 seconds in total darkness... the lights flicked back on. Everyone glanced around in confusion at the sudden blackout. The glowing stains disappeared under the lights. I stood gawking at the audience with my mouth hanging open.

"D-did you see it...?" I asked, turning to look at Taehyung in shock. But I can already see the answer on his face. He was also staring at the crowds... blood drained from his face. What's going on...? I searched the audience in confusion, but it was filled with staff, bodyguards, and government officials. Why were some of them glowing in green stains...?

"What...? How did it end up here...?" Taehyung muttered in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows at the crowd before us. Taehyung scanned the crowd. He looked very baffled and scared at the same time.

"SORA?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Jungkook bellowed from somewhere in the room. The entire room turned to find Jungkook pushing through the crowd like a madman.

"Is he crazy?!" Mr. Jeon snapped from the side of the stage as Jungkook fought his way towards the stage.

"THEY'RE LEAVING! THEY'RE LEAVING!" He roared, pointing to the right side of the stage, and sure enough- I turned to find the Mins trying to leave through the back exit. The room erupted in chaos.


"GET DOWN! EVERYONE GET DOWN! TAEHYUNG- SORA!" Jungkook roared across the room. Taehyung's eyes grew wide in realization, and even before I could comprehend the danger we were in- Taehyung grabbed me and we tumbled off the stage... colliding hard onto the floor.

BANG BANG BANG... earsplitting gunfires went off inside the room...