Jung Hoseok

I softly chuckled like a psychopath as I slowly got onto my feet, then turned to stare at Yangcha's pale face. I gently squeezed his cold hands for the last time and strode out of the room with the keychain clenched tightly in my palm. I could no longer feel myself... all I felt was the dreadful hollowness swelling inside my chest.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung quickly got up from the bench the moment he saw me.

"Me? I'm fine," I scoffed, waving my hands at him, so Taehyung frowned unsurely at me.

"Transfer Jang Yangcha to the Kim's mansion. I'll take care of his funeral," I instructed, stopping in front of the doctors, who immediately bowed at me in fear. Did they just recognize me now?

"You can't do that, your parents-"

"Wae? Are you going to stop me too?" I blankly smiled at Taehyung. He fell quiet and tried to search my eyes for whatever he was looking for, but I guess he didn't find it, so he watched me nervously.

"No, I won't stop you," Taehyung gulped at me. Good, at least I don't have to hurt him.

"Take me to Jimin, please," I sighed as I walked up to Taehyung's bike, then placed the helmet on my head.

"I told you-"

"I know you know where he's at. So, will you take me to him?" I asked, locking my eyes with his. At this point, Taehyung was very uneasy by my sudden 180-degree change. He sucked in his cheeks and hopped onto his bike without another word. I need my safety pin... or I'll explode...

Taehyung sped down the highways and through a large empty field before zig-zagging between small alleys. Just then, I felt something cold on my hand. It's raining... and before I realized it- we were racing through a heavy shower of cold droplets. Thunders clapped across the dark sky, followed by a loud earsplitting boom. Instead of leaning backward, I leaned against Taehyung's back and tightly wrapped my arms around his waist. Taehyung briefly glanced at me through his mirror but said nothing, so I averted my eyes to watch the blurry view. I like the rain... it makes me feel at ease... I like it... I'm slowly fading away. After an hour's drive, we finally came to a stop under the heavy rain, soaking wet. We were in a dark empty street, so the only light source was Taehyung's headlights. I hopped off the bike and turned to look at Taehyung. He glanced away with an uptight expression. Sighing, I turned to find... Park Jimin... standing in front of us. The headlight... illuminating his sullen face. He was standing in the rain... holding an umbrella over his head. I felt a sharp pain hammering against my chest. Ah... that's right... it's always reminding me that I'm still alive.

Jimin stood watching me stiffly in his usual gray sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt. Slowly... he averted his eyes to Taehyung in disappointment. I guess Taehyung didn't tell him I was coming. I was about to take a step forward when Jimin suddenly turned around and numbly walked away. Crack... the lightning lit up the sky... everything slowed down as I stood watching Jimin turn his back on me... boom. The thunder clapped over our heads, causing pain to surge through my entire body. All I could hear was my own unsteady breathing and the pouring rain droplets hitting the asphalt road. I watched Jimin walk away from me in a painful realization. I won't let it happen. Not today. I took a step forward, walking at a slow pace, then... I began jogging, and even before I knew it- I was sprinting at full speed towards Jimin. I lost Yoongi once... because I was weak... I won't let it happen again.

I slammed hard against Jimin's soaked back at full force, tightly wrapping my arms around his body. Jimin abruptly stopped walking the moment I hugged him. The warm tears... flooded down my cheeks but were quickly washed away by the rain. Crack. The sky lit up again, so I closed my eyes and tightened my grip around him. I won't let him go.

One... two... three... four... five... six... seven- BOOM. Thunder clapped loudly over us just as I felt Jimin's cold hand over mine, reminding me of Yangcha's hand. No! I won't let it happen to Jimin- a sharp pain stabbed my chest when Jimin pulled my hands free. W-wae- Jimin slowly turned around to lock his empty eyes with mine. It was pouring hard, so his bangs were messily covering his eyes... but I could clearly see it. He was tired of me. Suddenly... he dropped the umbrella onto the ground, letting the rain pour hard onto us. Pitter-patter pitter-patter...

I stood staring at him with an emotionless expression, but on the inside, I was shaking in fear. What will I do if I lose him? I'm too broken to face the harsh possibility of him leaving me for good. I need him... I love him. Jimin glanced at our hands in pain and gradually averted his eyes back to mine. Suddenly, he let go of my hands, wrapped one of his arms around my waist, and firmly pulled me towards him. He grabbed my jaw with his other hand and tugged my head towards his. I clutched his hard-built chest and tilted my head as soon as his soft lips landed on mine. He then ran his hand through my soaked hair, our tongues caressing one another as we stood in the thunderstorm.

