A little "spice" to make the trip less boring?

As night falls and the sun begins to set, Veritas, who is currently shirtless and dressed only in trousers, approaches and sits beside Zihao. Zihao remains silent, observing the outside through a windowpane covered by a partially drawn curtain.

"Have all the citizens been evacuated?" Zihao inquires with a calm expression, glancing at Veritas's well-toned forearms and abdomen. "Have you hidden well?"

"Thank you for the compliment! Regarding your previous question, yes, all the living individuals have been evacuated," Veritas responds with a hint of subtlety.

"How many people remain?" Zihao asks further.

"Thirty-two, including four families," Veritas blinks and exhales deeply.

"So only more than 30% of the village managed to evacuate. Does this mean we have misjudged the Sapphic cult's objectives concerning us?" Zihao furrows his brow and questions.

"No, it's just that they are more unpredictable than we anticipated. According to Aldo's account of his confrontation with him and the three other Sapphic cultists, 'the cult's fighting spirit seems lower than expected,' according to his own words," Veritas replies.

"And what about Helzard and Aldo?" Zihao asks, still looking outside at the shifting sands.

"Aldo is fine after sustaining injuries from an energy orb thrown by a cultist. As for Helzard… he is without clothing due to carelessness… he stepped into a fire and burned all his clothes, and he has nothing else to change into," Veritas sighs.

"I'm fine!" Helzard, wrapped in a green cloth, waves to Zihao and Veritas.

Zihao suppresses a smile. Veritas looks at Zihao and inquires, "So, where were you during the village's calamity?"

"I was summoned by the nobility, specifically by a baron in the central region, to attend a meeting of the nobility. I could not refuse as I am an official noble of the Empire," Zihao answers.

"Wait, you are a noble of the Mikhland Empire, someone with a seat in the federal government?" Veritas raises his eyebrows in surprise.

"So you are unfamiliar with the noble system and the status of nobility within this federation…" Zihao remarks.

"I thought only landowners, tax collectors, and those enforcing laws with titles such as baron, marquis, count, or duke had such status," Veritas narrows his eyes and responds.

"That is indeed the issue. Even I am surprised by my noble status," Zihao explains.

Veritas moves closer, paying close attention.

"In the federal noble system, there is also a smaller classification called Landless Nobles," Zihao continues.

"Landless Nobles? They must have significant financial resources or substantial influence to hold such a title, correct?" Veritas inquires.

"Yes, it is a title granted to those with considerable influence or strong financial potential. The only examples are the heads of religions with at least 20,000 followers and at least 50 churches across the federation, those with assets exceeding the specified amount, or those with substantial influence in a particular field, possessing power that could threaten the landowning nobility," Zihao elaborates further.

Veritas remains attentive, as does Helzard.

"Currently, the Landless Nobles are categorized into four ranks: Rank A, Rank B, Rank C, and Rank D. Generally, their power is lower in some respects compared to landowning nobles. Rank D is for those with assets ranging from 50 to below 100 gold crowns, Rank C is for those with assets from 100 to below 200 gold crowns, Rank B is for those with assets from 200 to below 1,000 gold crowns, prominent scholars with many achievements, and leaders of regional or national-scale companies. Rank A is for religious leaders with at least 20,000 followers and 50 churches across the federation, individuals with assets exceeding 1,000 gold crowns, highly prominent scholars with numerous important achievements, and heads of multinational companies," Zihao explains with enthusiasm.

"Does this world also have forms of enterprise? Are there forms of investment in such enterprises?" Veritas asks.

Helzard watches the two discuss with a look of bewilderment and silence.

"Yes, mainly the upper class, the middle class, and a few in the middle class are aware of this," Zihao responds.

"What about multinational companies from other countries? Are they also recognized as official nobles?" Veritas continues.

"Yes, though such businesses are subject to various taxes, the status of Landless Nobles still allows them considerable freedom within the federation and many benefits. For example, the Parthia family – a Centaur family involved in transportation – holds Rank A as a Landless Noble but is not permitted to participate in internal government activities. Another example is my current asset level of 102 gold crowns, officially recognized as Rank C," Zihao adds.

"What is the purpose of this system?" Helzard asks.

"To monitor, supervise, and ensure the loyalty of those with significant influence according to federal criteria to safeguard the security and authority of landowning nobles. The higher the rank, the more stringent the monitoring, as it indicates a potential threat to the landowning nobles if in opposition. The asset amount recorded in the ID card, which is mandatory for all citizens, is accurately tracked through statistical methods, reflecting the actual assets we possess," Zihao continues, showing his ID card, now bright yellow. "When at Rank D, the card is yellow, at Rank C it is bright yellow, at Rank B it will be black as coal, and at Rank A it will be red. This color-coding distinguishes us from ordinary citizens, who only have a wooden-colored card," he explains further.

Both Veritas and Helzard look on in astonishment.

