A new opponent?!

Character intro design 2: https://i.imgur.com/v02vIfC.png

Luan ended up sleeping on the couch, he was so exhausted that he slept without even realize it. Moments later, he heard someone calling him, he slowly opens his eyes and notices that he is laying on the couch and is covered with a blanket.

'Luan...Luan...you're going to be late for school"

Then he gets up quickly and speaks:

"Oh, I didn't even see mommy come yesterday...good morning Mom!"

"Good morning dear, are you okay? -You slept on the sofa. "

Luan looks at the clock on the wall.

"Wow...I need to be quick!"

***Intro: Ana is my mother, she is a writer and works in a bookstore, she is descended from a family of wizards, her parents were considered very powerful, but unfortunately we had a car accident, I somehow survived, but they ended up dying, after a few years, I decided to take the Awakening Test, even though it was against my mother's wishes, we ended up changing parents, and we moved back to Rivercity.

He changes, they have breakfast together and converse a bit, Luan pulls up the sleeve of his blouse and his mother Ana sees the watch he has and recognizes it, somehow:

"Oh, is that watch for the Awakening Test?"

Luan remembers that he cannot take it off.

"Yes, Mom, Grandpa Han sent it to me yesterday afternoon, the leader of the other team must have received it too!"

Ana looks at him with a slightly worried look and says:

"Oh that's right! There are 2 teams that did the tests, do you already know who the other team is? "

Luan replies:

"No, I don't know yet, but grandpa probably already knows who it is, I'll ask!"

Ana wears a non-surprised face,

"Hm... I wonder who it is, but please confirm it before I make my guesses, it's better that way."

Luan nodded and responded back,

"Ok, well I'm a little anxious, did you also feel that way too mom?"

Ana replies:

"Yes, a lot, and look, I was just the support! But try not to be so anxious any longer, you're trying very hard, you know I didn't want you to participate, either way, it's your will that matters!"

Luan glances desperately at his watch.

"Oh Boy...I gotta run...see you later Mom, bye Mr. Fluffly, see you later! "

He quickly goes downstairs, looks at the front door but Derick isn't there, so he rushes to the plaza because he knows Derick will be there waiting for him. He spots Derick carrying his bag with and his guitar, then he realizes that today is the band's meeting.

"Good morning Derick!

-Shhh. Good morning sleeping beauty, what took you so long? I really dislike waiting. By the way, why didn't you answer my texts yesterday?"

Luan is taken aback and answers:

"Huh? Did you text me? I have not seen it, in fact I haven't checked my cell phone so far... "

He picks up his cell phone, and looks at the texts one by one:



"Luan, do not forget the rehearsal tomorrow with the band. "

"-?? "

"?? What the hell.... why are you not answering?"


Luan picks up and replies to his message:

"I ended up sleeping."

And he takes the opportunity to send messages in the Student Guild group

"Good morning to you all! May your day be glorious!" (emoticons flower, sun, books, happy face, etc.)."

Derick's cell phone vibrates, he looks at it and rolls his eyes and says:

"No need to reply to the message, I'm right next to you .."

"It's just so you don't feel like you are being ignored! XD"

"You're very tired, I don't understand why, you don't do anything."

Luan widens his eyes:

"What do you mean I don't do anything?"

Derick starts walking fast and leaves Luan talking to himself.

"Hey, come back here... you gotta explain this to me, what do you mean by "I don't do anything?"

Derick then arrives at the school a shortly before Luan, he passes the school entrance and greets Andrew while Kenji goes up to the classroom in a big hurry.

Luan arrives wheezing and panting from all the running. Andrew and Kenji stare at him and ask:

-"Good morning Luan...is everything alright here?"

Luan places his hands on his knees and attempts to speak:

"... good... day...yes, that guy ... that guy ...he, runs, he runs... very... fast... maybe I'll catch him one day!!!!"

