Chapter 11: The Year's End, Finding a Maid, Chu Linger

The atmosphere within the Luo Tian Immortal Realm surged with fervor as the update of the Power Ranking List concluded, heralding a year-long period until rewards would be distributed. This announcement ignited a palpable excitement among cultivators across the realm. The current rankings, though initially sensed through the prodigy list, were now open for challenge by anyone deemed worthy.

The rewards promised were legendary, especially for those ranked in the second and first sequences, which left even the venerable elders with a tinge of envy. Amidst the clamor, voices rang out, each determined to ascend the prodigy list and claim their place among the elite.

However, amidst the eagerness, there was also caution. Many cultivators understood the importance of consolidating their strengths before attempting to challenge the rankings. The pinnacle goal for many was to attain the Ninth Stage of the Dragon Transformation Realm, ensuring a formidable position before engaging in battles that could redefine their standing.

Across the vast expanse of the realm, the prodigy list exerted a unique influence. Those listed could sense each other's presence within a radius extending hundreds of thousands of miles. This pervasive awareness made concealing one's true strength or whereabouts nearly impossible once on the list. It was a testament to the profound influence and scrutiny that came with such prestigious recognition.

As the anticipation grew, so did the sense of impending conflict. Some cultivators embraced the imminent battles with fervor, relishing the scent of impending bloodshed that hung in the air like a heady fragrance. Others, more cautious, contemplated the risks and strategized their approach, knowing that survival and advancement required careful planning and meticulous preparation.

Days passed, and within the esteemed halls of the Changsheng Chu Family and its grand palace, Changsheng Palace, a pivotal moment unfolded. Chu Wuchen, a prodigy in his own right at the tender age of twelve, stood poised and perfected in both soul and physique. His presence exuded an aura of ethereal grace, his long hair cascading like liquid silver, catching the ambient light that filtered through the palace's celestial architecture.

The Ninth Ancestor, a figure of profound authority and wisdom, regarded Chu Wuchen with a mixture of pride and expectation. For him, Chu Wuchen represented not just potential but a future cornerstone of their lineage's strength. With the prodigy list now prominently in play, it was time for Chu Wuchen to assert his prowess and claim his rightful place among the realm's elite.

Their conversation was informal, devoid of the usual hierarchical airs that often accompanied interactions of such gravity. Chu Wuchen, respectful yet confident in his demeanor, conveyed a readiness that spoke volumes of his upbringing and training under the watchful eye of the Ninth Ancestor.

Just as Chu Wuchen prepared to take his leave, the Ninth Ancestor interjected with a casual yet significant proposition: the need for Chu Wuchen, now recognized as a Celestial Lord, to have a dedicated attendant. This attendant, a maid chosen specifically for him, would not only attend to his daily needs but also serve as a companion and support in his pursuits.

Chu Wuchen, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected suggestion, quickly composed himself and accepted the proposal with characteristic composure. He understood the practicality of having someone to assist him, ensuring his focus remained on his cultivation and responsibilities as a Celestial Lord.

After a brief contemplation, Chu Wuchen entrusted the task of finding a suitable maid to the Ninth Ancestor. It was a decision made with implicit trust in the elder's judgment, knowing that the candidate chosen would not only meet the practical requirements but also harmonize with his own temperament and aspirations.

Shortly thereafter, an esteemed elder from the Chu Family arrived at Changsheng Palace. His demeanor, marked by a reverential awe in the presence of the Ninth Ancestor, underscored the gravity of his mission. Without preamble, the Ninth Ancestor inquired about any outstanding young women within their lineage who met the criteria of youth and potential.

The elder, after a moment's consideration, affirmed the existence of such a candidate: his granddaughter, Chu Linger. At twelve years of age, Chu Linger possessed the rare and coveted Profound Spirit Body, a testament to her innate connection with the Great Dao. Moreover, she had achieved a notable position in the prodigy list, further highlighting her exceptional talents and potential.

The Ninth Ancestor, pleased with the elder's suggestion, emphasized the importance of Chu Linger's age aligning closely with Chu Wuchen's. This synchronicity was viewed favorably, as it suggested a natural rapport and understanding between the two young cultivators.

Curious about Chu Linger's appearance, the Ninth Ancestor sought the elder's assessment. Caught off guard by the unexpected question, the elder managed to convey Chu Linger's charm and innocence, describing her as "quite adorable" with a hint of paternal pride.

With a smile and a nod of approval, the Ninth Ancestor affirmed his decision. Chu Linger would henceforth serve as Chu Wuchen's maid, a role of honor and responsibility within their esteemed household.

Outside Changsheng Palace, Chu Wuchen awaited the elder's return with Chu Linger in tow. As they emerged, Chu Wuchen cast a discerning gaze upon the young girl beside the elder. Chu Linger's presence was marked by a quiet dignity and an aura of innate grace that belied her tender age.

Her features were delicate and refined, her complexion porcelain-like in its fairness. Long lashes framed eyes that sparkled with intelligence and curiosity, while a small smile played upon lips that hinted at a youthful innocence tempered by determination.

Chu Wuchen couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation and curiosity towards this new companion. In her, he sensed not just a maid but a potential ally and confidante in the challenges that lay ahead.

Thus began a new chapter in Chu Wuchen's journey—a journey that would test his mettle, forge alliances, and perhaps, unveil destinies intertwined with the unfolding saga of the Luo Tian Immortal Realm.