Water Fountain

Flashback: Island Arrival.

"What's going on?" Hoseok appeared in his personal golf cart just as Jungkook settled me down by the road after he carried me across the beach.

"Our Young lady sprained her ankle," A guard bowed at Hoseok, who quickly hopped off this cart. He was dressed in vacation shorts and a sleeveless shirt.

"You should've been careful. Come on... I came to pick you up," Hoseok muttered, leaning into the cart to help me get off. I could barely walk, so Hoseok picked me up and carried me to his cart instead.

"What are you doing? Aren't you coming?" Jungkook asked, turning to Minah in confusion since she wouldn't get on the cart with him. Minah shot Jungkook an upset look and climbed onto the back seat with an attitude. Hoseok and I rode his cart up the hills while Jungkook's cart closely followed us from behind.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked as he spread his arm over my shoulder when he noticed me staring at the pretty view of the island.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you get any updates?" I lowered my voice cautiously, so the staff wouldn't hear us.

"Not much. I did some digging. The murderer is still alive... very odd because they didn't tie up their loose thread, but I have my people after him. We should get the details soon," Hoseok whispered. I asked Hoseok to do some private investigation into Yangcha's death since he said he knew how to retrieve classified information.

"Seokjin is recruiting the lower ranks. Did you hear about the contracts?" I asked while rubbing my ankle.

"Yeah, Namjoon's in charge. Seokjin's assets rose by 1% in just a week," Hoseok nodded, reaching over to help me set my feet down.

"Are they here?" I asked dryly. I need to be patient...

"Yeah, they got here a few hours ago. I have my people monitoring their actions," Hoseok nodded at me. The cart suddenly came to a halt at the top of the hill where a grand four-floor mansion stood magnificently. Surrounded by beautiful orchards, gardens, a giant pool, and a view of the vast ocean. It was bustling with staff, guards, alphas, and the lower ranks.

"We'll get your ankle fixed first," Hoseok hopped off the cart, slightly lowering himself, so I could climb onto his back. I glanced around just as everyone turned to stare at us. Right... here we go again.

"Are you sure you can carry me?" I giggled as I encircled my arms around his neck.

"What do you think I am?! I'm offended," Hoseok jokingly confronted me in disappointment.

"Just saying," I smiled, leaning forward as Hoseok carried me towards the mansion where the crowd was. Seokjin and Namjoon were sitting under a tree... carefully observing us. Minho was taking pictures for Mira but stopped when they spotted us. On the other side of the mansion, Haerim stood laughing with Dohyun, who was making silly faces to entertain the crowd.

"Stay focused, too many eyes," Hoseok mumbled, tightening his grip as we walked up to them.

"Sora!" Jiwoo suddenly appeared, rushing up to us.

"Hey," I smiled at him, turning to find Jimin laughing at... the same short-haired girl I saw at the party. I felt a rush of weird feelings. I didn't understand what it was, but it's making me uncomfortable. In response, I gripped tightly onto Hoseok's shoulder.

"We've been waiting for you!" Jiwoo grinned at me.

"Had a little trouble," I smiled, raising my right leg to show him my swollen ankle.

"Aigo... I'll see you around then," Jiwoo nodded and walked off.

"The couple's finally here," Minho smiled, walking up to us accompanied by the curious-looking lower ranks. I was about to reply when I noticed Jimin leaning into the girl's ear to whisper something. For some reason, I felt really upset. The girl giggled and placed her hand on his shoulder. Why is she touching my man?! Argh!

"We'll head in first," Hoseok smiled, pushing past the crowd and into the mansion. I leaned against his back and turned the other way the moment Jimin caught my eyes. Sora... stay calm. It's nothing... don't worry. What do you mean n-nothing?!-

"Young master, where-"

"She's staying with me," Hoseok interrupted the staff when they came rushing up to him.

