A good or bad day for camping? Part 3

t the same time, Luan and Derick also feel the demonic presence, they have arrived at the point in the cave where Luke is, Luke notices something strange and calls Justin: 


-We've got a problem Justin, we've got a suspicious presence and we're not getting through to Kenji's group. 


-Yes, I felt that presence too, Mary's group has already reached the teachers' base, so keep calling, I'll be right with you! 


Luke doesn't let Luan and Derick accompany him, as they haven't yet taken the test to choose the hunters, and they probably don't have the correct weapons, and would suffer punishment or even banishment from the DSO, and as he and Justin have already been hunters, they know the correct procedures in this situation, Luke then quickly runs towards where the demon is, Justin also quickly reaches Luke, yes the two are still in full shape, and they follow to where the group is. 




Charlie takes out a second cell phone that he has in his pocket, it looks a bit old and sends a message to someone. 


San can't send messages from his cell phone, and grumbles: 


-But damn it, my dad watches me 24 hours a day and when I really need it, it doesn't work! 


They hear some noises, but they can't identify what it is 


Charlie asks everyone to be quiet: 


-Shh, the boar is close! 


Something starts running from one side to the other, but Ren and Kenji can only see shadows. 


-But crap... it's too fast! 


Ren prepares to counterattack, and increases his attention. 


They feel a strong pressure in the air, as if something is pushing them. 


-Damn, Kenji is no ordinary demon, be careful! 




Luke and Justin finally arrive at where Kenji's group might be, Luke is in his demonic form, his ears change to a more pointed shape and his eyes turn black and his pupils change color and shape, Justin then speaks: 


-The boys are here! 


Luke confirms and says: 


-Yes, and we've got a level 2 demon here, Justin go and get close to the boys, I'll take care of the rest! 


Justin nods and heads towards the boys who are hiding, he quickly reaches the boys and asks: 


-Are you all right? 


-Yes, we're fine! 




Luke then takes out his inseparable dagger from his shirt and says: 


-Hey, this is not a good place for you to be today! 


The demon then mumbles a few words, but only Luke can understand them 


Screw you 


-Oh, how rude, hey we have children here, in the end I'm out of patience today! 


Luke moves very quickly, he manages to catch the creature by the neck and speaks: 


-Bad choice to come here! 


Luke attacks it with the dagger and marks the demon from top to bottom, the dagger doesn't have a cut, it's a dagger with a magical enchantment, so he just burns it and the demon then falls and is immobilized, to then be conjured, but Luke is no longer a hunter so he will have to wait until the DSO arrives and conjures it, he calls someone: 


-We've got a Level 2 in the CH airfield, come on we've got kids here! 




The mist then begins to dissipate, so everyone is safe and begins to come out of hiding, Luke then returns to normal with his normal eyes, and goes to the boys and asks if everyone is okay and warns them: 


- Time to finish our Treasure Hunt. 


(Actually, you were almost hunted, kids.) 


-Well, unfortunately we're going to have to cancel the treasure hunt, due to some problems, so everyone go back to your tents, pack your backpacks and wait by the bus to go back to school, we'll arrange another outing when everything is properly organized. 


Luke has to stay at the site, and helps the DSO and asks Justin to accompany the children, then everyone starts to return and unpack the tents and pack their belongings, but someone is still missing, yes Tommy, Justin out of precaution goes to look for him and San joins him, while trying to call Tommy's cell phone. 


Luan is helping the others unpack their tents and pack up their belongings, he looks a little frustrated, Derick is also helping the others, and notices Luan's frustration and decides to ask: 


-Why are you looking so frustrated, aren't you going to tell me you wanted to go demon hunting, Luan? 


-Sort of, I really would have liked to have gone, the boys were in trouble, but I know we're not allowed, we haven't even passed the Test yet and we'd probably suffer some punishment, but there's something bothering me about this story. 


-Hm, and what would that be? 


-Well, if this is an area protected by the DSO, why exactly would a demon appear here today? Attacking a group of descendants with only 4 humans here, Olivia, Bianca, Mary, Sophia, the teachers are also descendants, as it's a school rule, unless the demon was looking for someone specific. -Hm, that makes sense Luan, did he go after Kenji's group or was it just because they were in the same place as him? 


- And the trail signs were changed by someone too, so that they would get lost, it could have been even worse than it was, but luckily some of them already knew the route of the trails, in this case you knew it, but I would probably have gotten lost, because I didn't know it. 


- What's more, I could be wrong, but someone from the DSO could have facilitated this entry. 


-Hm, we'll have to take a closer look at what happened, and you don't trust the DSO... right? 


-Yes, and that's exactly why we need to pass the Test, it will be easier to investigate being inside the DSO. 


-By the way, speaking of the Test, Derick, have you found out who will be the conjurer on Mark's team? 


-Not yet, I don't know why they're hiding this information so much. 


All the groups are ready and have put their belongings on the bus, and are waiting for Luke, Justin, San and Tommy to return, when at that moment a black car arrives and parks next to the bus, Mary and Luan, who are outside the bus waiting for them, see the car approaching and think it's strange because no parent could pick up their child at the camp except in the school parking lot, so she speaks in a low tone: 


-But who could that be? We told the parents that they had to be picked up at the school and not here! 


-Hm, some student might have called and told them what had happened. 


A very handsome young man with white hair and blue eyes gets out of the car, and a conversation starts inside the bus. Mary doesn't know this person, so she notices that Charlie is getting off the bus, so he says: 


-Mary, I'm sorry my brother came to pick me up! 


-Oh, is that your brother? Well, okay, but I told him that his parents had to go to the school to pick him up, as we agreed, if all the parents came here, it would be a mess. 


-Yes, I know, but there's been a problem, so I have to go. 


-Oh yes, that's fine, just let Teacher Clara know first, and you can go. 


The girls all stand at the bus window trying to see who the handsome guy is who got out of the car. 


Charlie tells the teacher, and goes towards the car, he gets in, the boy nods with a smile to Professor Clara, Mary and he looks at Luan, gives a little smile, and gets in the car. 


-So Charl, this is Luan? 


-Yes, Collin, this is Luan. 


-Oh, so this is finally going to get interesting. 
