Now Carry Me, You Peasant

When they arrived at the house, they quickly got out of the car. "You think they know where I live?" Xenos asked as they approached the door. Letting out a hum, Mono took a second to think. "Eh, probably, but I don't got anywhere else to be," he shrugged after a moment. Xenos dragged a hand down his face before shaking his head and pushing open the door, holding it open for Mono, who started unstrapping his boots and placed them by the front door.

Mono walked inside, immediately making his way towards the couch in his living room. "How's that last tattoo healing?" Mono heard his brother ask as he flopped onto the couch beside him, resting his head on Mono's lap. "It healed fine. Been thinking about what I'm wanting next," he replied simply. "Dude, you have one covering your neck, some covering both arms, and a marble pattern on your left leg. What more do you want, dumbass?" Xenos huffed, looking up at him with an annoyed expression. "There's still space on my torso and legs. And stop complaining, I pay you for them," Mono snorted, flicking his forehead.

"Shush… nobody gives a shit," Xenos replied, holding a finger to his brother's lips to silence him. With a smirk, Mono bit his finger. Xenos winced, quickly pulling his hand away and shaking it. "Rude," he mumbled, pinching Mono's cheek with his other hand. "Anyways, was that your way of asking me to give you another tattoo?" Xenos questioned, sitting back upright. "Maybe," Mono said with a shrug and a small grin.

With a groan, Xenos pushed himself off the couch, dragging Mono with him. Walking through the halls, they eventually arrived at a large en suite bathroom. Inside the bathroom, there was a case of tattoo needles on the counter, alongside bottles of different colored ink. Stencils sat next to a razor and a foot pedal. "Damn, you really just keep all of this out in the open?" Mono asked dryly. 

Xenos gave a simple shrug, patting the only clear section of the counter. "Sit," he said before pulling a tattoo gun out of a drawer. Mono quickly obliged, pulling himself onto the cold counter. "I'm doing your right leg. What do you want?" He asked. 

After a moment, Mono hopped off the counter, going into the bedroom. He rummaged through the drawers and found a pair of black shorts. He quickly changed before going back into the bathroom and pulling himself onto the counter top once more. "Okay, so what I was thinking was like those traditional Japanese style cloud paintings, with lightning coming out of the bottom," Mono tried his best to explain. 

After a moment, Xenos nodded. "Alright. What colors?" "Do whatever colors you want, you know I'm not picky," Mono replied, slightly leaning over to watch Xenos as he placed the needle in the gun. 

"I'm thinkin'... gray scale?" Xenos replied, putting on a pair of black latex gloves before reaching for a bottle of black ink. "Ah wait," he grumbled, setting down the needle and ink, reaching for the razor that had been forgotten on the counter. He started shaving the hair off of Mono's leg. 

When he was finished, he sterilized the skin. Once he was done with that, he picked up the tattoo gun once more, dipping the needle in the filled ink cap. 

After four hours, Xenos finally finished with the tattoo. Mono looked down at it, smiling at the finishing touches his brother had added. "Eye of the storm, eh?" He chuckled, seeing the two eyes in the center of the clouds, one of them partially covered. 

Xenos stood before giving an exaggerated bow. "Thank you, thank you," he grinned. Reaching under the sink, he pulled out antibiotic ointment and rubbed it over the tattoo. Xenos pulled off the gloves and dropped them in the trash. He took bandages out of a drawer closest to the wall and wrapped them around his right leg.

"Now carry me, you peasant," Mono cooed, looking down at him with a smirk. "Yes sir, your highness," Xenos replied, slinging Mono over his shoulder. "Hey-" Mono was cut off. "You asked me to carry you, so I'm carrying you," he replied, walking over to the couch and dropping him on it. Mono wanted to complain, but knew he brought this on himself. So, he simply stayed quiet.

Xenos laughed at him, flopping onto the floor rather than the couch this time. "Well, I'm goin to sleep, so you have fun starving there for a bit," he called happily before pulling a pillow off the couch and laying on it. 

"Night ya asshole," Mono grumbled. 

After a few moments, Mono gave up on trying to sleep.

Coincidentally enough, right as he had that thought, a message notification rang through his ears. With a huff, he pulled up his messages. When he saw the name "Aeris" flash across the screen, he let out a groan. He already had a general idea of what he wanted, but he found himself opening it nonetheless.

"Be here in an hour. I have work to do and I want some company"

Mono rolled his eyes, but got up anyway, already used to being bossed around. There was a faint stinging sensation in his leg, but he ignored it, walking out the front door.