"Your parents stated only families and your allies are permitted in the west wing-"

"She's my girlfriend. Get the medical team," Hoseok dawdled lowly at the staff, who quickly bowed and left in fear. The entire mansion had a royal-like design, white and golden color themes, and huge engraved wooden doors. Hoseok's room was as spacious as a royal suite with a balcony overseeing the entire island and sea.

"Rich people's cabins... you don't even live here," I scoffed in disbelief.

"My parents like to spend money on infrastructures," Hoseok shrugged, carefully letting me down onto a velvet armchair.

"What about Jimin, Taehyung, and Jung-"

"I assigned them the safest room on the 4th floor of the east wing, don't worry," Hoseok answered while sliding open the glass windows to let the cool air inside the room.

"Young master-" The staff announced, knocking rapidly just as someone suddenly came bursting into the room. My eyes bulged open in shock when I saw who it was... Yoongi. He came? Why is he here? I thought- he doesn't look happy. He's glaring at Hoseok. Wae? Yoongi was a bit taken aback when he saw me... then averted his eyes to Hoseok for an explanation.

"It's alright, leave us here," Hoseok waved at the staff, so they immediately closed the door and left.

"I thought you said you weren't coming- Woah?!"

"What do you think you're doing?!" Yoongi suddenly launched at Hoseok, angrily gripping onto Hoseok's collar, causing Hoseok to flinch in fright.

"Yoongi-" I yelped, getting onto my feet in panic but the stabbing pain in my ankle sent me collapsing back onto the armchair even before I could take a step forward.

"Sora- Listen, it isn't what you think it is-"

"Snooping behind my back?! DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" Yoongi roared in rage.

"We're not dating!" Hoseok snapped at Yoongi, who suddenly froze in place. The room fell dead silent as I nervously watched them fume at one another.

"Then what's the purpose of this?" Yoongi hastily pushed Hoseok away in annoyance.

"Namjoon and Seokjin. They're spreading their wings. We wanted to humble them-"

"So fake dating is the answer?! Are you out of your mind?! Now they'll think we're the threat. We'll be their next target," Yoongi snapped angrily at Hoseok.

"No, we aren't. We're only pinning them down. Look, we don't have to be official allies. We just need to make them think we have each other's back," I explained while staring at Yoongi, who was running his hands through his hair in disbelief.

"What'll happen if our parents find out? Do you really think they'll-"

"Yoongi. Why else did your parents agree to come here?" Hoseok huffed at Yoongi, so he snapped his head towards us in confusion.

"My parents agreed to negotiate with yours. This is the safest place for them to strike a deal under the Jung's protection. If they agree on the terms, then Seokjin and Namjoon will have no choice but to back away from us," I bitterly explained.

"You know how pretentious our parents can be. They aren't doing it for us. They're doing it because they have other plans," Yoongi rubbed his face in frustration.

"We know, but what else can we do? We need to stop the alphas," Hoseok replied, placing both his hands on his hips.

"Yoongi, please. We've already decided on the plan," I begged Yoongi, who was staring blankly at the floor. He isn't convinced.

"Fine. But I'm warning you, keep an eye on your parents. I have bad feelings about this. The real threat is our parents, not Seokjin or Namjoon," Yoongi sighed as he leaned back against the couch in exhaustion.

"Seokjin and Namjoon aren't convinced by our performance yet. We have to try harder," Hoseok tapped his feet nervously.

"And why are you helping her? How will you benefit from it?" Yoongi questioned with his hands clasped together.

"Immunity, the same reason I sided with you. Two immunity from different households is better than one. I thought you wouldn't mind anyways since you care for Sora," Hoseok shrugged at Yoongi.

"Is he okay with this? Park Jimin," Yoongi asked, turning to stare at me.

"We're having a hard time, but we'll be okay," I nodded sadly.

"Tsk. If you keep this up- you'll destroy the relationship. But, I guess you're willing to risk it all for him," Yoongi chuckled sarcastically.

"Young Master? The doctor is here," A staff member announced through the intercom. Hoseok quickly went to the door as an elderly doctor came striding in and knelt down to examine my swollen ankle.

