Chapter 4 Who are you?

The summer sun shone warmly on Lilis tanned skin as she stood knee-deep in the cool water of the lake. Lili was looking at her reflection in the water with pride and concern. To her amazement, she had now managed to survive a whole 6 winters in this new world. Now Terminator the rooster was no longer larger than her in any way. By her estimates, she stood close to 100 centimeters tall now. Sure her growth seemed to have stagnated due to her earlier years, but she held out hope for a sudden increase in height to come soon. 

Other than that she was doing pretty great. With an increase in her food intake thanks to her traps and new tools she had also now been able to start exercising. Each day she went swimming and did a few pullups, pushups and her favorite exercise squats. Along with this, she had started to practice basic gymnastics to gain the agility she had so greatly lacked in her previous life. Now she could even do handstands and splits with ease. 

Thanks to all of this she had now gained some definition of small muscles on her arms, her chest was flat but she could feel some muscle in there as well, and her 4 pack abs were showing a little with a beautifully sculpted V-shape at the end leading to her most dreaded part of the body. 

Despite having come so far in her growth that even her glutes and legs were starting to show great signs of growth. One part of her was still missing and that was her reproductive member. And it wasnt just not growing, it simply just wasnt there to begin with. Instead, she simply had what all girls had down there. 

Seeing this made her feel great distress. If it wasnt going to grow soon then how was she ever going to lose her virginity in this life? The thought of this bothered her greatly. Sure by now she was quite sure that she truly was a female, but she still held out hope. 

In her previous life, she had heard some people say that a human could achieve a greater height or larger muscles by simply thinking of those things each and every day as they trained. It was said that they could program their brains to change the shapes of their bodies by simply thinking of those changes that they wanted to happen.

Using this theory as her reasoning she had decided to deny her girliness and instead reasoned that she was still just in the early stages of development. She really wanted to cut her long blonde hair also, but her mother had specifically told her that she should grow it long because it would look good on her. To honor her dead mothers wished she had indeed done so.

Now her hair reached down to her butt which was why she always kept it tied up in a ponytail style. Other than that she had soft-looking eyebrows, a small button nose, a heart-shaped face and full lips. Overall she found herself to be pretty cute which was nice, but on the other hand, it was also a great worry of hers as she didnt look manly at all. Even if she were to cut her hair and dress up as a boy, she doubted if anybody would really believe her to be a boy.

Taking in an encouraging breath of fresh forest air, Lili looked into her reflection with determination. Just like always, she was not going to give up just yet. No, she would keep on believing in her manliness till the very end or maybe once she actually got some tits then she might lose hope, but not just yet. 

Turning around she looked to her mothers tomb that once was her home and with determination she said. 

"Dont worry Mother, whatever happens. I will be sure to make you proud."

Then she got out of the water and put on her rabbit-skin loincloth that was open on the sides to provide maximum maneuverability. Then she put on her rabbit-skin one-shoulder top that left her stomach and left shoulder fully exposed. Lastly, she put two tight leather bands around her thigh and between the bands she placed her leather knife holster that held her small knife in place. 

Looking at her outfit she couldnt help but notice just how good she looked like this. Sure it wasnt intimidating or manly, but something inside of her was telling her that this was right. For whatever reason she couldnt quite understand why, but her new self seemed to have a craving for things that were pretty. Some time ago she had even started to gather wildflowers that she had then planted all around her mothers tomb. 

Already having done her morning swimming practices she felt refreshed and extremely confident in herself as she then decided to go and grab something to eat. On hot summer days like this, usually, she just loved to eat loads of berries, especially strawberries which were plentiful in her new garden. 

Coming to the side of her mothers tomb she could see her new fences that were made of tall branches that were completely covered in vines and flowers. On the outside, the whole scene seemed quite lively and magical, almost like this was some forest elf home or something. 

Then as she entered her secret doorway that was covered by a vines she froze. Right before her eyes a figure much larger than her dressed in a black cloak was holding her best friend Terminator in both hands, hands that were covered in black leather gloves that had red stains on them. 

