Mystery Solved

Shen Yu's words didn't surprise the two ladies as they already had began to form some hypothesis. Considering the nature of The Devourer, it would be highly possible that Qing Yicheng would fall for it.

Li Xiaojing sipped her teeth, deep in thought and asked.

"But what would he gain and what is he planning to give—"

Suddenly, her words choked on her mouth as realisation dawned on her. Now, she finally understood the puzzle she had been trying to solve for years.

Just like her, Qing Zhiyan also figured it out and couldn't help but sign. She rubbed the bride of her nose and asked.

"He planned to sacrifice me?"

Shen Yu nodded.

"Yeah. The Devourer must have detected your special constitution and wanted to devour it. But it very weak how and even if it were in its prime, it would be very hard to actually devour Eyes of Heaven. They belong to the Heavens and everything related to the Heavens are nasty fucks."