Chapter 38 A Strange Dream.

In the beginning there was but a small tree, and from that tree it was born. Back then the sky was clear and blue, the sun was radiant and warm, its light gave it and the world around it life, and so life was good.

Slowly under these great circumstances it grew into a fine red apple. And slowly its consciousness grew as well, it grew to a state much past its own kind and so it started to learn about the world around it.

It started to see magnificent, large and small man made structures of white metal and clear glass. And, in between the structures of man there were many patches of green gardens and what the men called parks that were filled with life.

And everywhere there were countless people going about. There were more people than its young newborn self back then could even comprehend. But one thing was for certain to it even then and that was that they were all full of life and happiness. Their happiness was so radiant that even it couldn't help but feel happy as well.

From its vantage point in its small mother tree it watched as the people went about their daily lives. Some walked the streets made of stone, some walked around the green batches of land where they sometimes just sat around or lay lazily as they enjoyed their day. Some people used strange small moving piles of colourful metal to take themselves from place to place at immense speeds. Some of these things could even climb to the high clouds and beyond into the sky where the stars were.

It felt greatly intrigued by all that it saw, but sadly it could not move from the place that it was born. The tree where it grew was but in a small garden of a small human home, where a small human family of 5 resided.

Nonetheless life here was good and so it waited and grew for a time and watched the family going about their seemingly happy lives, and so for a time life was good.

But then one day this all changed. It started with the faces of the people. Suddenly their faces no longer held signs of happiness in them and the overall atmosphere in the city became cold. They no longer walked the streets in large numbers as they once did and the traffic in the city and in the sky almost completely came to a halt.

Then one day it started to hear sounds of explosions that shook the city. A siren was heard and smoke clouds started to rise in the city, followed by the screaming of terrified people and the pained wailing of some. It didn't know what was going on here, it wanted to help, but alas it couldn't do anything.

And so it just watched and listened as then loud sounds of gunfire erupted around the city. The sounds of the shooting echoed throughout the city streets and sent all the people who still remained in the streets quickly scrambling back into their homes.

Then it started to see large roaring vehicles of heavy metal emerging into the city streets. On them were men that were covered head to toe in some sort of metal armour. While some rode these massive blocks of metal, others were running all around the cities streets in small groups of 8 or more. These men held what the humans called guns in their hands. On their heads most of them wore metal helmets, but some wore caps and all of them wore what the humans called gasmasks on their faces.

For a few days this chaos seemed to rain over the city and life was not good. But after a few days of this a sudden peace then came. For a full day the people rejoiced and life seemed to turn back to normal, but it was not meant to be.

Almost immediately after the chaos, the sun suddenly went dark as what seemed like a dark cloud high up in the stars blocked its light. And then in the sky it started to see thousands of flashing lights. It looked so beautiful to it, but the humans did not seem to think so. It could see that their faces were riddled with worry and fear.

Then the loud siren sounded again and it felt like the entire world started to suddenly shake. From all around the city, tall white towers emerged and around the city a singular long and thick wall of metal came from under the ground.

And then came a booming sound from the sky, and in the sky it started to see hundreds of burning stars made of metal falling down to the surface of the world. They came in all sizes and accompanied with a brilliant burning trail of fire behind them. Then as they landed, big explosions followed and the people once more vacated the streets and ran for cover.

For a while the falling stars came crashing down with loud bangs and explosions, until it too ended. In the sky the cloud that covered the sun then started to spread leaving everything in complete darkness.

From a midst the human structures, loud bangs could be heard, followed by large projectiles being fired into the sky. Then as these projectiles impacted with the dark cloud, they created massive explosions that created momentary holes in the dark cloud that covered the sky.

As this went on the humans dressed in green came out to the city streets once more. Some were armoured some not as they ran about the cities streets calling out to the people. From the family of 5, 2 men and a woman exited their home and with determination on their faces joined the green men.

Only a boy and a sickly old woman were left now. It watched as they stood there in front of their home with sadness and worry in their eyes.

All around the city it seemed that the adult humans were all stepping out of their homes in order to join the green men. Little by little they were all made to stand in long organized formations as they were led off somewhere into the distance.