It was freezing cold, but we were heating up by the second. Jimin gently laid me on the mattress of his hidden apartment, both of us still soaking wet from the rain. He then leaned forward and gently sucked onto my neck... making his way down to my collarbone, so I let out a soft moan as I ran my hand down his chest... roughly gripping his back. He interlaced his fingers with mine as he traced his other hand down the side of my figure to my thigh, making me shiver at his sensual touch. Jimin's wet lips stroked the side of my neck to my jaws and then back to my lips as I held onto his damp muscular torso.

No words... just tender touches... deep breaths... and numbing pleasure.

A few days later...

Thud thud thud. I walked down the hallway with a worn-out expression etched on my face. The lower ranks gawked at me and turned to gossip with each other as I passed them. The entire alpha building hummed with the news, even the alphas were taken aback. I held Yangcha's funeral along with his parents, and my parents agreed to let me do as I wished... Only if I promise to speak with them afterward. I needed them anyways, so I eventually accepted the deal. But it isn't the hot news though... it was something else.

"-did you see him today?"

"-probably not. Why would they want to see each other at this point?"

"-I heard it was a huge fight-"


"Yeah, I heard he accidentally got hurt during the fight!"

"-I guess it was that bad? Just look at her dull expression-"

"-they broke up?"


"-they're always together! but I haven't seen him-"

"-Ah! That's why she looks so empty these days-"

"-who will he depend on though?!-"

"- he obviously dated her for her status-"

Thud. All the gossiping abruptly stopped when I slammed my car door shut. Ah... they're giving me a headache. This is what I have to go through, huh? Sighing, I turned to look out the window as the driver drove out of the university.

"Promise me you won't throw an attitude," Eomma sat waiting for me in her workroom with appa.

"I'm in a good mood, don't worry," I smiled as I sat down, then folded my arms before turning to stare sharply at my parents... Parents? The word sounds so foreign to me these days...

"What we ask for is simple-"

"As long as it doesn't involve killing my people," I rudely nodded.

"Fine. We'll let you guarantee the immunity of your people, and we won't interfere. As long as you behave and start preparing for your role in the society," Appa agreed, leaning forward with an optimistic smile. He knows what I want...

"I'll play my role as long as I have the right to deny it. You know you can't stop me," I shook my head, causing their smiles to fade from their smug faces.

"So you're suggesting... we either take it or lose it?" Appa chuckled in disbelief.

"I'll do what you ask for, but if it's wrong, I won't. I'll smile for the camera. I'll be your stockholder representative. I'll behave, but you can't make me kill your target. The kill is my choice," I said sternly, causing the room to drop dead quiet.

"Honey... you no longer sound like yourself. Are you sure you're ready for it?" Eomma scoffed at me. What am I? A dying soul... in other words... a living corpse.

"People like you fucked me up. Thank you for turning me this way," I slightly bowed to mock them.

"You've probably heard about the new alphas and the sudden shift of alliances. It's the reason why we can't cast the elite meeting. Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin are too powerful with their followers, and that's why we're in danger," Appa sighed, leaning against his chair anxiously. Oh, don't fall for it. He loves acting like the victim when he's actually the villain.

"Yoongi won't hurt me, but his parents will. They attacked me without knowing my status, just like the incident between Yoongi and Mira. The mistake they made was too deep to compensate for- which is why I assume they're very persistent in eliminating me. They're attacking first because they fear us. Nevertheless, we can't deny that Yoongi is the brake preventing his parents from attacking us at their full capacity. So, they're not our concern. We can negotiate and settle the matter," I muttered, gently tapping my fingers against the wooden desk.

"You're smarter than I thought..." Appa chuckled while smiling at me with pride. I assume we thought of the same solution.

"It doesn't mean you should let your guards down around the Mins," Eomma replied as she shook her head.

"Of course not. I know you're afraid of Kim Seokjin. You split our assets, so Taehyung could earn the title of a supreme alpha to strengthen our power. But Seokjin also had the same amount of assets- so he's the real threat. You had no idea because he faked his asset's data. You never really cared about the Mins because they weren't the target. It's Kim Seokjin. You want to eliminate him," I smirked at my parents. The creation of a new supreme alpha was their first mistake... and they're desperately trying to conceal the truth... but they can't even touch Seokjin at this point.

"That's right, Kim Seokjin is our first wrong move," Eomma nodded with an unsettled look.

"I might not understand why you wanted to eliminate Jimin, but I'll find out sooner or later. But if it's Kim Seokjin, I'll help you get rid of him," I slyly eyed my parents.