Zihao closes his eyes, then opens one to look directly at Veritas with a mysterious smile. "You are also progressing towards meeting the criteria to become Rank D… according to my calculations, this will happen before the new year… Also, as a Landless Noble, one is as disliked and discriminated against as landowning nobles, based on my experience."

"If that is so troublesome, we could mobilize others like you to form an alliance, could we not?" Helzard inquires.

Zihao shakes his head.

"No, Landless Nobles receive tax, education, medical, and travel benefits, especially government subsidies to alleviate debts and scandals, but this comes with increased frequency of checks and scrutiny from the Army, executioners, Cazador, and Thaumatica. The higher the rank, the more stringent the oversight. Currently, being Rank C is bearable, but a Rank A individual might even have no say in their marital life and undergo 24/7 monitoring," Zihao continues…

"What about changing clothes, sleeping, or bathing?" Helzard asks.

"That is not excluded…" Zihao replies.

Helzard frowns.

"Additionally, this privilege has drawn those who are free and from Earth, like us, to support the federal government," Zihao sighs.

Veritas, Zihao, and Helzard continue their conversation as the light dims in the room, enveloped by an atmosphere of tension. The dim glow of the candlelight illuminates their faces, clearly reflecting their anxiety and contemplation.

Zihao persists in explaining the Landless Nobility system, pointing out that despite the numerous privileges, maintaining this status is not straightforward. "We constantly face frequent scrutiny and must remain vigilant, even for a moment," he states, his gaze remaining calm and focused. "However, if we are absolutely loyal, the situation is quite different."

Veritas, leaning back, asks, "Is there a way to change or at least improve the situation?"

Zihao considers for a moment before replying, "While it may not be possible to change the entire system—honestly, it can't be altered even slightly—at least I can work to enhance my influence through social activities. For instance, organizing charitable events or sponsoring educational programs could help us build a more positive image within the community."

Helzard, still seated nearby, interjects with a question. "Is this a method to monitor and reduce the likelihood of less competent landholding nobles?"

Zihao nods. "Exactly. If only you had always asked such astute questions, Aldo wouldn't have taken nearly a month to escape his plight as a slave, would he?" 

Helzard frowns while Veritas chuckles.

Zihao continues, "Although land ownership is not a privilege of the Landless Nobles, in certain cases where a landholding noble is deposed, one of the Landless Nobles may be appointed to govern that territory until the federal authorities decide otherwise. They and their descendants will govern the region, or it may be handed back to the heirs of the deposed noble, based on a vote among the landholding nobles. Although such events are exceedingly rare, this creates tension between landholding and landless nobles."

Veritas listens intently, his hand resting on his chin, pondering an idea.

"Similar to how scrutiny and the scale of oversight increase with rank, the benefits related to taxation, travel, education, healthcare, and government assistance also increase accordingly," Zihao continues, with Helzard and Veritas still attentively listening.

A gentle breeze caresses Zihao's cheek, a fleeting ember of light amidst the night over the sand dunes, flickering strongly and weakly.

"Is this a glimmer of hope or merely a last, weak struggle?" Zihao muses, leaning back in thought.

Veritas inquires, "So, surely this system encounters numerous challenges from external and multinational forces?"

"Indeed, not everyone from outside or even within the federation favors this system. Some have declined certain benefits to attain freedom, which often comes at a high cost, but it is quite worthwhile," Zihao responds.

A soft breeze from outside stirs the curtain, bringing a sense of tranquility but also revealing the uncertainty in the air. The lights in the room dim further, yet the light of hope and diligent effort still shines brightly in their minds. They understand that the road ahead will not be easy, but with mutual support and a clear plan, they can overcome any challenge and achieve the goals they have set.

In another wagon on the camel-drawn carriage, however, things are not so straightforward…

Auburn hurls a knife, striking the chest of a bandit clad in a black mask, who collapses, along with his camel. The fire created by the torch is extinguished in an instant. Additionally, hundreds of similar flames are pursuing their camel-drawn carriages. Suddenly, the camel-drawn carriages carrying thirty-two villagers and a group of young men come to a halt. The flames gradually encircle the convoy, with the number of flames increasing. Within five minutes, more than a hundred flames surround the camel-drawn carriages.

"This is perfect, now we have up to a hundred bandits surrounding us!" Fermos sighs, then dismounts, stepping onto the icy desert sand as evening falls. Aldo, dressed in a black outfit with red trim, black boots, and black gloves, and wearing a black mask emblazoned with the symbol hye wo nhye, also dismounts. Helzard and Auburn follow suit, confronting the bandits.

Veritas and Zihao attempt to dismount as well, but Aldo turns and stops them, speaking in an impassive tone. "You two stay behind to protect the villagers and escort them to safety."