It wanted to help them in some way, it wanted to make them happy, but sadly all it could do was to try and make its shell nutritious and tasty for them to consume when they so wished to do.

Looking at this scene it suddenly then noticed something small descending down to the earth. There were millions upon millions of small living organisms falling down to the surface. They went unnoticed by the humans, but it could see them clearly.

As they landed they attached themselves to whatever they could, small roots started to grow out of them as they started to feed off of whatever they were attached to. They were like ravenous spores that seeked to make all of the planets surface their own. They even tried to get into it, but it wasn't going to let them and so it resisted, but sadly many others like it didn't have the strength to do so and so they slowly started to wither away. Little by little the spores grew in number, but luckily they seemed unable to attach themselves to the humans and so they were at least spared.

After that the sky seemed to start falling down upon the city as countless pods of living flesh, protected by a hard cell like carapace armour came falling down. Immediately the humans metal towers around the city, along with its walls answered by opening fire upon these flesh pods.

With this the entire sky seemed to be lit up by thousands of constant streams of fire that tore all they touched into shreds. Also it could see many winged man made metal vehicles that looked like hawks lifting off from the city. Without fear these hawks flew into the sky and met their enemies of flesh with immense firepower.

For a time this battle between metal and flesh raged on in the sky, until little but little the humans managed to push these creatures back.

For some time it seemed that the city had been spared from whatever it was that these fleshy enemies of the humans were. The firing of guns and the sounds of explosions could only be heard in the far distance. And it could see the horizon being lit up by the large explosions created by the battle.

But as the days passed and turned into weeks, the sounds of battle grew ever closer. And with the sounds coming closer, it could see more and more humans of all ages being moved towards these sounds by the green men. Then one day it started to see bright mushroom clouds rising high up into the sky, followed by loud bangs that made the entire earth tremble.

Soon after that, a metal transport carrying many young boys and girls came to the home of the old woman and boy. It stopped just outside the boys home and from it a green man stepped out and came to the door knocking.

As the boy opened the door it was immediately clear that it was now the boys time to go as well.

Standing there at the doorway the old woman stood with dead sad eyes looking at the boy. She said nothing and simply patted the boy on his head and watched him bravely go out the door. But before he left, he turned to the apple tree or more specifically he looked at it.

There on one of the mother trees high branches only it still remained. All its brethren were gone, either made to serve as food to the humans or simply just killed off by these spores. But to be eaten by humans was not a bad thing for them as that is how it shed its skin, and could then let its seed grow into a tree.

And so it welcomed the boys gaze and the boy also seemed to welcome it. The boy nimbly climbed up the tree and picked it up and placed it in his small bag. From there the boy headed for the back of the metal transport and joined the other young ones.

There it could see that all their faces were filled with fear and hopelessness, but why, it did not yet understand.

The metal transport made a loud rumbling sound as it started to move. For a short while the transport took them through the city's empty streets and closer to the sounds of battle. Then they came to a wider street where they joined tens of other transports like the one they were on. And soon they passed under the great white gatehouse of the massive wall and came to a stop in front of it.

Outside the transport it could hear loud yelling of many people and then the green man emerged at the entrance to the transport. The man seemed serious as he barked at the young ones saying.

"Brave sons and daughters of the empire, hear me and remember, it is only through the manner of our deaths that we will be washed into the God Empresses embrace in her golden halls of heaven! So hold your ground and do not falter or your souls be damned into hell! Now get off the transport and move into the forward trench line! Move move move!"

Hearing this the boy along with all the other young ones eyes suddenly lit up with determination as they took their bags and hopped off of the transport. For a second they stopped and looked at the scene before them.

Around them people from the other transports were also getting out while the green men kept on shouting. On the other transports it could see people of all ages and sexes. It seemed that the green men were not being picky whith the people they took here.

From inside the city it could see more transports arriving at the front of the city gates and unloading off more people.

Then it noticed that there in front of the tall city walls were 3 long lines of these trenches that the green man spoke of. They were all fairly wide and deep lines that the humans had dug into the grassy soil. They moved in a zigzag pattern and were filled with green armoured men.

