Chapter Five


"So will you tell me all about your first day at the Hathaway mansion. How's the little girl you're looking after is" Eun asked through the phone.

"That girl is the worst little girl I've ever seen. She's a she demon" Anne lamented.

"Common Anne she can't be that bad" Eun said

"Eun the girl is so annoying just like her daddy" Anne said and narrated her ordeal to Eun. After their discussion she went to check up on Sophie in order to put her to sleep.

"Hi Sophie can I come in" she asked as she poked her hand in

"Your head's already in so why don't you let your whole body in." Sophie replied rudely

"Umm sorry, so what are you doing" Anne asked walking in.

"I do know that you're not blind"

"Uhh sorry, you're drawing. That's nice. You know I like drawing too, I have a book where I draw both my mom and my best friend Eun" Anne said trying to start up a discussion with Sophie.

"What dumb name is that You"

"No it's not stupid, her name's Eun she's Korean and she's cute just like y.." Anne was saying when she remembered that Sophie hates when she's been called cute.

"I don't wanna know"

"Yes of course you don't. Well can I atleast know what you're drawing" Anne asked

"Lady it's none of you're business so just stay put" Sophie screamed at her.

"Right stay put" Anne said feeling the gut to punch the devil out of Sophie. She continued standing there till Sophie slept off. She carried her to her bed and left for her room

"Arghhhhhhhh" Sophie screamed at the top of her voice in the middle of her voice. Everyone rushed to her room.

"Sophie, Sophie, calm down, calm down" Anne said and hugged her and she hugged her back tightly. They stayed like that for five minutes before James walked in

"Sweetie" James called as he went towards her

"Daddy" she replied sobbing

"What happened" he asked.

"It came again daddy, it came again. It tried to take me away daddy. Daddy I don't want to go anywhere" she said crying.

"It's okay baby you won't go anywhere okay, daddy's always here with you" James replied calming his daughter down.

"It's okay everyone you can all go back to bed now" Mrs Rachael said making everyone leave except Anne.

Mrs Rachael, Anne and James stayed with Sophie till she slept before they all went to their various rooms. Everyone with a thought concerning what happened.


It's been one week since Anne came to the Hathaway mansion, it's been one week since Anne witnessed Sophie's dream and it's been occuring every single night.

"Hi Mrs Rachael" Anne greeted as she walked into the old Lady's room to have a little chit chat since Sophie had gone to school and there was nothing else for her to do.

"Hey Anne, come in" she said gesturing her to come in.

"What do I owe these visit" Mrs Rachael asked.

"Well you said if I felt bored I could come talk with you"

"Ahh of course, so what are we talking about"

"I know this is personal and it doesn't concerns me but I really wanna know cause it's really stressing me" Anne said

"What's that child, you can talk to me okay" Mrs Rachael replied

"Well it's... It's about Sophie's dream. Why does she cries at the middle of the night" Anne finally asked.

"Sophie has been having these dreams for three years and we've tried knowing what the problem is or who or what she always sees in the dream but we can't no one knows it's still a misery to us" Mrs Rachael explained.

"Woah she's been having the dreams for three years wow, she's really strong" Anne commented.

"Yes she's really been one hell of a strong kid and that's why I told to just be cool with her" Mrs Rachael advised

"I'll try" Anne replied.

At the office, James was working when Stephen walked in

"Hey dude"

"Hey what's up" James said shaking hands with Stephen.

"So what's popping with business and how's the beautiful nanny doing" Stephen asked

"Woah woah man, what's that. You got eyes for my daughter's nanny. Common man she's way out of your league" James said

"I never said I liked her, I just asked about her. By the way I saw Nathalie. Damn bro she looks hot, she hasn't gotten over you" Stephen asked

"And how sure are you that she hasn't gotten over me, I mean, you said she looked hot so probably she must have already forgotten about us. I shouldn't be thinking about her right" James asked.

"I can see you still feel a thing for her" Stephen teased.

"Nope, I just let her do whatever she likes it ain't my problem. My problem is my daughter" James said worriedly

"Speaking of daughter, how's Sophie any dreams lately"

"Yes she's been having the same dream every single day it's beginning to make me think" James replied.

"Just try and always calm her down" Stephen advised his friend again.

Back at home, it was finally night time everyone were about to sleep when surprisingly Sophie walked into Anne's room with her teddy.

"Hey Sophie, is there a problem. I thought I tucked you in" Anne asked Wondering what the problem could be but got no reply as Sophie continued standing there.

"Alright common I'll take to your room okay, let's go" she told her but Sophie refused to move.

"Would you want to sleep with me together in my room" Anne asked and Sophie nodded. Anne took her to her bed and lay down beside her, patting her till she finally fell asleep.

Anne sighed.

"I just hope you don't have such nightmares again" she said

She sang as she as well drifted off to dream land.

Cliffhanger: what dream does Sophie always dream about, what will happen tonight??