"What happened?" Yoongi asked, worriedly eyeing my feet. I can tell he's upset even if he's masking it under his blank expression.

"My heels caught between a gap on the boat's dock," I whispered while gripping the armchair when the doctor slightly turned my feet, sending a surge of pain up my leg.

"You dislocated your ankle. I'll need to put it back into the right place. It'll be a bit painful, but it'll definitely feel better," The doctor nodded before glancing at me.

"Go on," I whispered in an uneasy tone.

"Here, hold on to me," Hoseok offered, sitting down beside me, so I leaned over to wrap my arms around his shoulder.


"Urgh!" I gritted my teeth in pain to resist the sharp pierce in my feet when the doctor suddenly snapped my ankle. Ah, I want to scream... but I can't. Hold it in Sora... hold it.

"It's okay, you're okay," Hoseok whispered in a comforting tone while he patted my head. Shaking from the pain... I pressed my forehead against his shoulder. F-fuck... Why does it hurt so bad?!

"I'll prescribe you some painkillers and cream. The pain should subside within a few hours, but if it doesn't, please notify me," The doctor stated, placing a bottle of painkiller on the table, then left the room. Yoongi, Hoseok, and I continued to talk while waiting for the pain in my feet to ease. It was about 4:00 pm when we heard voices outside the door, so Hoseok got up to open the door in confusion.

"I want to see Hoseok-"

"Master Park, you're not permitted-"

"What's going on?" Hoseok asked while staring at the staff outside the door, who quickly bowed at him apologetically.

"Is this how you're going to treat me just because of y-your girlfriend?!" Jimin's voice echoed loudly, causing me to tense up and exchange glances with Yoongi. Why is he here? He shouldn't be here...

"What's with all the fuss? Come in," Hoseok dawdled. Jimin came striding into the room with a blank look on his face. In response, Hoseok slammed the door shut in annoyance.

"Are you out of your mind?! Why would you-"

"Are you okay? Are you holding her captive or something?" Jimin exhaled, cutting Hoseok off when he turned to find me sitting on the armchair. He anxiously rushed up to me to check on my ankle while holding onto my hand.

"Jimin... I'm fine-"

"Aigo... How do you expect people to believe you when you're this obvious?" Yoongi smirked as he crossed his legs, causing Jimin to snap his head towards him in shock.

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked while staring at Yoongi with his mouth hanging open in confusion.

"My parents proposed a deal with the Mins," I whispered, softly squeezing Jimin's hand.

"I'll never trust the Mins. They're willing to risk his life to save their own," Jimin turned to stare at me in disbelief.

"Jimin... I know. We've already talked about this," I bit my lips, worriedly examining his troubled expression.

"How can you be so clumsy? I should've been there-"

"You better leave, or they'll suspect!" Hoseok snapped with his arms folded.

"I'm okay. Don't worry, okay? I'll see you soon," I whispered reassuringly, but Jimin seemed very unsettled. Jimin wistfully stared at me before letting out a heavy sigh.

"Fine. If anything happens to her- I'll kill you both," Jimin turned to glare at Hoseok and Yoongi.

"Yah, we're the ones saving you. If Sora didn't-"

"Stop it," I interrupted Yoongi with a sharp glare. In response to my warning look, Yoongi clicked his tongue and grimaced at Jimin but didn't say anything. After Jimin left, Hoseok, Yoongi, and I left the mansion to join the alphas. My ankle didn't hurt as much anymore, so I was able to walk on my own.

"Min Yoongi?!"

"He's alive?!"

"Omo, why is he here-"

Everyone gasped in bewilderment when Yoongi strutted down the stairs by our side. All of them think he's dead for some reason, so his sudden appearance sent a wildfire of shock throughout the island.

"Well, this is very uncomfortable," Yoongi muttered, eyeing the eyes gawking at him from every direction. This is good enough to start a rumor... it'll surely scare Namjoon and Seokjin.

"HAH! I KNEW IT," Seokjin loudly bellowed at Yoongi when we got to the pool.