Built into the trenches there were also stone structures from where a lot of firepower was being sent out of and into the distance.

In front of each line there were lots of thin and sharp metal wires. And in front of the wires there were teeth like stones dug into the ground.

Also it noticed that behind each trench line there were big metal vehicles with long pipes that were constantly shooting out something that exploded in the distance as that something impacted with the ground.

Looking into the dark distance that was only lit up by the flashes of explosions and the lines of fire that the humans shot out of their guns it could not see clearly what it was that they were all shooting at. All it could see was a large dust storm unlike any it had ever seen coming at them.

Seeing this the young ones hesitated, but then whistles sounded and then the barking of the green men came again. Then the people from the other transports started to cheer as they broke into a sprint and headed straight for the forward most trench.

Seeing this the young ones got encouraged as they too let out fearsome roars and cheers as they started to run.

In the middle there was an opening in the sharp wire which the people used to run all the way to the front most trench.

Soon the people from the city started to flood the front most trench and the boy followed, but at the entrance to the trenche the boy stopped. His face seemed to turn into horror as he saw hundreds of half eaten, mangled and ripped bodies laying there in the trench. There was blood and guts everywhere. And as the people hopped into the trench there boots made a sickening splat sound as they crushed eyeballs and guts under their feet.

Also amongst the dead it could see the bodies of a few large reptilian like monsters that bled what seemed to be dirty yellow blood. These creatures were unlike anything it had ever seen, their back sides were completely covered in hard looking carapace armour, they had tales, multiple eyes, massive claws and teeth that by the looks of the dead humans were meant for ripping through bone and flesh. Their front sides were a dirty white colour and the back armour was black.

Nonetheless most of the humans didn't seem to mind the sight of all of this as they just took the dead men's weapons and armour and went into firing positions.

The boy seemingly gulped down his fear and also stepped into the deep trenche. Walking along it's length he searched and searched for some weapon he could use.

Coming upon the stone structure in the trench line he saw no door on it and so he simply entered. There he could see a horrible sight. Blood and guts everywhere, on the ground a beast lay dead with it's long claws still stuck in two armoured men. Despite the men's armour the claws seemed to have just cut right through them, most likely killing them instantly.

But there the boy then spotted what seemed like a sword in one of the dead men's hands. The sword seemed quite peculiar as it had a covering on one side of it with the many small blades visible only on the other side.

Seeing this the boy suddenly sounded excited as he said.

"Cool, its a real chain sword?"

Without hesitation he picked it up and gave it a few practice swings. The thing seemed heavy for the boys hands, but with both hands he seemed to be able to use it just fine. Then the boy pressed a trigger on the swords handle and suddenly the thing roared to life. The blades started moving at a incredible speed. Letting go of the trigger, the sword then went silent again.

The boy seemed amazed by this new discovery, but his attention was quickly taken elsewhere. To his left there was still a small group of 8 armoured men in the structure. All of them seemed to be completely ignoring the boy as their attention was taken up by their constant shooting into the distant storm.

All the men were sweaty and seemed extremely panicked. One was handling a large stationary gun which was shooting a constant stream of massive bullets. Another man held a box of ammunition and was crouching down at the guns side, seemingly helping feed more of these bullets into it.

Curious the boy got closer to see what was going on with the storm that the men were shooting into.

There it could see nothing but a barren wasteland of massive craters that dotted the land and countless bodies of those reptilian monsters. Their bodies were so many that in some places they had formed into massive piles of dead rotting flesh. The piles were so high that they obscured the sight of the land behind them and gave the monsters cover from the humans gun fire.

But as it, and the boy looked there, one thing quickly came apparent, this was no dust storm, but a stampede of monsters whose numbers were so great that their charge made the ground tremble and kicked up a lot of dust into the air.

Their numbers seemed endless, they were so many that amidst them large explosions that tore tens of them apart seemed like nothing. These explosions were like small drops of water in a vast sea, hardly even noticeable.

