Chapter Two.


Anne was still pondering on what do when someone walked into the store.

James Hathaway, 30 years old and handsome CEO of the Hathaway company. He is the youngest and richest billionaire in the city. He is being admired and loved by people. But behind that handsome face lies a rude and arrogant character.

"What is going on here" he asked as he saw people gathered

The store attendant came towards him, greeted him and explained all that happened. He looked towards Anne

"I will pay for all the damages" he said

"Thank you sir" Anne screamed immediately. James payed for everything. As he was about leaving, Anne rushed towards him.

"Sir thank you so much, I really appreciate you just saved my life" Anne thanked and was about leaving when James said something.

"Everything has a price, I didn't save you for no reason. I want you to become my daughter's nanny" he said

"What what do you mean, you just saved me just for me to become your daughters nanny".

"Miss I'll just give you a week to make up your mind else it ain't gonna be funny" he threatened and left.

"Hmm she is so greedy, he just saved her and only for her to return the favor she refused" the first customer said

"It's not her fault, it's the poor man's fault" another customer said

"Ohh would you guys please shut the hell up and mind your fucking business" Anne said already angered.

The two women immediately left. Anne walked home, as she walked, she began thinking about what just transpired.

"Really he's such a jerk, a fucking idiot. Really cause he saved me " she cursed as she walked.

Upon her arrival, both her mom and Eun were waiting for her and she suddenly realized that she had spent a whole lot of time there.

"Anne why are you coming back now, it's been two hours since we were done working and you're just coming back now" Eun asked

"I just met the most annoying person ever" Anne replied ignoring the question.

"What do you mean" Mrs McCole asked

"I met with The whole City's crush and youngest billionaire CEO James Hathaway" Anne said sarcastically

"Whaaaaaat" Eun shrieked excitedly.

"O my God who actually met him where?" Eun asked

"Okay this is all it happened..." Anne said and began narrating the whole story from when she entered the store to admire the gown, down to when she hit the jewelry box and finally to when James came to her rescue.

"And he wants I to become his daughter's nanny really" she ended with her story.

"Woah $150,000 for just a jewelry ahhh" Eun said and Mrs McCole had to hit her hand to bring her back to reality.

"Oh yeah right, so he actually wants you to become a nanny for his daughter. But that's not a nice way for him to put it" Eun said

"But why did you had to enter Into the store when you can't afford the cloth. The advice I'll give to you Is for you to accept the offer. It's much better than the cleaning work you do" Mrs McCole said

"Yes Anne your mother is right you have to work for him and maybe he might increase the pay and then you can finally get the dress" Eun advised

"But I won't stay here, I will have to leave with him and his daughter far away from both you and mom, I can't leave you guys" Anne cried.

"Anne you can't leave with me forever my dear, okay please I beg of you. Accept the young man's offer" Mrs McCole pleaded

"Just because he has money he thinks he can treat people as trash"

"I'm so gonna deal with him"

"He is very very annoying, I seriously hate him"

"Well he has given me a week to think about it so I still have much time to think about it, I need to cool my head it hurts see you guys later" and with that she walked inside her room.

Lying on her bed face up, Anne began to think about the moments she had spent with her mom and Eun. They had been the only two people she cared for and now she's about leaving them to go live with someone else. She felt lost. It seemed like she was in sinking ship with no way to escape. She rolled over from the left side of the bed to the left. She was just confused.

"What do we do" Eun asked Mrs McCole as they looked at Anne through the key whole. They watched her roll on her bed, stood up and walked towards the window then sat down again.

"We just let her be for now okay, common come help me in the kitchen let's prepare dinner before you leave okay?" Mrs McCole said

"What's for dinner" Eun asked

"Since you're here I decided to prepare a Koren popular dish" Mrs McCole said

Let me guess Ramyeon"Eun answered

"Not just Ramyeon but together with Kimchi, I would have prepared it with rice but the last grain just finished yesterday and I haven't gone to the store yet" Mrs McCole said

"That's not a problem I'll help you cook the food" Eun replied happily as they both left to the kitchen.

After they were done cooking, Eun brought Anne's own for her but Anne wouldn't eat, Eun calmly told her that all would be alright. But Anne was still sober.

"Okay Anne, well you leave me with no choice then.

I'd like to present a song titled "NEVER GIVE UP by Eun Woo Bin" and it's dedicated to my best friend Anne McCole" she said as she began to sing a very melodious music for Anne, making her blush so hard.

Eun always know how to get to Anne, and that was one of the reasons they are both best friends.

Cliffhanger: will Anne accept the offer?