A few minutes later, communication is finally established with Luan, time stops as Luan opens a portal, so Luan and Derick, go out through the Portal, they arrive at the entrance to Luan and Derick's house, time starts running again, Luan lets go of Derick's arm, as this is the only way to move when Luan pauses time on his watch, he soon notices that the gate at the entrance to his house is destroyed, he looks at Derick a little surprised and says:
"Hell, what happened here?
Derick says:
"Damn it, try to calm down Luan, you know what happens if you're angry."
Just then they hear someone speaking into their ears, telling them what's happened:
"Becker, this is the DSO, we had a problem at your house, but it's been sorted out, estamps on site."
The look on Luan's face changes, he now looks worried and extremely angry. He notices that the house is surrounded by tapes and some people in suits from DSO, he walks past them without thinking, and goes to his house, he looks at the broken gate, then climbs the stairs and goes to the living room of his house, Derick follows also worried, As soon as they arrive they notice that the demon is kneeling, with the dagger stuck in his chest, and tied with the chain around his neck, the executioners are gone, there are only security guards now, he looks at the magic seals on the bedroom doors, they are intact, he soon wants to know about his Mother, and his cat Fluffy, he soon arrives and asks:
"Where's my mother and my cat?"
He faces the demon, he notices the dagger and the dagger stuck in him, he doesn't like this kind of treatment very much, but at the moment he seems to be furious, the DSO tries to calm him down and they notify him that his Mother is in the Hospital doing some tests, he takes a deep breath and just says:
"Get the demon out of my face, take it to DSO, we'll interrogate it later today!"
Derick sighs and finally says something:
"Yes, we need to interrogate him and we'll probably have to fill out a lot of papers, let's go to the hospital, I'll get the car!"
Luan sighs and retorts;
"I'll question him and you fill out the papers."
Derick worries that it might not be a good idea to interrogate Luan at the DSO, in case Luan gets out of control, and someone else shows up and things get complicated, but that's his role, to get Luan under control, and as docile as possible. The DSO security guards load the demon into a special truck, while Luan sets up a temporary magical blockade on his house, which will prevent any new visitors until the investigations are finished. They get into Derick's car and drive to the hospital. Luan wanted to open another portal, but he needs to maintain his magical power for the interrogation and to conjure the demon, his mother Ana is already in the hospital room, she is already medicated, she has a bandage on her head, and another bandage on her hand, apparently she didn't burn her right hand so much, but she has a slight discomfort because of the burn from the fire enchantment, Luan gets to his mother, he looks distressed and his eyes are watering, as if he were going to cry, he hugs his mother who is lying on the bed, and says:
"Mom, I'm sorry, how are you? That was my mistake, I'm really sorry I was so reckless, I hate myself for it!"
Ana hugs him and tries to calm him down:
"Luan, darling, you're back! I'm fine, it was nothing, it doesn't even hurt, and it's not your fault!"
Luan seems to be inconsolable, he feels guilty for not having redone the magical blockade, even though he had made sure to seal his mother's bedroom door with magic. Even if there were possible invaders, he knows that they wouldn't have access to the rooms, which is exactly where Luan would hide something that would be of interest to possible enemies.., but this left his mother vulnerable, he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to his mother, even though he knows that his mother can use magic and defend herself, that house has become dangerous at the moment, but it has a temporary magical blockade, no one enters except Luan, his mother receives some visitors, there are a lot of flowers in the hospital room, one exclusively from DSO, Luan stares at the flowers, he seems to want to burn the flowers with his gaze, then Derick slaps him on the back, and says:
"That way, they'll die from the way you look at them."
Without thinking too much, Luan retorts:
"They're bothering me, I want them gone."
He disguises his anger on his face, looks at his mother and starts sneezing, then says:
"Atchooo, atchooo , these flowers are giving me allergies mom, can I take them off?"
His mother looks at Luan a little confused, she knows he's allergic, but not to the flowers, she nods yes and says:
"Allergy? Uhm, yes I like flowers, but so many, it's like they were preparing a funeral for me! Ha ha