"The nerves to show up here after attempting to murder us," Namjoon laughed while brushing back his wet hair.

"Takchoh!" Minho snapped at Namjoon while floating around in the pool. I glanced around, and Taehyung was leaning against the pool with his arms spread over the edge. Haerim was standing before him in a flashy yellow one-piece. Jungkook was topless, holding onto a floating flamingo where Minah was lying on it in her bright red one-piece. Jimin... on the other hand, was splashing around with the blonde girl. Who is she...? I don't like it. I don't like her. Ah... it's getting me on my nerves.

"Sora, are you sure your boyfriend wouldn't try to blast off your head again?" Seokjin sniggered after sitting on the pool edge as we sat on the wooden pool lounge.

"What's with you? Are you that insecure, Kim Seokjin-shi? If only you didn't try to poison your own friend," I mockingly smiled at Seokjin, causing the sly smile on his face to fade away.

"It's hard to differentiate between reality and a show, Sora. The actors are so good at performing we can't even tell," Namjoon smirked, turning to smile at Jimin sarcastically.

"Namjoon-ah, everyone's tired of your quirky intellectual speech," Hoseok scoffed at Namjoon.

"Aweee, come on guys! Why don't we just have fun?!" Jiwoo interfered with the alphas while patting Dohyun's shoulder.

"Cheer up everyone! TO ALL THE ALPHAS! WHOOOOH!" Dohyun excitedly shrieked, raising his cup into the air. I exhaled in frustration and sank back against Hoseok's arm to watch the alphas and lower ranks fool around in the pool. Seokjin's pretty good at intimidating people with his prideful persona, but Namjoon isn't. Based on Namjoon's consistent stiffness and obvious blank expression- I could tell they were threatened by our scheme.

"I should receive the information by tonight," Hoseok whispered, linking his fingers with mine.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked, turning to smile at him.

"Whoever it is, enjoys letting everyone know he's killing for fun, considering Yangcha's innocent household. Namjoon and Seokjin are very careful with their actions, so I doubt it's them," Hoseok shrugged at me. His words irritated me, so I rolled my eyes and turned away. It's definitely them. They killed Yangcha to abuse my mental stability-

What the hell?! I suddenly gripped tightly onto Hoseok's hands when I noticed the blonde girl leaning over Jimin's bareback in the pool. They're too close... her chest is rubbing against his back. Jimin then turned and smiled at her... to my surprise... he playfully grabbed onto her waist. I tried to gulp down the stuffiness spurring inside my chest. Aish... Jimin turned and caught my eyes. He didn't stop. Instead, he kept touching her until I felt my heart thumping in frustration. Why isn't he stopping? Wae?! WAE?!

Out of nowhere, the darkness within me filled my hollow voids once again... dangerously seeping into every inch of my soul. I felt really upset. I didn't like the way he was smiling at her. I didn't like the way he was touching her, and I didn't like the way she was allowed to touch him like that. What's... mine... is... mine. Sora...

"It's a bit hot, isn't it?" I asked, turning to smile at Hoseok, who looked a bit confused but nodded anyways.

"Let's take a dip," I smiled, getting onto my feet. Without hesitation, I quickly pulled off my dress in front of the crowd. Hoseok's eyes grew wide open. Yoongi's jaw dropped in shock. The entire pool fell silent... staring at me in disbelief as I stood tying up my hair in my rose gold bikini. I could feel all the eyes gawking at me from every corner of the pool, but I didn't care.

"What are you doing?!" Hoseok gasped, stumbling off the lounge to block me from the alpha's view.

"Let's swim," I emptily smiled, side-eyeing Jimin, who was fuming red in anger. He's upset. Really upset.

"Jimin's reacting... Sora. Don't do this-" Hoseok whispered, trying his best to smile while linking his fingers with mine.

"I want to kill that girl," I grinned, leaning into his ears when I noticed...

