Chapter 15: Radio

"Right, who is that man, Lilyana? Don't you live here? Who is that man actually?" Amy asked the girl with long brown hair.

"As far as I know, from what the neighbors say, that man is a soldier, and rarely at home, that's all I know, I rarely see him, I didn't even know that man would be here." Lilyana said, informing the others.

"Is that so? Can we ask for that man's help?" The girl with light blue hair asked.

"Ayla! Remember, the world is chaotic now. Do you think soldiers will help us? What if that man even does something bad?" A man with dark brown hair said to the girl with light blue hair.

"Calm down, Rick! Ayla is just expressing her opinion!" Lilyana said it angrily.

"... I'm sorry, Ayla..." Rick apologized.

"... Fine..." Ayla replied nonchalantly.

Seeing this, Lilyana, Finno, and Amy chose to stay silent and contemplate something.




Elsewhere, Ed, who had finished eating, was now looking at his phone screen. Although electricity was still available, it was unknown how long it would last, internet connection and signal were also no longer functioning.

It was only a matter of time until electricity followed the internet connection and signal, and now Ed was looking at a map on his phone.

Although the electricity would go out, Ed would still be able to live comfortably, because he could ask Peter to charge his phone in Peter's world, or use his own generator.

Ed was looking at a map on his phone, Ed from this world loved geography, so Ed from this world saved various maps offline on his phone, even printing them into real maps.

In a room, there were various maps of this country, so as long as Ed was in this country, Ed could know where to go.

Now Ed was thinking about what he should do from now on.

"The name of this country is Rouflen, a country that belongs to one of the top ten largest countries in the world, more precisely, the country of Rouflen is ranked fifth as the largest country."

"The country of Rouflen has a capital called Paelse, I am currently in East Paelse, while the nearest police station from this house is quite close, if using a vehicle, but if walking, it will take a few hours."

"Right now, I need the latest information. It has been two days since the apocalypse arrived, I need to know the state of the world, but there is no way to know this..." Ed muttered while contemplating.

"Ah! Radio! Radio signal!" Ed immediately went to the basement, where there was an old radio.

Ed quickly tried to turn on the radio, and after some adjustments here and there, it finally worked.

"Zzz.... Zzz... Zz... Help! Help! There is a Monster here! People are starting to act strange...! No... Hurry...! Supermarket... Street... Old Knife..."

Ed was shocked to hear what had just happened.

"Monster? People are starting to act strange? Supermarket? Hm... Old Knife Street? That's not too far from here, if using a vehicle, but if walking, it will take at least a few minutes. Let's be cautious and mark the location first." Ed muttered as he quickly marked a location on the map.

"Hello....! Hello...! Whoever you are...! Quickly...! Stay away from... the river...!"

"... The river? Does that mean crossing the border between East Paelse and South Paelse is no longer possible...? Hm...."

"... Zzzz... Central Paelse safe... Zzz... Central Paelse safe... Zzz... Central Paelse safe..."

"... If you say it's safe, does that mean something is wrong, because in this apocalyptic world, if it's safe, it actually means the opposite, very dangerous, isn't it?" Ed muttered, shaking his head.


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