Coming over the piles of dead monsters and moving through the craters, it could see extremely large hulking monsters the size of large human structures coming. Their hands were nothing but massive claws and their bodies like indestructible shields that absorbed almost all damage inflicted upon them. Explosions merely shook them or maybe tore chunks off of them and made them bleed their disgusting looking, dirty yellow blood, but these monsters didn't seem to care. Even the smaller monsters didn't seem to care about such injuries, they kept on going even if their legs and clawed arms were blown off.

This tide of monsters held no fear in their eyes, the only thing it could see in them was an endless hunger. A hunger that was being pointed at the humans. They seemed determined to fight the humans till their very last, no matter the cost.

Looking at them it noticed that the monsters all ran on two beastly armoured legs with their bodies bent forward and heads held low, so as to protect their lower faces, eyes and other frontal parts of their bodies which were not armoured.

Slowly but surely the tide pressed forward and then from amidst the monsters emerged a strange sight. There it could see monsters with weapons like the humans had, except their weapons seemed to be made of flesh.

Then suddenly large spikes the size of the apple itself started to fly out of the monstrous flesh guns. They flew at incredible speeds, but seemed quite inaccurate as they seemed to spread everywhere. Nonetheless the hail of spikes was so thick that soon screams of pain could be heard coming from the trenches. Then right in front of the boy, one of the 8 armoured men was hit in his shoulder.

The man immediately fell to the ground screaming as he held onto the massive spike sticking out of his shoulder. Immediately another of the men rushed to the screaming man's aid and dragged him away.

Seeing this the boy didn't start cowering in fear as the other soldiers didn't do so either. All the men here acted as seeing one of them being wounded like so was just but a normal thing.

But the boy himself seemed mad as he watched the wounded man being dragged away. In his fury the boy clenched a strange necklace around his neck and immediately jumped into action. He took the wounded man's rifle from the floor and rushed closer to the opening in the structure. Somehow the boy seemed to know what he was doing as he took aim at the incoming monsters and pulled the trigger.

A loud bang was heard, then it could see in the distance the top part of a monsters head being hit. It could not quite see what the boy was aiming at, but supposedly this was the boys target. But sadly the monster merely flinched from the hit and kept on moving.

The boy didn't seem disheartened by this at all as he kept himself low behind the stone cover of the structure and kept on firing. It could see the boy hitting some of the monsters in their soft fleshy parts, wounding them. Nonetheless these creatures kept on moving as wounds made by these smaller guns seemed to have little effect on them.

Then by some miracle the boy got low and just managed to dodge something flying past his head.

Turning to look at what it was the boy then heard a small hiss and there before him was some small snake-like monster creature. It had the same carapace armour on its back and sharp rows of teeth just like the other monsters, but this thing had no arms or legs. Even its eyes were missing, the thing seemed blind as it seemed to be trying to locate it's pray by hissing.

It's long tongue was out as it hissed at the air, but the boy didn't hesitate as he aimed and fired. Immediately the creatures head blew up and its dirty yellow blood was sent flying around.

The man tending to the wounded man in the corner cheered at the boy who said nothing in return and just turned back to look at the battlefield.

For a while this fight continued, little by little the boy got better at shooting, he even seemed to kill a few of the monsters and he also got faster at reloading his gun. Monsters were getting killed by the thousands, they were dropping down dead everywhere and little by little new piles of dead monsters started to form. And little by little the piles of dead monsters got closer and closer and still they just kept on coming.

Then it all changed as a few hundred meters away one of the massive monsters heads suddenly got blown off completely. The thing immediately stopped moving and fell its headless face first to the ground with a heavy bang.

From behind it and over it then came a stream of smaller monsters that were closing in fast. They were already almost upon the sharp wire wall that was only but a hundred meters away from the trench line.

Quickly the humans seemed to take note of this as a dense concentration of fire from guns was then aimed there. It almost seemed like an invisible wall of bullets was formed there just in front of the wire, a wall that tore all who touched it into shreds.

But as the humans concentrated on this the monsters further back managed to creep forward and soon the wire wall was being assaulted. The monsters through their large bodies straight at it. The wire was strong and sharp, it cut the creatures bodies in many places and entangled them in its many wires, halting their movements for a while.