Jungkook... uncomfortably averted his eyes away when he spotted Minah glaring at him. Taehyung didn't move an inch. He just stood in the pool... eyeing me blankly like he usually does. Seokjin and Namjoon were exchanging glances in shock. While Jiwoo and Dohyun smacked each other in excitement. Mira on the other hand blocked Minho's view with her hands in disbelief.

"I know. S-sora- if you keep it up- he'll explode. You don't want to ruin this, do you? Seokjin will get what he wants," Hoseok gritted quietly, trying to play it cool.

"Fine," I replied, then faked a forceful smile at Hoseok. Hoseok immediately took off his oversized jacket and pulled it over my body.

"STOP STARING! She's mine! Don't you dare! Let's go to my private pool!" Hoseok snapped at the alphas, who quickly blinked in embarrassment as he dragged me away. Yoongi got up to pick up my dress and followed us out of the pool area.

"So you're playing the overprotective boyfriend?" Yoongi lowly chuckled.

"What can I do?! Aish, we almost got in trouble!" Hoseok snapped, firing me a sideways glare. The good thing about what I did on my impulse was that the alphas and lower ranks began to accept our false relationship because rumor claims I did it to tease Jimin for breaking my heart. The unfortunate thing is Jimin's very upset, and I feel really guilty. I couldn't help it... was I jealous? I lost control of myself. Sora... how will you face Jimin now? I can't feel myself anymore.

I got changed in Hoseok's room and lay motionlessly on the armchair, regretting my actions while trying to untangle my messed-up emotions. But the harder I tried, the more complicated it got. At around 9:45 PM Hoseok dragged me to the west wing rooftop without explaining himself, but I think- I know the reason.

"In 15 minutes, you have to come back down. Alright? That's all I can give you," Hoseok whispered as he held the rooftop door open for me. I nodded and walked out without questioning him. The breezy wind gently brushed against my cheeks as I glanced around the dark opening. Hoseok slammed the door shut and left.

"Everyone believes you now..." Jimin's voice dully echoed from my right, so I turned to find him leaning against the railings with his hand in his pocket.

"Isn't that what we wanted?" I gulped while staring at him. Even in the darkness, I could see his vacant eyes gazing at me.

"Wae? Why did you do it? How can you do this to me?!" Jimin snapped, walking up to me with a beaten expression. I don't know, Jimin-ah! I-

"I couldn't help it. You touched her. I didn't like the way you smiled at her," I shakily replied, backing away from him with my glowering eyes.

"What? Who- oh. It was all an act, you know that. Just like you and Hoseok, I was only trying to divert the attention from you," Jimin stuttered as he anxiously searched my eyes.

"I know. But I couldn't help it. I felt as if I was dying... I k-knew but- I'm sorry... I'm sorry," I mumbled in tears when I felt a hot lump in my throat. I'm breaking into pieces... my heart's aching so much.

"Sora...," Jimin whispered, slowly reaching out for me.

"I was hurt. I couldn't control myself, I'm sorry. I know I'm supposed to hold it in, but it's killing me. I can't do this... Jimin- I can't-" I sobbed, apologetically leaning into his chest as the pain tore through my heart. I can't do this anymore... the pain is unbearable.

"Don't cry. I'm sorry. I promise I'll be careful. I love you," Jimin whispered, firmly securing his strong arms around me as I clutched onto his shirt.

"I-I can't do this anymore- I can't feel myself- I'm going insane-"

"Yes, you can. Sora, I trust you. I'm sorry, okay? Let's trust each other, as we promised. We'll be alright," Jimin sniffled and rubbed away my tears. He cupped my cheeks with his hands, sadly gazing into my eyes as I blinked at him with my tearful eyes. Even if he claims to be alright... I could see through him. Your eyes tell... Jimin... your eyes tell.

"J-Jimin... I-It's breaking me into pieces..." I whispered, numbly shaking my head at him. Just please say you're not okay, so we can flee from this hell. I want to end this pretentious game before it's too late.

"It's breaking me too, Sora. We're in pain... but please, we have to stay strong," Jimin stuttered as a single tear slid down his left cheek.

