Meeting Danzo

Since the World's Will had decided to restrict him as much as it could, then it wont mind if he retaliated as much as he could right? From all his unfortunate encounters, Akihiko had already developed a Vengeful personality.

The World's Will should better cherish its remaining time to stay alive, he needed to feed on World's to grow stronger, it will serve as a nice first meal.

Before going to meet anyone though, Akihiko quickly dyed his hair black again. This was easy, as he had different storage scrolls that stored various things since the nature of his tasks where mostly unpredictable. The old him also liked to enjoy life so storing appliances where natural to him.

Akihiko arrived at a spot on a tree near the underground passage. He swiftly descended and continued his journey to the Roots main base. The Roots main base was adjacent to the Hokage Building. Danzo wanted as much protection as he could get, and who could give him the most protection in Konoha? Of course it was the Hokage, but since he always dealt with dirty work, he had the real base underground of that building.

Akihiko quickly mobilized his chakra and performed multiple hand seals inorder to reveal the hidded passage in the hidden passage. Very ironic, well Akihiko didn't really care, so he picked up his pace and soon arrive in front of a huge bronze gate coated in seals.

He took out small round object and placed it on top of the grove next to the gate, then performed other hand seals to unlock all the complex seals laced on the bronze gate.With a rusty sound, a little part of the gate was opened, Akihiko quickly passed through the gate.

He saw a large laboratory made from mostly glass and some other materials. With thick walls at the side and a roof made of earth. He made his way to the inner most part. As he was moving he saw a place where some Root practiced some weird jutsu, he saw a place where children where killing each other.

He saw a large section filled with human sized test tubes and capsules, laboratory equipments and medical ninja where passing from one place to another. He looked at all these scenes with indifferemce, he also saw a field that where used to grow certain herbs and valuable plants. A room filled with rare metals that where being used to make puppets. In short everything worth researching was here.

Continuing forward to the innermost chamber, Akihiko greeted the two guards standing at both ends of a steel door, they nodded as a reply before opening the steel door. Akihiko quickly used the body flicker before reappearing in front of a laboratory with one of his knees on the floor.

"Danzo sama, your subordinate has come to report!" Akihiko sounded respectful, as he maintained his position. He also secretly looked around the main laboratory. He saw 5 human sized capsule with a viscouse green liquid in it. It was housing the Hashirama cells, as a he saw a lump of flesh wriggling around actively in the liquid solution. He assumed that this liquid was inhibiting the activities of the Hashirama cells, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

There where two things that caught his attention, the first was the test tubes that housed up to 9 pairs of Sharingan, this was not counting the other Sharingan planted in his body. The second note worthy thing was Orochimaru who stood beside Danzo.

"Greetings Lord Orochimaru!"

With a special glint in his eyes, Akihiko greeted Orochimaru one of the Legendary Sannin that he truly respected. With how perceptive Orochimaru truly was, he noticed the slight glint in this young Hyuga eyes, causing him to squint, this was getting interesting….

Orochimaru silently mused with a wicked grin, Danzo just took it as Orochimaru's normal disgusting habits. As Akihiko turned to meet Danzo's gaze he notice his features. Danzo, an individual with half his body wrapped in bandages, emanating an icy aura.

"What is your report?"Danzo asked coldly

"This subordinate has experienced a tremendous growth spurt with a significant increase in his chakra, it seemed that after this subordinate fell unconscious he's perception has been greatly increased."

Akihiko reported with a hidden glint in his eyes. He told Danzo about this for different reasons, he needed more support in order to grow stronger quickly! The Hokage won't work since he never trusted anyone except for Danzo. Danzo would certainly work since he had full confidence in his brainwashing and cursed seal tag.

He was going to milk him dry, before he outgrew his use. Danzo who was clueless of the real situation was startled, he didn't know that something like this can happen. He knew that Akihiko's coma was due to mental stress, but who would ever think that his Mental Stress came with its own benefits, with a Talent rivalling Neji Hyuga, it would be interesting to see what his improvements has brought him.

Danzo who already made a plan from Akihiko's information, swiftly ordered the two hidden root members.

"Go and test his current combat power and give me a comprehensive report."

Akihiko who already expected this outcome quickly disappeared with the other Root members leaving only Orochimaru and Danzo.

"Your Hyuga member is interesting…." Orochimaru trailed off, as he watched the closed door.

"I'm not handing him over!" Danzo thought that Orochimaru was interested in his valuable subordinate so he immediately denied coldly.

"Relax I'm not interested in him, at least for now."

Orochimaaru released his terrifying laugh as he liked his lips with his long tongue ominously.

Danzo frowned at his statement but didn't care again, let the future him handle this problem.


Akihiko was now standing in front of a sealed section of the underground stronghold used for training. In front of him where 2 special Jonin like himself. The first was a random shinobi while the other was from the Aburame clan that specialized in insect manipulation.

With a quick nod, Akihiko was prepared for his first battle.

Taking out two kunai, Akihiko took a defensive stance, since he didn't want to lose the initiative in the battle of two against one.

Whoosh…. Whoosh… Whoosh….

Accompanied by the sound of breaking wind, the three figure clashed with breaking metallic sound right after.

The random root member jumped back and directly printed hand seals:

"Water Release: Water Severing Slash"


A high-pressure thin jet of water was immediately spouted out of the root members mouth and directly went towards Akihiko in an extremely fast pace.

Akihiko quickly jumped away, avoiding the Severing Water slash.

Slash… Slash… Slash…

The thin jet of water was extremely sharp as it sliced the earth leaving a gash.

This was originally an S class ninjutsu that Nidaime Hokage made, The Water Severing Wave. However not everyone could use S rank ninjutsu so the Hokage developed a weakened version the Severing Water Slash.

Activiting his Byakugan, Akihiko observed the surroundings and noticed small black bugs literred around the battlefield. Its seems that the Aburame clan member was preparing for his next move.Akihiko did not waste any more time observing the situation as he may be controlled in their rhythm. So he immediately printed his hand seals.

"Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique"


In an instant, a massive ball of flames headed toward the water style user. He was quick to react by using his own jutsu.

"Water Release: Water Formation Wall!"

A wall of water rose from the ground to block Akihiko's attack, in that precise moment, Akihiko quickly used the Body Flicker technique to appear in front of the Aburame clan member who was printing seals.

Before he could complete it though, Akihiko clutched his neck in a vise like grip before a dome of water was quickly created that trapped him in it.