Chapet 3: New Ability

"So, like this?" Sinji infused mana into his eyes, and suddenly, he saw all the mobs around him.

"Wooooah, this is amazing!" Sinji exclaimed. He could see every monster within a considerable radius. "Alright, Zenkai, let's find that slime."

Using his newly acquired Sixth Sense, Sinji navigated through the cave until he saw the red dot representing the slime. It looked harmless enough, jiggling slightly as it moved. He decided to test his abilities on this creature.

"Alright, slime. Time to see what I can do." Sinji focused his mana and used Matter Manipulation to create a sword out of the surrounding rocks. Holding his new weapon, he approached the slime.

The slime noticed him and started moving toward him. Sinji swung the sword, cutting through the slime easily. The creature dissolved into a puddle of goo, leaving behind a small glowing orb.

"Congratulations, you have defeated your first monster and gained experience points," Zenkai announced.

Sinji picked up the orb. "What's this?"

"That is a mana core. It contains the essence of the monster's power. You can absorb it to gain more mana."

"Absorb it? How do I do that?"

"Just focus your mana on the core and think about absorbing it."

Sinji did as instructed, and the core disintegrated, its energy flowing into him. He felt a surge of power.

"This feels incredible! I can feel my strength increasing."

"You have leveled up," Zenkai informed him. "You are now level 2."

"Great! What benefits do I get from leveling up?"

"Your stats improve, and you can develop new skills. Each level makes you stronger and more capable."

"Alright, let's keep exploring," Sinji said, feeling more confident. He continued to wander through the cave, defeating more slimes and collecting their mana cores. With each battle, he felt himself growing stronger and more adept at using his abilities.

After some time, Sinji stumbled upon a larger chamber within the cave. In the center stood a massive creature, a golem made of stone and earth. It was easily ten times the size of the slimes he had been fighting.

"Zenkai, what's that?"

"That is a stone golem. It is much stronger than the slimes you have been fighting."

"Do you think I can take it down?"

"With your current abilities and level, it will be a tough battle. But it is possible."

"Alright, I need to come up with a plan." Sinji thought for a moment. "Let's use Matter Manipulation to create some traps."

Using his skills, Sinji set up several traps around the chamber. He then infused mana into his sword, making it sharper and more durable. Ready for the battle, he approached the golem.

The golem roared and charged at him. Sinji dodged its attack, leading it into one of his traps. The ground beneath the golem gave way, causing it to stumble. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sinji slashed at the golem's legs, chipping away at its rocky exterior.

The golem retaliated, swinging its massive arms at Sinji. He narrowly avoided the blows, using his agility to stay one step ahead. He continued to attack, chipping away at the golem piece by piece.

After a grueling battle, Sinji finally delivered the finishing blow. The golem collapsed into a heap of rubble, leaving behind a large mana core.

"You have defeated the stone golem and gained a significant amount of experience," Zenkai announced.

Sinji picked up the mana core and absorbed it, feeling an even greater surge of power. "This is amazing! I feel so much stronger."

"You have reached level 5," Zenkai said. "Would you like to create a new skill to celebrate your achievement?"

"Yes! Let's create a skill that enhances my strength and speed."

"Understood. Mana manipulation activating, infusing mana into skill, crafting skill. Skill 'Enhanced Strength and Speed' has been granted."

Sinji felt a new power coursing through him. "This is incredible! I can't wait to see what else I can do."

As he continued to explore the cave, Sinji couldn't help but feel excited about the adventures that lay ahead. With his newfound abilities and determination, he was ready to take on whatever challenges this new world had to offer.