Now the situation started to seem quite hopeless. Finally it felt like it understood why the humans seemed so desperate and afraid.

Nonetheless this went on for a good while and the monsters were halted, until the wind picked up and loud high-pitched screeches came down from the sky.

The screeching didn't have any effect on it, but the boy along with the humans suddenly went to protect their ears as they fell to the ground screaming in pain.

The boys veins bulged and his eyes seemed bloodshot as he gritted his teeth. Amazingly the boy, unlike the men here managed to push himself back up to his feet.

Looking at the field his eyes visibly widened in horror as he saw the monsters using this pause in the shooting to completely break through the wire wall. They simply build a bridge over the wires with their comrades bodies, uncaring of their comrades safety or pain.

Quickly the boy pushed the screaming man handling the big stationary gun away as he took control of it and started firing. Before his eyes the monsters started to be torn into shreds by the guns power, but it was not enough.

The monsters were fast and quick to avoid his gun fire and quickly focused their attention on the other parts of the trench line that were not shooting.

They were now only twenty meters away and only then did gun fire erupt once more in the trenches. Then finally the screeching in the sky came to a pause and all the men got back to shooting.

But it was already too late. Screams of terror and death could be heard in the trench already as some of the monsters got inside the trench line.

Then the screeching came again. Once more the boy stopped. He seemed like he was about to take a hold of his ears and drop to the floor, but he resisted. Blood came from the boys ears as he started firing the large gun again at the enemy that was now almost already in spitting distance of the stone structure.

Luckily the others also seemed to recover quicker this time as they joined the fighting as well, but then a loud roar came from behind the boy.

He didn't seem to hear it, but it could see one of those monsters trying to squeeze itself through the open doorway as the armoured men opened fire upon it.

The monster was quickly riddled with holes, his carapace armour cracked and broke, followed by blood splattering everywhere as it fell to the ground dead.

Then came a loud metallic bang as a large spike flew straight into the boys heavy gun just as it was firing. Immediately the thing seemed to explode in the boys hands, tossing the boy to the ground.

Luckily the boy remained unhurt as he quickly took the chain sword from the ground and got back up.

Just then monsters slammed against the stone structure. They used their massive claws to try and reach inside, but they fell a bit short. The boy made his sword growl as he started hacking at the massive claws trying to reach out to him.

On impact the sword sent sparks flying and tore right through the monsters claws. Dirty yellow blood flew everywhere and covered the boy as he kept on swinging.

At the same time the other men were using their guns to fire at monsters which seeked to push themselves inside the structure. As one monster fell, it was quickly pulled away and another tested its luck.

Then as all hope seemed lost, suddenly the heat rose in the building as the creatures were set ablaze. Behind the monsters it could see bombs falling down to the fields setting everything ablaze. The monsters seemed to be somewhat resistant to the heat as they took time to burn, but burn they luckily did.

Then one of the soldiers grabbed the boys shoulder and yelled to him to start running. Apparently the soldier had gotten an order through his head piece to pull back and so they did. With haste the 8 soldiers and the boy ran.

They pushed past the burning monster at the entrance of the structure and entered the zigzagging trench. In front of them they could see that everyone here was dead.

There were bodies everywhere, some were burning, some had been torn apart, penetrated or simply eaten alive. Their bodies were in such horrible conditions that no more could it even recognise their faces or ages as most were nothing but piles of meat.

Nonetheless they moved forward, over their heads gun fire raged and bombs flew as did the enemies spikes and those small snake creatures. All around fires raged and even the sky was lit ablaze by the raging battle that was happening there.

There in the sky, the humans flying metal hawks fought with those massive winged monsters that let out those horrendous screeches. Even now it could hear their screeching in the distant sky. But this was none of their concern, all they had to do now was run or they would for sure die here.

In the trench they noticed some of those snake creatures feasting not only on the flesh of the humans, but also upon their own dead. With each bite it could see that their bellies grew, but their hunger didn't seize.