"For how long? I'm tired. You're tired. I'm scared it'll tear us apart- Jimin, we can't risk it," I whispered while staring at him in pain.

"I don't know. It's too late to turn around. The future might be dim, but let's hang on. Promise me," Jimin spoke in a broken tone, blinking rapidly to stop his tears from flowing. As much as his words comforted me, we both knew... deep down... we knew we were shattering into pieces. All that's left of us... is slowly falling apart.

"Promise," I nodded as tears rushed down my cheeks, so Jimin leaned over... gently grazing his lips against mine. He then pulled away and kissed me on the forehead. The moonlight illuminated our hurting figures as we stood in each other's arms.

In the end, there was nothing we could do but suppress our feelings and walk forward with the invisible pain. Even if we were right by each other's side- we couldn't feel each other's warmth... wae?

15 minutes went by quicker than we thought, so I had to leave first. Rubbing away my tears... I pushed open the door and went back down, expecting Hoseok to be there, but he wasn't. So, I searched for Hoseok, but he was nowhere to be found. Sighing, I walked through the west wing to search for Hoseok.

"How can I help you, Ms. Jang?" A staff approached me.

The Present

Sora's POV

I couldn't hear anything but my own heart... weakly pounding for... air. I need air. My entire body was burning for oxygen... it begged and begged, but my windpipe was completely blocked by the pressure. Just as I was about to close my eyes- the force on my throat suddenly subsided. I couldn't breathe at first, not until a rush of cool air flooded down my throat... bursting into my lungs to inflate my empty air sacs. My eyes flew open in shock as I hastily rolled over... desperately gasping for more air.

Smack. I coughed so hard- until tears filled my eyes while I rubbed my neck in pain. *grunts*. Thud. *grunts* I weakly flipped over to find blurry figures tumbling around to my right-hand side. What's going on...? Shaking away the dizziness, I slowly pushed myself up onto my feet just as my vision began to clear up. To my horror, I realized it was Yoongi. He was attacking the guy. He was slamming his fist repeatedly into the guy's face. But it didn't last when the guy kicked Yoongi square in the chest, sending him onto the ground, and started attacking Yoongi with all his might. I was about to rush over to help Yoongi when I turned to find Hoseok's lifeless body... still floating in the pool. Oh shit... aish!

"Help..." I hoarsely whispered. Why isn't my voice working?! What's wrong?!

"Help... Help- HELP HELP! GUARDS! SOMEONE! PLEASE HELP US," I finally screamed at the top of my lungs. Sora! Save him first! Sighing in frustration, I dived into the pool and speedily swam towards Hoseok.

"HELP! PLEASE HELP! HOSEOK'S HURT!" I screamed in fear, grabbing onto Hoseok's body before flipping him over to keep his face above the water's surface.

"Arghhhh!" Yoongi screamed, trying to tackle the guy onto the ground. I turned just in time to find Yoongi slamming his fist hard against the guy's jaw. Yoongi... please don't get hurt too!

"H-Hoseok! W-wake up- no- Hoseok!" I screamed while rubbing his cheeks, struggling to stay afloat as he drifted unconsciously in my arms. The water is too deep! I can't keep him up- SPLASH. Both Yoongi and the guy suddenly fell into the pool, causing Hoseok and I to submerge under the waves of pool water. F-fuck!

"HELP US-" I began coughing violently when the water filled my lungs, but I refused to let Hoseok sink with me, so I held him above the surface.

"ARGH! YOU FUCKER-" Yoongi groaned, grabbing onto his lower stomach in pain when the person suddenly swam away. And to my horror, the water around Yoongi began to turn red. He's hurt... no...

"Y-Yoongi!" I shrieked in horror when Yoongi screwed his face in extreme pain. His warm blood... tinting the transparent pool water.

"SORA!" Jungkook ran towards the pool in panic. He was super pale and confused at the same time.

"He's escaping!" Yoongi grunted, pointing at the guy as he pulled himself out of the opposite edge of the pool.

