
Tynan rasped close to her face, his warm breath hitting her lips, "Yellow is my favorite color." Her panties had yellow on them.

Lucia's body internally froze, and the realization of what was about to happen to her hit her like a bus.

She gulped, staring into Tynan's eyes, looking for any signs that showed that he was lying to just freak her out but found none.

He is serious.

She was right when she saw that coming, it's just deep down in her she hopes she was wrong.

There was a whole war of thoughts and emotions going on inside her mind, but outside, they could only see an angry Lucia, staring back into Tynan's eyes with not even a dust of fear in her eyes.

" That's the worst favorite color anyone can have. Awful taste to be honest." The corner of Lucia's mouth curled into a mocking grin as she stood on her tiptoes, approaching his face to rasp those words that sent blood rushing to Tynan's face.

He is angry.