They both laugh and Luan doesn't see Theo and asks about him:

"Where's Theo, Kenji?"

Kenji adjusts his glasses and replies:

"Oh yes, he told me that he had to stay at his parents' store. It seems that his sister was not doing very well."

  ***Intro: Andrew is 16 years old, and from the same classroom as my cousin, he's very lively, and is always in a good mood, he's funny, and he helps our band a lot in the process of writing songs and melodies, he loves singing hip-hop, so sometimes we invite him to rehearsals, he's always willing to help everyone. 

Andrew looks at him thoughtfully:

"Hm, Olivia?"

Kenji nods and says:

"Yes, it seems that it had to do with something that happened here at the school, and she didn't do very well and ended up in the hospital."

Luan listened worriedly and ran to get his phone from his backpack:

"Strange Mary didn't tell me anything... let me see..."

He picks up his phone to have a look, and he realizes that Mary's messages were unread as well.

"Damnnn... I didn't notice Mary's messages!"

Everyone looks astonished, and Andrew speaks:

"Oups... I think it's a good idea to pre-order your coffin right away....haha."

Then Luan gets pensive:

(I need to find out what actually happened to Olivia, I'll talk to Mary. I already sent a message to Theo, I will wait for him to answer now, the weird thing is that there is no message from Theo to me?)

Luan then freshens himself up:

"..Damn why did I end up sleeping like that out of nowhere.... "

Everyone goes up to the classroom, Luan sees Mary is collecting the summaries and the book to deliver them to Professor Clara of Literature. Luan delivers the summary and then tries to talk to Mary, but she ignored him.

"Good morning Mary."

She turns her back on him.

Luan insists on helping Mary.

".I... I'll help you."

"No need."

Then Luan takes the books from her hand, while she takes the summaries, and they go to the Teachers' Room. On the way Luan tries to explain himself.

"Look, Mary I didn't see your message, but it wasn't by accident, I wasn't ignoring you, I just ended up sleeping out of nowhere and only woke up the next day, and for total lack of attention, I sent a message in the group first because I'm so used to sending messages... I'm sorry, I'll be more careful next time, but not even Theo sent me a message ... I'm worried now ..."

Mary stops midway, sighing to then turn over to Luan, looking at another teacher who is standing there in the corridor:

"There will be no next time! I'm going to ask for your annulment as vice president of the Student Guild, it was a total disregard for what you did!"

"Wait, what? What do you mean Mary... you misunderstood me..."

Luan doesn't understand, he is trying to decipher why she is talking and looking at someone else. And the teacher is watching and listening to them, possibly eavesdropping, so she takes her cell phone out of her pockets and goes off in another direction. Then Professor Clara hears something, and comes to see what's going on.

"What's going on here? Put the summaries on my desk, and come back soon before the Coordinator sees them, you're missing the class."

***Intro: Professor ClaraThe Literature Teacher, she is usually calm and always tries to help the students in some way, or another.

Luan apologizes to Mary and says that this will not happen again, at that moment the signal of the Interval rang and Luan leaves towards the corridor of the Directorate, to go to the Terrace, he likes to stay there when he needs to think about something. After he had done that, Luan then sat and leaned against the wall of the terrace and reflected:

"What's going on with Mary these days? We used to disagree over the music room in the beginning, but we managed to make a schedule for using the room, good as it is, I'm feeling so bad, how could I not see the message and help my friend? He didn't answer me... he must be angry with me."

At this instant he received a direct message from Theo.



T-Hello Luan, we are fine, don't worry, I just didn't want you to get overwhelmed, I know you and Derick have been very busy lately.    

L-No, you won't overwhelm us, Derick is the best, he will do that Test with his eyes closed, he is really very strong!    

- Was it Tommy and San by any chance? 

T-No, it wasn't them this time, they were girls!   

L -Hm...if it was Tommy, I'd have to talk to him again. I'm still not convinced that he's quiet and doesn't do anything.  