"You won't be ready for it. But did you end your relationship with Jimin? I heard about the fight," Eomma asked with a curious look.

"It's none of your business. Please respect my personal boundaries," I rolled my eyes.

"As you wish. We're agreeing on Kim Seokjin. We'll meet later to finish this talk. Go and get ready," Appa briefly checked his watch.

"Kim Seokjin it is. Leave Min Yoongi to me. I'll deal with him," I got onto my feet and strode out of my parent's workroom.

I'll use the funeral as an opportunity to pin down the culprits. I pulled on my black dress and let down my long wavy hair but stiffly paused when I turned to find Yangcha's keychain sitting on my desk. I picked it up and stood staring at it in absolute silence. I'll find the culprit... I promise. Snapping out of my thoughts, I quickly locked away the keychain and left the mansion.

The memorial hall was already filled with alphas and the lower ranks by the time I arrived at the venue. None of Yangcha's family was there because obviously, the entire family was wiped out. Of course, he had relatives such as his grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles, but I forbid them from attending the memorial for their own safety. Instead, I arranged a private memorial for his relatives, allowing them to take Yangcha's body to hold a proper funeral. This mass memorial was just a show to expose my suspects.

"Sora...," Jungkook whispered as I sat down beside him.

"Will you stop?" I spoke in a dull tone and briefly glanced at him. Jungkook has been trying to apologize after the day he yelled at me. But I know he isn't that sorry. He only felt bad because he thought I was suffering from Yangcha's death. Everyone's pitying me...

Seokjin was whispering something into Namjoon's ear in the middle row while Mira and Minho chatted intensely with each other. Yoongi didn't show up as expected and Hoseok, on the other hand, was late. He came rushing in with his parents in the middle of the memorial speech. Taehyung was sitting beside Jimin on the opposite bench from mine. The group of newly revealed anonymous alphas also showed up too. Two girls and two guys, just like Minah told me. I'll need to dig into them. No one's escaping this.

Ah... this is tougher than I thought it was. Everyone looks so innocent until you catch them red-handed... just wait. I won't give up. I just need a little more time to gather evidence.


Seokjin's POV

I heard about the Jangs taking responsibility for the Jae's memorial right in the morning when Namjoon called to announce the news. She's really going all the way for that kid? I should've gotten him to side with me, so he could leak her information but unfortunately, he died. I wasn't going to attend the memorial, but it'll cause unnecessary rumors if I didn't show up, so I went anyways. Moreover, I wanted to see for myself if Jang Sora really fought with Park Jimin.

"He seems upset," Namjoon whispered as he watched Park Jimin, who was spacing out as he sat staring at the wall. Jimin disappeared for a few days after he fought with Sora, so it's probably bad. Without Sora's protection... Jimin is in danger due to his unstable household.

"Everyone's here to confirm the rumor," I sniggered, averting my eyes to Sora, who was sitting on the opposite side with Jeon Jungkook. I've been wondering why she had a sullen look on her face for days and thought it was the kid's death, but I guess it's because of the fight.

"They won't even look at each other, so it must be true," Namjoon observed Sora as she stepped off the podium and made her way back to her seat without looking at Jimin. Jimin, on the other hand, glanced at her, clenched his jaw, and gloomily turned away.

I just need to tackle the real cause behind the fight and use it against her.

Sora's POV

"Sora...," Minah whispered, sliding onto the seats next to mine, but I was too busy staring at Hoseok, who was fidgeting in his seat.

"I'll be right back," I weakly smiled at Minah before rushing off after Hoseok when he suddenly got up and left. I trailed after him down the hallway when he disappeared around the corner. Where did he go? Did he go to the bathroom?-

"Why are you following me?!" Hoseok furiously shoved me against the wall.

"Don't touch me!" I snapped, thrusting him away.

"What do you want? I told you I had no choice when I tried to-"

"You didn't kill Yangcha," I whispered while staring at Hoseok. He promised Yoongi to stay away from me. He couldn't have risked it all to piss Yoongi off. Should I do it...? I can't decide... it's driving me crazy... How can I do this?

"Why would I kill that kid!? I understand why you're suspecting me, but for god's sake- I'm also human! I don't kill for fun!" Hoseok gritted while glaring at me so I rolled my eyes at him. Sora... you need to save yourself... you have to do this.

"I said you didn't kill Yangcha. Why are you still fussing over it," I waved my hand, then walked away. I can't do this! I'll go crazy! Sora, think of your future... you've already talked to him... b-but I can't- it's just not right- then you'll lose everything! Do you want that to happen?!