Seemingly disgusted by this the humans made quick work of these small creatures with their guns and then pressed onwards. As they ran towards the beginning of the trench line the air shook as two metal hawks flew over their heads. The hawks bellies opened up and fire bombs were dropped, lighting the horizon ablaze.

Thanks to this it seemed that the swarm of monsters was kept at bay, but they still weren't far and in the sky the numbers of the hawks seemed to be quickly diminishing.

Coming to the start of the trench line they quickly climbed out of the trench and were met with the sight of the second trench line retreating back into the city.

From far to the left and right men and moving metal came and went inside the walls, while the humans closest to the walls held their ground. They also noted that the second trench line had already been breached at some points as there were bodies of monsters there.

Seeing this the 8 men and the boy started to run, not to the second trench line but towards the city.

Whistles were being blown and green men with caps were seemingly ordering people to retreat.

As they ran the growls of the monsters kept on growing louder and louder behind them. And from the sky, two burning hawks came crashing down, followed by three still breathing winged monsters that had most likely destroyed them.

These creatures were large, over 6 meters in height and held some kind of massive flesh cannons in their hands.

From the walls heavy fire rained up to meet them killing one and taking out ones wings causing it to come crashing hard down to the ground. But the third still somewhat intact managed to get close to the retreating men and then it fired its flesh cannon.

The cannon glowed a bright yellow for a second until it released a huge ball of green liquid. It fell right upon a big moving metal vehicle with a splash. The splash from there spread wide and hit a few close by humans who almost immediately started making a hissing sound as they started to melt.

The men screamed in agony as their body armour, clothes, skin and flesh down to their very bones were melted off. The metal vehicle as well made a hissing sound as the top of it disintegrated almost fully until it then ended.

Immediately after that something exploded against its large body and brought it crashing hard to the silent forward trench line from where the boy was running away from. There it then got gunned down and almost immediately died.

Running past the scene of the melted men the boy seemed as if he were about to puke, but somehow he managed to hold it in. Other men's and women's stomachs weren't as resistant to the sight of this.

Now almost at the gates the boy looked up and noticed the sky once more filling up with flesh pods. They came down like a rainstorm, completely filling the sky with their numbers.

The large guns in the city fired at them bringing them down by the thousands, but it was not enough. By the time the boy made it inside the city walls the first flesh pods were already making impact with the ground. Some of them slammed into tall buildings causing big fleshy explosions while some crushed smaller homes or created craters in the ground.

With worry the boy looked into the far distance where his home was located, but then he heard one of the green men with a cap on his head yell to all.

"The civilians are all evacuated! Now everyone fall back to the spaceport! The Empress and her fleets already await for us in orbit ready to open a path in the Xenos blockade! Now move it, move it! To the spaceport!"

Hearing this the boy seemed relieved as he and the others hopped on transports and started to retreat.

Moving through the cities streets the transports opened up their covers and the men on board opened fire on the monsters that already swarmed the streets.

From each flesh pod that hit the ground tens of monsters emerged. They immediately without any commands needing to be said started to head towards the closest human targets.

All around fires raged as the metal vehicles blasted their way through the city. Little by little the towers firing to the sky went silent and more pods came raining down.

They smashed into the streets but the vehicles didn't care as they rammed into them at full speed. The impact sent the still disoriented beasts flying and made some vehicle's lose control as they then slammed into buildings.

Despite this other vehicles didn't stop for them, now it was a race to the finish line. It seemed that men were expected to be lost here and not all we're ment to make it out, there just wasn't enough time.

Even as the city started to be overrun the fighting was still taking place at the walls. Were those men at the walls even going to try and make it out of here alive, it wondered?

In the distance, only half a kilometer away it could then see a massive building of pure metal. It was almost as wide as the city itself. And there it could also see a tall ramp that led to massive metal gates much bigger than the cities gates.

On the ramp in the distance there were lines of vehicles driving up it as large armoured men that seemed like vehicles themselves were fighting off the monsters. Their armour was red like blood and their guns huge and powerful enough to tare the monsters apart with a single shot. Some didn't even use guns and simply used hammers, shield, spears, swords or just their fists to kill the monsters.

