Chapter 5 Terror

Next Day They Are Call Back To Base From Their Rest For Their Next Mission To Save Turtle Tribes Animal From Terror A Ex Miniforce Ranger Trainee From Miniforce Ranger Academy Who Got New Power From Lisa And Now Terrorized His Own Tribes Then Miniforce Are Transform Into Ranger Form And Go To Turtle Tribes Village So There They Are Fight Against Terror With Hand To Hand Combat But Terror Overpowered Them Then Flint Is Use Grenade Launcher To Accurately Shot At Terror Invincible Defence Weak Point But Terror Is Told Strong So Terror Is Heavily Injured Miniforce Ranger And Throw Them Out Of Turtle Tribes Village Then After They Are Rescue And Recover From Their Injury They Are Introduce Their New Human Scientist Kaya Under Collabration With Human Society Program Who Create New Miniforce Ranger Bike So They Are Transform Into Ranger Form And Summon Their Bike By Saying Summon Force Rider

Flint Is Ride A Falcon Design Bike

Carlos Is Ride A Cat Design Bike

Bianca Is Ride A Bear Design Bike

Foxy Is Ride A Fox Design Bike

Frankie Is Ride A Frog Design Bike

Then They Are Fight Against Terror With Force Using Quick Movement And Maneuver By Force Bike But Terror Over Weights Body Cannot Match Miniforce Ranger High Speed Maneuver And Shot From Miniforce Force Blaster So Terror Got Defeat Then Terro Is Summon His Force Zord A UFO Like Turtle Design Zord So Miniforce Are Summon Their Own Zord Force Racer And Combine Their Zord Then Terror Is Use His Zord Special Move Rapid Spine So Miniforce Are Use Their Zord Special Move Acceleration Slash And Defeat Terror