Eating the Void Source

As he passed through countless spacial nodes travelling at insane speed. Charles was aware of what had happened.

Since the world will of this realm was fused with him it could sense that it's master was going to suffer from mental breakdown.

It was not offended or angered that's it's chosen would be this weak. In fact, as the worlds will, it had seen everything that happened to its host. It had survived in a desolate place for countless epochs only to be informed of his immenent doom.

Any normal person in his place could have already broken down mentally even before the first epoch passed by. This was to show the tremendous will power his host has. The truth is that the worlds will has searched for a suitable host countless times however each and everyone of them would breakdown one day, or the void factor in their souls will devour them.

What Charles was subconsciously doing was not really devouring the void energy around him. He was assimilating with it along side it's factor as a concept. And just like the nature of chakra that is the balance and fusion of spiritual and physical energy, the nature of assimilation was the same as well.

So anyone wishing to be a Dimensional God had to have something to exchange for, inorder for the fusion to be successful. As for Charles.....

At the realization of what happened, Charles was baffled since he didn't have anything to give for the fusion to be successful. Is it that his soul belonged to a higher plane or it had more value. As Charles began to ponder, he ruled out the soul conjecture. What a joke, he was a weak thing before he came into contact with void energy so it was not possible.

'Aaargh whatever I won't think about this anymore'

It was at this instance that the World will give him an answer.

The answer was quite simple if one used xianxia and cultivation theory. One word.....


The Worlds will explained to him that "Willpower" was a concept that no one has every embodied since it was too broad and unexplainable. At some point a mortal can have a stronger willpower than a God.

This is why even if most people ignore willpower it is infact very important. The worlds will also said that as ones willpower reaches a certain level it is possible to forcibly enhance ones existence so far as the foundation is built properly. There was even an instance of an eight dimensional being forcibly enhancing himself into Eldrich levels and even becoming a top powerhouse there. Another spoke of a mortal using his willpower to defy the shackles of fate and destiny thereby elevating his soul into Transcendence.

All this were examples that were allowed to be known. This means that there's more to willpower than meets the eye. These 'means' were very prominent that even the outer gods had to seal this information from prying eyes. To Transcendentals and Eldrich existences laws were nothing. Laws of time, space, lightning, fire etc were useless against them no matter how powerful it was.

Only Concepts could harm them, concepts like time, space, fate, destiny, karma, willpower, chaos, void, infinity , order, creation and destruction, Yin and Yang and others were capable of putting on a fight. It was also recorded that a certain Transcendental was able to fight with an Outer God due to his powerful use of multiple concepts.

There are also special cases when a concept can be derived into a much weaker version of itself so that lower beings were able to use it. Like laws of time and space that are derivatives of these concepts. Of course there are exceptions to this. Concepts that couldn't be broken down at all like willpower,void,chaos,order, Infinity, and fate.

The minimum prerequisite to becoming an outer god was to become an embodiment of a concept. When one becomes an embodier it doesn't mean that no one else would have access to this concept, it will just be that this embodier would have absolute control over all other users. This was why the suppression of an outer god is absolute.

Divulging from his thoughts Charles had unknowingly landed in from of a pitch black hole that seemed to be able to suck out the light from anything. It looked like a black hole, but immediately Charles looked at it he had a violent change in his expression.

" This thing has a conscience, or rather it is sentient."

At his words he was hit by a huge coercion by the worlds will urging him to devour it. It told him that this was the void source that gave birth to it but since there was no void ruler a child couldn't go against its mother and the mother likewise.

A look of understanding passed through Charles particule like face which immediately turned into a determined expression.

"Let's see what fate has in stock for me....

If it's bullshit then might as well destroy the chains of fate on myself"

After a derisive chortle, Charles didn't hesitate to swallow this black hole like Void Source. With his large body this was no problem.

1 minute

5 minutes

There was no response....

"..... nothing happened?"

As Charles was feeling doubtful an intense pain rocked his being, his soul felt as if countless needles were constantly being injected in his body


A painful gutteral roar of pain was released as Charles whimpered in agony.

He couldn't believe it, nothing was more painful than this in his entire lifetime.

However as soon as that pain came it disappeared just as fast. As if it was never there to begin with, leaving Charles confuses and disoriented. Everything that has happened to him was enough to make anyone mad. Charles began to appreciate himself and feel pride as he nursed his weary soul.

He was about to speak to the Worlds Will when he saw a flash of light at the side of his eye. He was confused since nothing was supposed to shine brightly in the void realm, and even if it did it wouldn't take on a golden hue.

As he turned to look into the distance well enough, to his horror he found the golden light right in front of his face before darkness engulfed him.

"So I was right, I received a random palm strike that wiped me out"

After a self depreciating laugh, Charles was not able to think anymore as he surrendered to the darkness.