"Hoseok," I called, stopping dead before turning to find Hoseok standing stiffly at the exact same spot. Aish... I have to be strong. I need to get rid of my weakness. This is a desperate opportunity.

"Moh? If you're going to bicker, then I'm not in the mood-"

"I need to talk to you," I nervously bit my lips. I'm seriously going to trust him, huh? Ah, I'm as good as dead, but I'll give it a go. If I'm lucky enough, I might end up alive.

A few hours later...

"Are you going to the party?" Minah asked while smiling at me as we walked out of the memorial hall.

"What party?-"

"The new alphas are hosting a party. They've invited all the alphas. You have to attend it! Look at you! I heard what happened! You need to release the stress, don't let it build inside you!" Minah smiled, nudging me with a bright beam.

"I'll think about it," I sighed, turning to find Jimin walking down the hallway. I gloomily glanced at him as he passed me without even glancing. How long can I endure this?

"I'll pick you up. You're coming to the party. All men are a headache," Minah mumbled as she stared at Jimin in disgust. 

Minah's right. I'm about to lose it. I need a little bit of fun to numb the pain I've been suppressing. Well, crazy shit always happens at parties, but how unlucky can I get? Let's just hope tonight will just be a fun and ordinary night. I quickly changed into a tight thin strap dress, fixed my hair, and did my makeup before pulling on my heels. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin also got ready for the party. Everyone's going since it's a huge party.

"Damn, that's my girl!" Minah grinned, rushing up to me in excitement.

"Jungkook's jaw will drop when he sees you," I smiled at Minah. She looks really good in red.

"He's grown used to me, haha! Anyways, you should've let me pick you up!" Minah beamed just as Jungkook's and Taehyung's car arrived. Taehyung drove with Jimin while Jungkook came alone in his car.

"Jagiya!" Minah chimed, rushing up to Jungkook to give him a peck on the lips. He smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Sighing, I began walking towards the grand mansion with music blasting in all directions.

"Sora..." Jimin suddenly grabbed my hand. I scanned the area cautiously, but we were the only souls in the parking lot. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't, so we stood staring at each other in painful silence.

"I know...," I gulped, nodding at Jimin weakly, lightly squeezing his hand. Ah.. my heart's aching.

"Sora!? Where are you?!" Minah's voice echoed from our left, so we quickly released each other's hands, and I quickly rushed off.

"Where were you?! Come on!" Minah smiled, wrapping her arm around me.

"I forgot something, so I went back to get it," I replied, following her into the mansion filled with alphas and the lower ranks.

"Welcome! Ah- What an honor to meet the supreme alphas! I'm Jong Dohyun, the fifth-rank anonymous alpha! Waaaah~! You're so pretty!" A bulky-looking guy with blonde hair and cat-like eyes eagerly greeted us.

"Congratulations," I smiled, reaching out to shake his hands until he led us inside. Everyone's drinking, dancing, and fooling around all over the mansion. I envy their happiness...

"I planned this party for a whole week. It's nerve-wracking since it's my first time," Dohyun chuckled at me.

"We see your effort," Minah flirtily poked Dohyun's bulky arms, causing Jungkook to dart her a sharp glare. Dohyun got food and drinks to entertain us, so I immediately drained the entire glass in one go. I'm desperately trying to flush out the pain...

"Wow... you really are something," Dohyun laughed as I wiped my lips.

"She's the supreme alpha for a reason," Minah giggled and handed me another glass.

"I'm not drinking it!" Jungkook grimaced, refusing the drinks from Minah.

"Wae? You don't like it? Should I get you something else-"

"No no no. He's just traumatized," Minah laughed at Dohyun, who got a little nervous at Jungkook's reaction. He's still traumatized by the poison incident. I devoured as much alcohol as I could handle, knowing Jungkook will be sober. So he'll definitely watch out for us if we get drunk.

"Why are you drinking so much!" Jungkook complained, trying to snatch the glass out of my hand, but I turned away and gulped it down.

"Let her have some fun!" Minah whined, smacking Jungkook in annoyance.

"Haha, I'm not gonna lose to you!" Dohyun exclaimed, attempting to chug from his glass. You can never beat a broken person. I turned to find Taehyung jamming by himself with a glass of wine in his hand while Jimin sat alone on the couch... sipping from his glass.

"Let's dance!" Minah grinned, tugging me just as a girl approached Jimin.

"Take him!" I screamed through the deafening music and pushed Jungkook towards Minah, so she dragged him away. I quickly glanced at Jimin again. He was smiling at the girl.