Seeing the combination of red and black her body moved immediately out of instinct. Her legs sent the soft soil of her garden flying as she ran towards this dark figure. Her hand moved out of instinct to her shoulder almost as if she were about to call for backup. 

immediately realizing her mistake she instead used her hands to create momentum and with all her might she jumped onto the large figures back. She moved her arms around the neck of the figure and wrapped her legs around its torso. The figure let out a surprised. "Huh whaaat?" 

Then she took the figure into a Rear naked choke which immediately made its muscular neck tense up. Lili put all her power into the move, but almost immediately she felt the difference in their power. No matter how hard she might try to choke this person, she would never be able to do it. This persons neck felt like it was a solid block of wood, It felt like a true mans neck. 

Then the mans arms moved and before she even realized it she was pulled off his back and sent flying towards the ground. Like a skilled gymnastic girl, she landed with a roll that caused a few of her peas to be crushed. 

Managing to stop her rolling momentum she immediately turned around and took a low combat stance. To her surprise the man didnt attack, instead, they both now stood there looking at each other. The man seemed surprised at her as he then took off his hood and revealed a young face. 

No this was not a man, but a teenage boy in her eyes. By the looks of his neck and strong facial features, the boy was already well-trained and had a well-developed body with a nice tan. He had golden blonde hair, thick eyebrows, light blue eyes, a straight nose, perfect lips, a sharp jawline and a noticeable Adam's apple. Overall the boy looked handsome and well groomed with a good 65 centimetres more in the height department than she had. By the looks of it, he was probably at least 4 years older than she was.

Without realizing it she had quickly found herself lost in her admiration of his naturally good manly looks. Then the boy spoke to her in a surprisingly deep tone of voice. 

"Who are you?"

Hearing this Lili came out of her daze and realized that this fight was not going to be in her favor. She would need to rely on speed and agility in order to win here. With that in mind, she pulled out her small knife and spoke in a high-pitched girlish voice as she said. 

"I'm not a murdering criminal like you!"

The man quickly glanced at his hands and seemingly realized what she was talking about as he tried to say something back, but was immediately forced onto the retreat as Lili charged and started swinging her knife around. 

Lili was no knife expert, but she was extremely shocked to see the boy move as he did. No matter which way she attacked the boy kept on moving out of the way, always keeping his body but a centimeter away from her blade. 

Soon the boys surprised expression seemed to turn serious as he then moved to grab a hold of her knife hand. 

With a surprising amount of speed, the boys hands caught her smaller hand, but too late. Rigt before he grabbed her she tossed the knife into her other hand and then struck back. 

The boy tried to move back, but too late as she sent a quick slice toward his bicep. She could feel the knife cut deep into the fabric of the cloak and black leather shirt underneath it. 

The boy created some distance and Lili quickly followed, but as she did so a fast kick suddenly came from under the cloak and struck her knife-wielding hand hard. Lili yelped in pain as the knife was sent flying out of her hand and behind the boy. 

In pain, Lili held her hurting hand and saw an infuriating arrogant grin form on the boys face revealing his perfect white teeth as he commented. 

"I got you."

Her eyes then widened in panic as she saw him lunged at her with full force. Unable to react in time she was quickly pinned to the ground. He forced her hand to the side despite her best efforts to resist and trapped her legs between his. Lili tried to desperately fight back, but she couldnt move an inch. 

In anger and mostly frustration she looked at the boy straight into his eyes as she attempted with all her might to lift her hands. The boy seemed surprised as she managed to move his hands slightly until her hands tired and she gave up on her hands. 

In admiration the boy then said. 

"Your definitely the strongest girl I have ever met, but your still just a girl."

Hearing this something seemingly snapped in her as she gritted her teeth and roared in a girlish voice,

"I'm not a girl!"

The boy simply raised a questioning eyebrow at these words. Then she, using her agile body managed to pull her legs back against her chest and with all her might she kicked the boy straight into his balls. To her surprise, her legs seemed to impact way more flesh than she expected and a lot larger balls than she ever would have imagined. 

No, surely it cant be that big? Can it? She thought to herself right before feeling the boys grip loosen. 

Almost immediately the boys hands went to his balls and he seemed as if though the air had just been punched out of him as he then fell to his side. 

Using this opportunity to her advantage she quickly got up and ran out of the garden and towards the lake where she had her fish trap and her stone spear. Surely with that, she would win.