Simulation War


"Do you want to enter the simulation?"

Hun Tian replied, "Enter."

"Please choose your level."

"High-level iron rank."

"Please choose the beast's level and amount."

"High-level iron rank, 10 numbers."


"Kill the 10 high-level iron rank beasts in the remaining time."

"Remaining time - 59:59... 59:58... 59:57."

"So I have to kill these 10 beasts in 1 hour," hearing the voice, his consciousness became blurry.

"Is this the virtual simulation? It is so real," as his senses got back, a gentle wind flowed past his hairs.

He noticed that he was in a vast grassland. In front of him were 10 mammoths with a body size of 3m. Their large horns were protruding, and it would be fatal if he got hit with one of them.

"Boom... Boom... Boom," as the mammoths attacked towards him, the earth began to shake.

Seeing this, he took out his hammer from his back and waved it in the air.

"Shu... Shu," the two air blades condensed cut through the air and hit the front two mammoths.

Air blade is a black-colored peak-level fighting technique that he had mastered to micro level.

"Crack," the two green air blades clashed with the flesh of the two frontal mammoths. This impact sent the two mammoths flying.

Seeing this, other mammoths raged in anger. In less than 10 seconds, they came in front of Hun Tian.

Hun Tian's eyes became terrified, but at the next moment he grasped the hammer's handle tightly.

"Cha... Cha," he swung his hammer, which made an arc in the air, and another mammoth flew out. But the next second, one mammoth attacked with its horn. Hun Tian slightly dodged, but his speed was slow.

"Awgh," behind his back, one horn pierced his leg. Blood was dripping from the wound.

He fell to the ground, his eyes became blurry.

"Is this pain real?" He stood up weakly from the ground. "Aaaaaaaaaa," he strode towards the herd again clenching his hammer. "I want to see how long I can last."

At last, he killed 4 mammoths but was killed.


"The simulation will end in 10 seconds... 9... 8... 7... 2... 1."

"Your rating is 0.4."

"I have to kill 100 beasts of the same rank to get a rating of 10," he laughed foolishly. "Ok, I have a long way to go."

After this simulation, he practiced a few times.

"0.5," he opened his eyes. He finally got a rating of 0.5 that day. From this, it can be seen how cruel the battle between the same level can be.

"Ok, this will be enough for one day," watching outside, he thought to himself.

The sun has already set. He forgot to notice the time, and it was already 7 PM.

Then he left the club and went directly home.

"Son, you are back," hearing the doorbell, Hun Hou opened the door. "Come, eat something."

Hun Tian nodded. He was really hungry. A soul warrior has to eat more than a normal person to supply his body function.

After eating, he went to practice his soul force.

"Now I have 3 black balls of gas, but the 3rd one seems smaller." He observed that all the black balls are suspended in his dantian, he murmured observing his dantian.

"Ok, let's practice," he ran his six thunder heaven. In his soul, he found that there were six steps where the thunders were forming in each step. The thunder was stronger compared to the lower level. If he could master all the six steps, he might be able to break through to the silver rank.

Now his soul was suspended in the third floor which corresponds to his level.

"Can I now step into the fourth step?" he tried to lift his foot and place it on the fourth step, but a terrifying thunder wave repelled his foot.

"I have to step into bronze rank then," his eyes flashed with disappointment. He sat down on the 3rd step and began to practice. These thunders were so terrifying that they not only affected his body but also his soul. This cultivation method made his body stronger compared to other warriors of the same level. This way the whole night passed.

March 4th...

He went to the club again and practiced diligently. On the way, he visited his friend Lin Hua and chatted with him.

"You finally broke through the level," Lin Hua was surprised then came to his senses. "What is your soul force now?"

Hun Tian, "8.8."

This one word made Lin Hua shocked.

"I have heard that once you reach the iron rank peak with a soul force value above 8.5, you will be regarded as elite and will get a scholarship. You will get more resources than others at the beginning," Lin Hua gasped for air then pondered for a moment. "Now there are only 18 elite students in Tianhu College. Hun Tian, you are going to reach that step. You have to treat me to a drink then... remember it."

Hun Tian smiled, "Okay."

Then the two chatted for some time. Hun Tian bid farewell to his friend.

In the following day, he practiced diligently.

On March 30th, his soul force finally broke through 9 and stopped at 9.0.

He was quite satisfied with this result. His painstaking effort was valued. But he knew in his heart that it was impossible for someone to break through 0.2 force in one month at the beginning.

He murmured, "Is it because of my transmigration? My soul seems to have evolved into a higher level. I can feel mysterious power in my soul. But I seem to have some mind power as well. I can feel the surrounding matter respond to my body," he waved his hand and the objects began to tremble. "I can slightly change the surrounding's magnetic force without using my soul force. Let's think about it later. Firstly, I have to improve my combat experience. Though the simulation seemed 60 percent real, it was quite helpful in my level."

Human life gene level cannot be improved without using some pill or other props. But this type of props is rare. But because of this transmigration, not only his soul force but also his mind power evolved.

Now his genetic life genes are at 18 multipliers, which is 1.8 times of human genetic life genes. But there is no instrument to measure genetic life gene level on Earth. [NB: Hun Tian does not know about his genetic life gene multiplier. It is mentioned to easily understand.]

31 March...

Somewhere in a building in Shanghai city...

"I have got a deal from the young master. It seems that someone has offended him. We have to deal with it. Be prepared for it," Yan Ji was seated in the middle chair.

The other four members nodded in unison.

Days passed quite fast...

On the night of April 3rd...

Hun Tian's house...

Hun Hou was preparing for dinner. Hun Li noticed the effort of his son these days. So he planned to celebrate tonight.

"Ding... Ding... Ding..."

The doorbell rang. "Brother, you are back," Hun Yue opened the door. "We were waiting for you."

Hun Hou, "Tian'er, go freshen up. Then come to eat. I have cooked your favorite food today."

After some time, Hun Tian came. He sat down on the chair. His father, mother, and sister were already seated. Then they began to eat. "Have some meat," Hun Hou said while serving his son meat, "You are now practicing hard. You should eat more protein."

"This is intermediate-level beast soldier three-horned deer's meat," Hun Tian took a bite of the meat. "Though this beast's fighting power is weak, compared to ordinary meat, this contains more energy. You should know that after the great desolate era, soul warriors emerge. As soul warriors need more energy, ordinary domestic animal's meat cannot fulfill their need. So they rely on fierce beast's meat. Fierce beast's meat contains soul energy which domestic animal's meat does not contain. So fierce beast's meats are needed for soul warriors.

But the price of fierce beast's meat is so high that an ordinary family cannot afford it. The Primary level beast soldier's meat costs 1000 yuan per kg. The intermediate beast soldier's meat costs 2000 - 5000 yuan per kg.

So, Hun Tian can guess how much his family has made an effort for this one meal."

Hun Li noticed the silence of his son and replied, "Son, you don't have to overdo yourself tomorrow. Just do your best."

"Wait for me, Dad," Hun Tian's eyes became determined, "I will take all our responsibilities."

After finishing dinner, Hun Tian felt sleepy. In the past few days, he had barely gotten any sleep. Tonight he decided to sleep, considering the upcoming exam.

Unaware of what was happening around him, Hun Tian slept calmly.

In the meantime, wilderness area number 7, a loud sound could be heard. Some shadowy movements could be seen.

"Hurry up, we have to finish this tonight," urgent voices could be heard. On the ground, an intricate array seemed to form. In the dark night, the array seemed to add more suspense in the darkness, making it more mysterious.