"Come on! Let's dance too!" Dohyun chuckled, beckoning me with him, but I refused. I don't want to be too happy because I'm afraid I'll lose it all again...

"Join us!" Minah and Dohyun beckoned from the dance floor, but I shook my head, taking another sip of my drink. I briefly turned to stare at Jimin again to find the girl sitting beside him in the lounge, but he was unblinkingly staring at me with his legs crossed.

"Jimin-" I was about to walk towards him when someone grabbed my arm and tugged me onto the dance floor.

"Yah! I don't want to!" I whined at Taehyung, who was trying to distract me from Jimin. I glanced at Jimin again to find the girl running her fingers across his chest. Gulping... I turned back to Taehyung with an unsettled feeling.

"Dance! Come on!" Taehyung chuckled, lifting my arms to make me move as he jammed to the beat.

"This is dumb..." I smiled while swaying my body to the music, and soon enough, we were all dancing to the songs. For once, all the heaviness inside my chest subsided. The alcohol must've seeped into me because I was beginning to enjoy the party. I swayed and moved along with the music.

"I guess you're not grieving anymore!" Seokjin suddenly appeared next to me.

"Shut up!" I snapped at him while bobbing around.

"Or are you just heartbroken?" Namjoon asked, nudging Seokjin, so I shot him a sharp glare.

"You wish I was!" I forcefully laughed at them.

"We're not wrong, are we?" Seokjin smiled, raising his eyebrow, causing anger to erupt inside me.

"Are you that desperate for answers? Wae? Are you scared?" I questioned while smirking at them.

"What are you guys talking about?" Minah chirped drunkenly while jamming as Jungkook tried to calm her down. Taehyung carefully watched us as he rocked with the beat.

"What's with the crowd?" Minho asked, pushing his way toward us with Mira.

"Woahhh! It feels incredible to be within the top alphas!" Dohyun grinned cluelessly at us. That's when I caught Hoseok staring at me from the opposite side of the room. He took a sip from his glass with his eyes locked on mine. He's here... which means...? My heart began racing... he's really here.

"Why would I be? Wae? Are you afraid of the truth?" Seokjin teased while smiling at me. What's his problem?

"Will you be able to handle it if I told you?" I scoffed, folding my arms with my eyes trained on Hoseok as he approached us. He strode towards the crowd with confidence as he held onto his wine glass. He's really here... I'm getting nervous... I need to get out of here.

"Shouldn't you be asking yourself? Is reality too harsh for you? Is that why you're trying so hard to drown your sorrow? It's okay to be heartbroken," Namjoon smiled, turning to stare at Jimin, who was now laughing with the girl as she leaned against him. I clenched my fist in pain but held it in. It's okay...

"Stop it! Why are you-"

"Be careful!" Jungkook yelped, grabbing onto Minah when she suddenly stumbled to the side. She's very drunk. I can't do this... I need to leave this place.

"Why do I even bother-" I abruptly froze when I felt an arm slithering around my hips.

"Sorry, I was a bit late. I'll make it up to you," Hoseok smiled, leaning into my ear, causing everyone to snap their heads towards us in confusion. My heart began racing... Sora... get a grip on yourself.

"We'll see about that," I giggled, wrapping my arm around Hoseok's waist.

"Y-yah... What the-" Seokjin stuttered, turning to stare at Jimin in disbelief.

"Are you guys a couple?!" Dohyun beamed in awe, causing Minho and Mira to exchange glances. At this point, my heart was racing a million miles per second... I'm going crazy! Jungkook raised eyebrows at me for answers as Minah hung onto him unconsciously. Taehyung, on the other hand, was tensely sipping his wine in silence.

"Wae? You wanted the answer," I laughed, leaning against Hoseok's shoulder, causing Namjoon's jaw to drop in horror.

"Y-you almost got us, haha! Do you expect us to believe you- WHAT- " Seokjin nervously laughed at us but loudly gasped when Hoseok suddenly leaned over to caress my lips with his. Exhaling, I wrapped my arms around Hoseok's neck and kissed him back as he drew me closer to him.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Seokjin bellowed with his eyes bulging open in madness. Namjoon wildly ran his hands through his hair, then turned to gawk at Jimin, who was calmly watching our interaction from his seat.

Hoseok and I broke the kiss. Breathing heavily... we turned to smile at the group of alphas. I was about to say something when- Thud. We quickly turned to find Minah flat on the floor as Jungkook stood staring at me with his eyes wide open. Did he just drop Minah... just like that?!

And why is he giving me that pale expression ?! He looked as if his soul left his body...