Beg For Food


It's been a long time since they left this room.

I think it's been a whole day, I lost count at some point.

My hand had dried blood on it because I was holding the wound on my face to make sure I didn't bleed to death.

Fortunately, the bleeding stopped after a little while.

I could feel the wound starting at my right brow and ending at the top of my cheek.

It's stinging.

Without the right treatment and care, this wound will leave an ugly scar on my face.

I sat here in this room, on the floor holding my legs close to my chest, resting my chin on my knees.

The chains around my wrists hurt.

I could see the skin under those chains swollen and red.

I'm hungry.

I haven't eaten for a whole day.

I'm usually a very healthy individual, I have three proper meals each day and have snacks in between.

So staying 24 hours without any type of food affected me.

I'm not used to that.