
With a flick of his finger, Shen Yu immobilised the young man and took a good look at him.

The young man had a frail body as if he had not eaten for days. His short stature was accompanied by black hairs that were just enough to cover his head. His deep black eyes were looking at him in return, full of fear and curiosity.

Noticing his reaction, Shen Yu raised an eyebrow and looked deeper in the young man, and found a swirling mass of darkness, encompassing a white mist. They seemed to be at war but as he could see the hostility of both, but the darkness was clearly dominating.

'How curious! What even is that?'

Just then, the darkness began to swell and the young man's body began to shake, as if trying to contain a great outburst. Small swirling holes appeared on his body, making it look more like a Spritual Creature rather than a human