The sight of it was quite amazing, but short lived as suddenly a roar was heard. Then from the right, behind a tall building a four legged monster the size of the vehicle itself came charging.

The boy along with the others onboard immediately opened fire on the creature, but its head was huge and made of pure carapace armour that didn't care about their small arms fire.

Then just at the last few seconds before it slammed into the vehicles side the boy tossed his gun away. He held his chair sword in hand and leaped off of the vehicle and straight towards the monster.

His jump was high, he dodged the creatures head as it slammed with a loud bang into the vehicles side and pushed it to its side. All the people on board the vehicle were violently tossed to the ground, but the boy landed upon the creatures back and with skill he turned his body around and sent his blade straight into the creatures neck.

The monster roared in pain and tossed and turned around like some mad beast. The boy couldn't hold on and was thrown off it to the ground, but it was too late for the best. Half its neck was cut off and almost immediately as the boy fell to the ground so too did the beast.

The boy wanted to rejoice at his victory over the beast, but the monsters wouldn't let him. From the side streets as if sensing the immobile humans, tens of monsters came charging.

Two passing transports full of men having witnessed the boys deed decided to stop and help. Men from onboard the vehicles opened up fire upon the monsters, but as they did so they too became stationary targets.

And so monsters from high up in the tall buildings jumped down straight on the transports and the slaughter began. The people who had been tossed off of the boys transport didn't fare much better as they too were quickly attacked.

Seeing this the boy literally started shaking in his boots. He probably wanted to help, but he was but a boy and no swordsman for that matter. Could he even hope to win against such monsters with but a single sword.

Luckily the boy didn't need to think too hard on this as a golden glow came flying fast towards the boys location. Its flight caused ripples in the air, windows shattered and the darkness of the surroundings were lit up by its golden light.

Even the monsters seemed to notice this, but it was too late. With a heavy bang, a winged golden figure landed in the midst of the monsters. a crater was created, stones and monsters all flew and then they were all sliced into many pieces.

The shockwave of the impact sent the boy flying to the ground upon his ass. He and it both watched with awe as the monsters were then cut down one after the other with a glowing sword of light.

Their carapace armour stood no chance against the blades harp edges. Their speed was nowhere close enough to match this golden warrior of light. At best only a few of their claws managed to even touch the warriors golden armour before they were cut into pieces.

It didn't take but a minute and over thirty of the monsters were laying dead on the ground. Only a few humans still remained.

But then the warriors attention suddenly turned to the stunned boy. With wings that seemed to be of metal it caused great gusts of wind as it flew but a short ten meters to the boy and landed in front of him with a heavy thud.

The warrior was huge, maybe two times a regular man's size, even as he crouched down his head was still so high compared to the sitting boys. Then he stuck his glowing angel sword to the ground and took off his golden helmet.

From under it he revealed a perfect face, light blue eyes and golden hair. The man was unlike any it had ever seen, but he was still a man which confused it as it had thought it to be something else under the helmet.

The warrior showed the boy a wide friendly smile, accompanied by a perfect rows of white teeth as he said.

"You're quite incredible kid. Keep it up and you just might become like me in the future. I'm sure the Empress would agree."

But then he paused and smelled the air as he then looked to the boys small bag and said.

"Hmm, is that an Apple I smell? The smell of it always makes me feel so hungry. Might if I have a bite?"

The boy was completely lost for words, he just nodded dumbly as he quickly opened his bag and pulled the apple out of it. Handing the apple over to the golden warrior the man then looked at it for a second.

It suddenly could feel a strange light coursing inside of it as the man then suddenly took a bite out of it. It didn't know what was going on, but this man and his armour felt strange to it. It felt like the two things were completely different from one another. It was like the man was simply just borrowing this armour of light from someone else. But through this armour it could suddenly feel something powerful pouring its pure light force inside of it as if giving it a simple gift.

The light was undescribable to it, but it knew that it was good. And so it accepted it fully into itself. Through this light it could vaguely make out the origins of its whereabouts, it could feel its great power and mentally it sent a thank you to it. And in return it could feel a quick positive reply come back to itself which made it feel good inside.

Then the warrior handed the boy back the apple and said.