"JUNGKOOK NO!" I screamed when Jungkook attempted to chase after the culprit, who was now almost out of the water.


"SAVE HOSEOK, PLEASE!" I screamed in distress. Hoseok can't die! Not because of me! Jungkook glares at the guy one last time before diving into the pool to reach us. He dragged Hoseok towards the edge, and hurriedly climbed out to heave the wounded alpha out of the water.

"He's not responding!" Jungkook shouted while performing CPR on Hoseok, persistently pressing on Hoseok's chest. I quickly pushed myself out of the water and grabbed Yoongi's arms.

"Argh!" Yoongi wails in pain.

"Leave him in the pool! The water pressure will prevent him from losing too much blood!" Jungkook bellowed in hysteria before leaning over to blow into Hoseok's mouth.

"S-save Hoseok... I'm fine," Yoongi gritted as he gripped his wound.

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry," I bit my lips and rushed over to Hoseok. Jungkook continued to press down on his chest repetitively to revive his consciousness.

"Young master!" The guards suddenly appeared, rushing up to us.

"CALL THE DOCTORS!" The guards screamed at one another.


"What happened?!" Taehyung ran over to us and quickly knelt down beside Hoseok.

"My arm's sore!" Jungkook groaned in exhaustion. And without hesitation, Taehyung pushed Jungkook aside and began pressing on Hoseok's chest instead.

"Omo! Yoongi!" Mira gasped in terror. Minho bolted over to Yoongi, who was still in the pool, and tried to haul him out.


"C-come on... Hoseok-ah..." I whispered, nervously gripping his hands while Jungkook and Taehyung took turns doing the CPR. He can't do this to me! I can't lose him like I lost Yangcha!

"W-what happened to you?!" Jimin dropped onto his knees with a bewildered look. He stared at my unpleasant state and froze in his position. Jimin sat eyeing my wounded neck in shock.

"Your neck-"

"No, not now. I'm fine. Don't," I whispered, keeping my eyes trained on Hoseok. We can't be distracted! Everyone's watching! But Jimin didn't seem to hear me... he reached out for me in dread. His eyes were bulging open with anger.

"Jimin- don't lose yourself!" Taehyung quickly grabbed Jimin's hand to stop him from touching me.

"Jimin, please, I'm fine-"

"WHO DID THIS TO-" Jimin angrily bellowed, but before he could finish his sentence- Taehyung quickly wrapped his hands around Jimin's mouth and tugged him backward. Jimin sat furiously gawking at my wounded neck in rage... restlessly thrashing around, but Taehyung held him away from me.


"HOSEOK!" I gasped in shock when he suddenly coughed out the water into Jungkook's face, who quickly turned away in disgust.

"Move out of the way! The medical team is here!" The guards shouted, clearing the path for the medical team. Two doctors pulled Hoseok into a sitting position and started pounding on his back until Hoseok puked in distress.

"Heave him out! Be quick!" Another doctor ordered, so Minho and a couple of guards pulled Yoongi out of the pool, causing blood to flow all over the ground. The doctors immediately compressed Yoongi's wound to stop him from bleeding.

Everything around me was a disaster. Jungkook's right. The alphas will never let our alliance form. Someone did this to break the alliance. Breathing heavily... I turned to find Seokjin standing on the opposite side of the pool... blankly gazing at us in his night robe. Beside him was Namjoon... sternly watching us with his hands clasped together. Namjoon leaned over to whisper something in Seokjin's ear, so Seokjin nodded. Namjoon suddenly walked off on his own. I need to find the culprit... I know they're behind this.

"Lock down the island, right now. FIND HYUN JIWOO! HE TRIED TO MURDER HOSEOK," I shouted at the top of my lungs with my fury eyes locked on Kim Seokjin... startling the guards and in response, they began alarming all the patrols throughout the island. Seokjin averted his eyes to mine and stood staring at me with a calm expression. So calm... I thought I saw him smirking at me. Kim Seokjin... just wait until I catch Jiwoo! Suddenly, the dark hollow sensations began to pump through every vein in my body as I unblinkingly stared at Seokjin with my vengeful eyes.