T: Well, Kenji told me that when he left the gym he saw Tommy with some guys, but they always disappear.  


Luan puts his hand to his chin and says: 

"That's weird, we have to keep an eye on them, I haven't had any reports lately at the guild, but I find it so weird, we have to keep an eye on them, you never know, and as for Olivia, I'll think of something if she can talk to me or Mary. 


The 30 minute break is over and the bell rings and everyone goes to their classrooms. Classes go well and the bell rings for dismissal, the students who have activities and sports stay at school for lunch. Kenji, Derick and Luan eat lunch because they have band practice, and today they have to practice without drummer Theo. 

Luan takes a nap in the music room, the boys rest a little too, and soon they start to plug in their instruments, Kenji takes his bass, Derick is already strumming his guitar. And Luan, well, Luan is still sleeping. 

Then Kenji says: 

 -I don't understand how he can sleep so easily! 

Then Derick throws a pillow at Luan and Luan wakes up and gets up and says: 

-Han?han?....what was....what did I do? 

Then Derick says: 

-Luan, you slept too much, get your keyboard soon, it will delay us, we have other activities to do! 

Luan stands up quickly and says: 

-Okay sir...just 1 minute, 1 minute.... wait, a little more, just a little more.... 

Luan rolls up his shirt sleeve, then Derick sees his watch. 

Derick marvels and says: 

-Oh... did you get the watch? Why didn't you say anything? 

Luan then looks at the watch and says: 

"Oh, it arrived yesterday afternoon, I even forgot about it, it's so light I don't feel it! 

The boys look wide-eyed and say: 

 -Wow, it is so beautiful...is this the watch from the test? 

Luan confirms and says: 

 -Yes, I have to get used to it until the test and finally find out if I can keep it! 


Derick remembers the strange feeling he had yesterday afternoon and noticed that Grandpa's watch lit up for a few seconds and then went off. But he preferred not to ask until he said something about it. 


They rehearse, some songs they have to perform on Friday, as requested by the director, but Luan does not know that they will play at the party, at Derick's request Mary did not say where the place would be where they would play with his band. They agree to rehearse again tomorrow and hope that Theo can be there. Derick goes to the bathroom and Luan is waiting for him near the tennis court, watching Lena and Bianca playing tennis. 


Look at Lena, I haven't seen her for days. 

When he turns around, he sees Tommy and San. 


Then he thinks: 

 (Crap, that's what I needed for today...). 

Then Tommy stops him and says: 

 -Hey Luan, snooping around? 

Luan replies: 

 -Is that any of your business now? You decided to talk these days, you were so quiet. 

Tommy grits his teeth and says: 

 -Grr...I hate that little smile of yours Luan.... 


He raises his hand and tries to grab Luan's blazer. 


Suddenly Tommy is hit in the head with a tennis ball! 

 Lena yells from the other side: 

 "Oops, I got the side of the net mixed up! 


Tommy puts his hand on his head and yells: 



Then Lena comes closer and says 

 " I warned you Tommy to stay away from Luan. " 


Luan looks at Lena without understanding anything... 



And Lena continues to talk and points: 

 "Otherwise, Tommy, the next ball will be down there, in the lowlands! 


She threatens Tommy with the tennis racket! 

Tommy is furious, and just as he is about to do so, he curses her. Two new boys appear. 

-Hey, you... 

Mark appears and next to him is Ren, so Mark speaks: 

-Tommy, be quiet! 

And Luan notices that he is also wearing his watch. 

Luan then thinks: 

 (I wonder who he is? And the watch is the same as mine, so this is our opponent for the Awakening Test?) 


***Intro: Lena she's 15 years, is a very charismatic girl, she plays the flute and practices singing in her spare time with Mary, most of the time she is an athlete and plays tennis with Bianca. 

***Intro:Bianca she's 15 years, who is a very quiet person, but who likes gossip, so she is always aware of everything about the school.