"Thanks for the snack kid. This is definitely one fine apple you got here, now just remember to keep it safe and planted somewhere good, it just might bring someone good luck one day. As apples sometimes do. He he he."

Hearing the man's words it felt happy. It definitely wanted to be planted somewhere good and soon. But on the other hand the boy just seemed confused as he stammered out a response and said.

"Y-y yeh, yeah sure. I I I'll do, do that. Sir."

After that the golden warrior stopped a passing transport and made the boy and the rest of the people who were still alive here, climb upon the thing and leave.

With haste they made their way to the ramp, past the massive red armoured warriors and up it inside the massive metal gates. There it could see a lot of vehicles of all kinds parked there and masses of people heading to stairs or elevators that seemed to be heading downwards.

The boy joined the large groups of people and made his way to the stairs. From there men dressed in gray uniforms guided the people downwards. On each floor there were two floors and on each floor some of the people were taken and sent into the two corridors there while the others continued downwards.

That's when the boy then stopped in front of a door. He took it out and showed it to the gray man who then let him pass. The boy came to a massive open space which was the greenhouse. The place was fully lit and full of all sorts of life.

All around there were pathways, signs and even small bridges. In one section there were even animals of many different kinds there and men in white tending to them.

Some of the men dressed in white were pushing around small floating carts that had all sorts of glass containers full of different seeds and other things.

This place seemed to have so many wondrous things that it had never seen before. And then the boy found what seemed like apple trees much like the one from where it was born from.

There the boy sat for a while, looked at it and then ate its juicy bits. To its delight the boy seemed quite energised and happy after it had eaten it. And then he kindly took it to the highest spot in the apple garden and buried it there.

After that the boy said his thanks and good buys and then it never saw him again. All it noticed was the loud rumbling of the space around it and after that peace.

There was no sun here and so it did not know for how long it was that it grew here for, but nonetheless time seemed to fly by.

At first the men in white walked around the place, they took care of the plants and animals. Then at one point their numbers diminished. Suddenly there were only a handful of these people here and as time went on these people grew old, the greenery over grew and took over more and more of the space around.

It also grew and as it did the men in white got old and one day they died and new people came and then they died and new ones came. Like so the cycle continued for a while. Sometimes kids came to pick at the apples it now grew and it watched them to grow and then eventually die as well.

At some point it lost count of the people it saw come and go. But then it too came to an end one day as well.

All it noticed was sirens going off, a great rumbling. People ran in the stairwells outside the greenhouse in a panic and then came a loud boom that shook the entirety of the place. Most of the lights went out and never returned again.

After that people stayed around for a little while taking whatever they needed from the greenhouse, until that also ended one day.

Then time seemed to come to a halt as no one was ever seen after that again. Even the source of the light that it had once gotten as a gift had seemed to fade into the nothingness of time. And like so the greenhouse slowly started to die out. There were still a few lights here, but one after the other they too started to fade away and in the end only it remained, alone in the dark.



With a lazy yawn Lili awoke from her heavy slumber. Rubbing at her eyes she looked to the tree in wonder. She felt like she had just dreamt an unfathomably long dream, which made her feel sleepy and strange.

Truly whenever she exhausted herself like so it seemed that her dreams became quite strange. Luckily it was nothing inappropriate this time, but it was still quite strange.

Thinking back on it now, it seemed quite vague and unbelievable. Had she just seriously had a dream about the freaking tree? Sure it was no normal tree, but still to have a dream about a tree just felt strange to her.

She honestly couldn't understand what this all meant? It felt so real and yet it also felt like a dream, no surely it must have been a dream righ? But if it wasn't? Then what was it, what did it mean and what about her other dreams then?

Then she heard her mothers cheerful voice from behind her saying.

"Ooh, good morning my baby. Did you sleep well?"

Turning around her eyes immediately widened in astonishment. There right in front of her was her mom covered from head to toe in mud, but more importantly the square shaped structure was now fully visible. Accalia had truly outdone herself now.

But more importantly it seemed that this was truly no normal structure, but a freaking laboratory. It even said it on the sign at the front of the building, in German that is.