"Alright… you all better keep your lives to meet me later," Zihao nods, then draws three wooden shurikens, muttering as they float and shine, shooting forward in three different directions, creating a large explosion, and raising a thick cloud of dust on one side. "Take advantage of this chance, everyone," Zihao shouts.

The camel drivers nod and whip their camels, causing them to run at full speed forward, escaping the bandits.

The bandits, wielding torches, tighten their encirclement and approach the group of four. From Auburn's perspective, he realizes that they have sent a squad of about ten to chase the camel-drawn carriages. He hopes they will be alright.

The four of them also draw closer together. As their backs touch, Aldo says, "Helzard, take the spear and deflect the sword and arrows, then slowly approach them. Remember to carry these ten throwing knives, aim precisely at their heads…" Aldo hands a small pouch to Helzard, who nods seriously.

"Auburn, support Helzard," Fermos continues.

"And Fermos, choose the angles and direction to fire Acid to eliminate as many as possible!" Aldo instructs.

Immediately, over a hundred bandits charge at the four of them. Helzard, though slightly hesitant, musters his resolve and confidently wields the steel spear, charging forward. The bandits shoot arrows at him, which he dodges. Over twenty bandits on camels wielding swords charge at him. Helzard quickly grabs the pouch of throwing knives, temporarily drops the spear into the sand, and holds ten knives between his fingers. He smirks mischievously, throwing all ten knives forward simultaneously. Although it looks impressive, the knives are not very effective.

Specifically, they strike two bandits with swords charging forward. Auburn throws a bucket of boiling water, which he had prepared earlier, at the bandits on camels charging forward. The camels become agitated and retreat, causing the front row to collide with the rear row, creating chaos. Some of the throwing knives, while not hitting any bandits directly, strike the legs and necks of the camels, causing some of the camel line to lose control, disrupting the formation and causing further confusion among the bandits. The chaos spreads like a chain reaction, moving from one line to the next, with the bandits gradually losing control and shifting their focus towards the out-of-control camels. Helzard seizes the opportunity, retrieves the spear from the sand, crouches down, gains momentum, and makes ten steps forward, continuing to exploit the disorder. He leaps high and far, grinning with excitement and mischief, firmly holding the spear, and waits for the right moment to strike. He then spins like a fan, directly taking down a dozen bandits.

In another direction, Aldo continues to advance slowly towards the nearest bandits. He takes a step, and an arrow hits his right arm, the arrow embedding deeply into the flesh and reaching the bone, causing a sharp and persistent pain. He grits his teeth, takes a deep breath, and then propels himself towards them. The bandits appear surprised, and the archers on camels begin to spread out, continuing to shoot arrows at Aldo.

An arrow hits his left arm, but he continues steadily towards them. Another arrow hits his right arm again, but he still advances. An arrow hits his left thigh, but he remains relentless. Another arrow hits his right leg, but he persists. An arrow hits his left thigh again, and he continues undeterred. An arrow hits his left thigh once more, yet he presses on. An arrow strikes his chest, but he remains determined. Another arrow hits his chest, and he keeps going. Another arrow hits his chest again, but he does not falter. Another arrow strikes his chest once more, but he presses forward. He throws a vial of poison extracted from a water-dwelling toxic plant, hitting two bandits, who immediately collapse and scream in pain.

Now, the bandits are terrified and bewildered. In their entire career of banditry, they have never witnessed such a remarkable display. They know about night vision potions, speed enhancers, strength boosters, and other magical concoctions, all created by enchanters skilled in potion-making. They have seen how a person can become extraordinary with the short-term effects of these potions. But a person who has been hit in the chest with arrows four times and still lives? They have never seen anything like it! One bandit, capable of sensing the amount of Magic Capacity, breaks out in a cold sweat, eyes wide with horror, mouth agape, displaying extreme anxiety and fear. A few of the less courageous bandits, even abandoning their camels, flee as if their lives depended on it. Good for them! After all, remaining to fight to prove loyalty, bravery, and enthusiasm is hardly worth it.

"Acid Swirl!" Fermos shouts, an acidic mixture forms into a large swirling ring around him.

It then spins, spins faster and faster, and, in an instant, the mixture erupts, emitting corrosive acid droplets shooting out in all directions at lightning speed, almost as if the event happens in the blink of an eye. The acid droplets fly out over a hundred meters, impacting everyone around, knocking down everyone from Fermos, Auburn, Helzard, Aldo, to the fleeing bandits.

Everyone collapses, a deathly silence envelops the scene, the sound of piercing screams echoing as a flash of light passes through their eyes.

After a few moments, the sun begins to rise on the horizon, and Auburn gradually opens his eyes…

"Really, just a bunch of bandits, the same as those we defeated back in Jejimon with light weapons!" Helzard scowls, speaking in a cutting tone.

"Is anyone still wearing clothes? I'm freezing!" Fermos sighs.

"The acid has completely dissolved it! Oh my fate!!!" Helzard replies sharply.