Hyun Jiwoo... you tried to steal a vital source of my life... was it you who took away Yangcha...? Was it you who tried to ruin my life...? Whose order did you follow? Kim Namjoon? Kim Seokjin? Either way... I won't let any of you live the moment I uncover the truth. I'm gonna make sure you feel the pain Yangcha felt. I'm gonna make you feel the pain I felt. I'm going to make you regret provoking me.

Just as everyone was busy trying to save Hoseok and Yoongi- I quickly dashed off into the garden. He can't be far... he's on an island after all. I jogged through the flowery-scented orchard and into the empty garden, but there was no sign of Jiwoo... and where did Namjoon go...? I turned down the curve of the pebbles track- but stopped dead in my tracks when my eyes landed on the wet footprint stains on the main pathway leading to the island's road.

"Run... run as far as you can," I chuckled sarcastically, following the fresh footsteps. No matter how far you go... you'll never escape me. You can never escape this society... the only way to escape it is to perish from this world.

"-HELP ME! PLEASE. YOU PROMISED!" Jiwoo's frightened voice suddenly echoed from the fountain down the left bush. I stopped dead again before averting my eyes toward the voice. He's talking to someone... he sounds so weak and... scared... wae? Just a moment ago... he was squeezing the life out of me. I can vividly remember his dull murderous eyes... those flirty smiles were just a mask to hide his true self. No one's innocent, you see... no one. Gradually... I walked up to the corner and rounded the garden to find Jiwoo soaking wet as he stood by the water fountain. He's desperately begging someone for help... Kim Namjoon.

I was right. It is Namjoon. It is Seokjin. They're the masterminds... and Jiwoo's the minion. How many other minions do they have? How many did they manage to fool into handling their dirty work?

Namjoon was sternly staring at Jiwoo from the opposite side of the fountain. He noticed my presence, but he didn't look at me. Instead, he quietly stood staring at Jiwoo, who was desperately trying to justify his actions in fright.

"-YOU SAID YOU'D GIVE ME A CHANCE- W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Jiwoo backed away in horror when Namjoon suddenly drew a gun from his jacket and pointed it straight at him.

My heart sank in dread. No... He can't die like this... not yet. I need to find out the truth, and he has to suffer-

"You messed up," Namjoon spoke in a dangerous tone.


"NO!" I angrily cried, dashing towards them at full speed-


The earsplitting gunfire went off, causing my ears to turn static. Splat. I felt a wet splash on my face, so I stopped dead. Eyes bulging open in horror... I stared at Jiwoo's blasted forehead. He briefly stood staring at Namjoon with his terrified eyes wide open until it rolled back into his sockets. Everything slowed down around me as I stood before the alpha... completely paralyzed by the scene before me as I watched Jiwoo descend to the ground with a blasted skull. Splash. He collapsed right into the water fountain and began twitching for a few seconds. I couldn't look away, so I stiffly stared at the horrifying view in the garden without blinking. It was gruesome, but I refused to look away. Can he feel the pain? Is this what Yangcha felt...? Is he suffering enough? Was it too easy?

The light blue ripples in the fountain slowly turned murky red as the man's blood blended with the clear water. I stared at the bits and pieces of his skulls and brain fragments sliding down the slippery surface of the marble statue... and into the dark red bowl of the alpha's fluid.

Snap. The static sound in my ears suddenly hushed, replaced by the hard-blowing sea winds accompanied by the distant echoes of ocean waves crashing against the shore. I stood fixedly staring at Jiwoo's corpse in the fountain. Slowly... I averted my eyes to Kim Namjoon, who was also staring at the dead corpse... drifting in the water fountain.

Fresh blood was splattered all over Namjoon's face and body. Yet he stood unblinkingly watching the dark red water... splashing softly against the lifeless body floating in the water fountain.