First interrogation at the DSO. Part 2


The Demon is still kneeling and bound by chains, on his neck and arms, apparently he is over 1.70 in height, a few centimeters taller than Luan and shorter than Derick, he has a good physical shape, and his skin is brown, his body seems to be covered in drawings, he probably belongs to a tribe or clan, a dagger is stuck one in his arm and a dagger in his chest, both made by his Father Luke, there are several burns , probably made by the shock currents that are emitted in the magical barrier, other larger scars of unknown cause, Luan writes everything down in his notebook, while Derick analyzes the paperwork in the investigation file, his eyes look normal black now, but there is nothing reported about a change in eye color in the files, Luan sends a message to his Mother, just to confirm, soon he receives an answer, he looks at his cell phone: 




"Mom, did you notice anything different about the demon's eyes? 


"Yes Luan, I noticed that the demon's eyes were red, it reminds me of when we said the Awakening Test." 



Just as Luan predicted, this demon was under someone's control, Luan looks at the cameras that are on either side of the room, and knows that the microphones are listening, after all it is an interrogation room, he avoids speaking loudly but the microphones can very well pick up any kind of sound, he decides to get close to the demon he puts his hand on the handle of the dagger, which is on his chest, the demon looks in pain, and lets out a grunt: 




Luan sees no other way, he fiddles with his watch, and sets it to stop time, it's exactly 6 pm on the dot, time stops, he then continues with his hand on the handle of the dagger, this makes it possible for whoever he touches to move, the timer on the watch starts running from the time he has to pause, Luan avoids going over 1 hour of pause, or it could have consequences on the normal time, he brings his face close to the demon and whispers: 


-You're in pain, right? I can ease your pain and send you to a safer place... if you understand me, open and close your eyes twice..." 



Luan hopes that it will somehow understand him and have a conscience, his current goal is to gather demons that have a conscience, ideally if they could also speak, but this is only possible with level 4 above, hopeful he looks at the demon, and not very surprised the demon, does exactly what he asked, opened and closed his eyes twice, implying that he understood him, Luan touches Derick's arm that is standing on made of the pause of time, thus being able to move, he smiles and looks at Derick and speaks in a joking tone: 


"We have one more for our collection." 



Derick rolls his eyes, as if to say: 

 ("You're crazy, but okay.") 



And Luan knows exactly what Derick is thinking, and it's as if they're talking telepathically: 

 (I know you're calling me crazy, but I'm not the only crazy person here). 




He knows that Luan is going to send the demon to the portal created by Luan, and he's not going to be sent to Hell's Gate, so what's the point? Derick doesn't contradict him, Luan has his reasons, he's just collaborating, and it's also a way of controlling him, he promised to stand by his cousin in any kind of trouble, it's a promise he made to himself, he remembers:
