Chapter 2: The Lord of the Flies

*As Ozymandias had left the plane that was known as heaven, he wandered across the realm and drifted, wondering what to do now that he has became a new god*

"A heavy responsibility and a heavy burden, as always everything comes with a price." Ozymandias sighed as he walked around the area.

*As he continued to wander about, he felt a somewhat dark presence as he sensed a dark aura around his area*

"Hm, who in the heavens and hell could have such aura, the only kind of people I know with that aura are people that belongs to the demon race." Ozymandias said as he prepared his blade.

As Ozymandias continued to figure out how to unravel the mystery, he finally realized where was he in the first place.

"Huh, no wonder I felt a unique disturbance, it was just a natural feeling in this place, the Abyss." Ozymandias said to his dismay.

Ozymandias entered the Abyss where Chaos danced with Order, he stood tall with his blue Kontroligan Eye remaining bright, he felt confident in his current situation.

But all of a sudden, the air had grown thick as a swarm of flies had entered from all directions, surrounding Ozymandias' area and standing before Ozymandias' eyes was a man with dark black hair holding a staff with the flies swarming behind him, confronting Ozymandias.

That man was none other than...Beelzebub, the Lord of the Flies.

"An intruder has breached into my domain, you shall now speak your last words!" Beelzebub said menacingly as he pointed his staff towards Ozymandias.

"Well you must be the Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub. I am merely here to tell you that your influence of chaos has gone too far." Ozymandias said, he remained unfazed and calm before the demonic presence before him.

"The balance between Chaos and Order could possibly be disrupted if you continue to grow your influence." Ozymandias continued.

"Balance you say? In this domain, the only thing that exists here is Chaos, you of all gods should understand that!" Beelzebub laughed as his voice echoed around the domain.

"Chaos and Order are both two sides of the same coin." Ozymandias said, his Kontroligan Eyes focusing on Beelzebub.

"Without one of them, the other ceases to exist. Your widespread could endanger the further balance of the realm." Ozymandias concluded.

The flies around Beelzebub began to intensify their buzzing, forming a whirlwind around him.

"Ha! You think you can stop me, you are but utterly foolish to think that, I am Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies, one of the Seven Kings of Hell. I am a god and a devil, you are nothing but a godling." Beelzebub said.

With a wave of his hand, Ozymandias began to manipulate the Chaos surrounding them, bending it to his will, with the whirlwind of flies began to slow down as they are caught in the web of Ozymandias' power.

"Your reign ends here now!" Ozymandias declared with a calm demeanor.

"Return back to the depths of hell, or face the consequences of a true god!" Ozymandias rebuked.

"You're really daring to challenge me, you insolent god!" Beelzebub snarled, furious at Ozymandias.

And so Beelzebub charged at Ozymandias in a roar with his claws slashing through the air.

Ozymandias deftly evaded the attack, his movements were precise and fluid. He proceeded to counter Beelzebub's attack with a surge of chaos energy, managing to strike and catching Beelzebub off-guard, sending him crashing into the ground.

Beelzebub began to arise from the impact, and the ground beneath him began to crack and crumble. He proceeds to unleash a barrage of flies, with each fly infused with demonic magic

"You act all tough, but you probably don't bite." Beelzebub said, mocking Ozymandias' skill.

"Geez now I know what God meant when he said what it's like to mess with other gods out there." Ozymandias said.

"So you're acquainted with God huh?" Beelzebub replied.

"Yeah, what about it?" Ozymandias replied.

"Well if you are his little disciple then I won't make things easy for you mate." Beelzebub replied.

"Well that's fine by me, I won't make things easy for you as well." Ozymandias replied.

"If you be so kind, show me what God sees in you that gave you the right to become a god yourself?" Beelzebub exclaimed.

"I'll prove it to you myself, Lord of the Flies." Ozymandias exclaimed as he charged towards him.

"Hmph, you're not bad yourself after all." Beelzebub replied.

"But is that all you got?" Beelzebub said teasingly.

"Don't worry, I'll continue to entertain you, foul fiend!" Ozymandias said swinging his blade.

"My my, you're really good." Beelzebub replied.

"Guess I won't underestimate you this time." Beelzebub stated.

"Show me what you got, demon!" Ozymandias said angrily.

"With pleasure!" Beelzebub said as he charged, armed with his weapon.

"What an immense pressure, this power, he is really strong, so this is what it feels like to fight against a god..." Ozymandias said to himself as he was blocking Beelzebub's attack.

"What's the matter, are you petrified, if that's the case then I guess you have no guts to face against me after all this build up?" Beelzebub said mockingly.

"Looks like someone is weak after all, I didn't expect such a pathetic godling like you to exist!" Beelzebub said knocking Ozymandias down.

"I am not pathetic..." Ozymandias replied.

Ozymandias got back up and charged immediately at him and manages to stab him in swift succession.

"Hmph, show me more!" Beelzebub said arrogantly.

Ozymandias decides to utilize his god gifted power known as the Kontroligan Eyes and stared at Beelzebub's eyes, showing him fear and that he is the one in control.

"This is not possible..." Beelzebub said in a petrified state.

"No matter how hard evil tries, good will always triumph, but I know that you will eventually come back some day, cause like you, evil always finds away to come back." Ozymandias replied.

"So what kind of message are you trying to convey here, monk?" Beelzebub replied.

"I'm saying that I'll be letting you off now, and I'll be seeing you again sooner or later." Ozymandias said.

"You're quite the confusing character, you know?" Beelzebub replied.

"Consider this as an act of mercy, fouldl demon." Ozymandias said as he sheathed his sword and began to walk away.

"Ozymandias, just who are you really." Beelzebub pondered to himself.

*Meanwhile in Heaven*

*Ozymandias arrives back and heads to talk with God*

"So it seems like you've had an adventure today did you?" God said.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." Ozymandias said.

"Listen here Ozymandias, whatever your enemies say to you, don't listen to what they are saying, they are  making you seem inferior." God said placing his hand on Ozymandias shoulder.

"They are trying to kill your confidence, show them that you are not afraid, that is the way to show that you should not be underestimated and that you are strong." God replied.

"I...thank you very much God, your advice is beneficial, I'll remember it." Ozymandias said.

"I'm sure you will." God said.

"And remember..." God said.

Ozymandias turned around to listen what God has to say.

"Your journey has only just begun." God stated.