Women are Obstacles on the path to the Great Dao!!

In Akihiko's mind, he was determined to reap the most benefits from this. This is why at some times Ignorance is Bliss, at another time, Ignorance can very well be the reason of your downfall.

In this situation, Itachi was ignorant about the terrible potential in the Uchiha clan. If he knew that the Mangyekou Sharingan can be evolved into the Eternal Mangyekou Sharingan then futher into the Legendary Rinnigan, then the Mythical Rinne-Sharingan, then he'll even find a way to make his clan the strongest in the Shinobi World, no matter what the Gay Combo in Konoha tell him.

As for the Uchiha clan, they were ignorant of the threat in leaving a highly potent talent in the hand of the Gay Combo, as if their ignorance wasn't even enough, their Partriach was just a lump of spoilt dough, no backbone despite his Mangyekou, he was indecisive, too useless. This in turn will ultimately lead to their total downfall.

However, for Akihiko, this was perfect, as he was going to use the Uchiha clan as his springboard to the top of this world. Firstly, he could run some experiments on the ones he captured, who nows how many will awaken those forbidden eyes. This project was totally worth investing into. Besides he didn't want to the total extermination of their clan since he was at some point going to need their eyes.

He figured that fighting for Madara's Rinnegan is not advisable at all. This is because of the significant risks it entails.

Besides, he already had the Tenseigan plan in his head so he should not trouble the already unstable waters. So why not get a Rinnegan alongside the Tenseigan, wont that be great?

However to kidnap cabable Uchiha who had the potential to awaken those eyes are not easy, besides he had to research on ways to awaken those eyes. As of present he had a few methods, the first was to implant Hashirama cells into their body, but he doesn't even have that thing, and even if he did, they might become like Danzo, who had a face on his arm. And this was when Danzo actively surpressed this with multiple Sharingans, if he put that thing in an Uchiha, they will outrightly die. Except he finds a way to regulate and surpress the activity of the Hashirama cells, this method was useless.

The second was to use their emotions against them, devise a way to make them emotionally active to the extreme, like anger, despair and fear. This are the three emotions he knew had the highest chance to succeed.

There was a last method though…. He has not yet confirmed this method. But he hypothesized that the Sharingan expresses itself based on the minds strength and the abundant Yin in the body. So what is mind strength? Like Akihiko stated, or rather, Madara stated, the Doujutsu is the mirror of the soul so Mind Strength also means Soul strength, so why can't he just enhance their soul strength and see the reaction.

This method is theoretically possible and is one of the safest methods, but let him leave all this tedious work to his future self.

Without futher ado, Akihiko left the underground base and decided to take a walk around Konoha. This bustling village that was weird in Akihiko's eyes, he felt dislike for this village.

As a god, sensing accumulated grudge and negative emotions was not hard at all. So he could feel all the dark emotions that covered Konoha as a whole. In his opinion, if a curse; as in Jujutsu Kaisen, where to be born here he'll have the base strength(initial strength) of Sukuna. This is because of the quality of these emotions. Those curses where born from the emotions of countless weak people, what will happen when a curse is born from countless strong people? The answer was self evident, this is the level of the 'curse energy' in Konoha. This is to say that the Curse energy in Konoha alone was worth more than the total Curse energy in the whole world of JJK, since Tengen basically concentrated most of the worlds cursed energy in Japan. So what will happen if a curse is born from all the Curse energy in the Shinobi world. Akihiko couldn't help but shiver at this crazy thought.

This was the reason he didn't feel comfortable in Konoha at all, he was not an evil god afterall. After he was done walking aimlessly through Konoha, Akihiko swifly returned to his residence.

Only, what he saw when he entered into his room made him pause slightly. In his room stood a graceful figure, slim but with perfect curves, quite mature with long black hair, and white eyes that felt serene. She had a good facial harmony with a well developed body. Well, all her features didn't elicit a response from the indifferent Akihiko. He saw women as a hinderance to his goals in his past life and it didn't change in the current one.

Looking at her indifferently, he walked into his room before removing his Jonin jacket before glancing at the girl who was in his room. She was also looking at him the entire time, he didn't cre about the eye contact so he asked the question he wanted to, the moment he entered this place.

"Why are you here?" indifferently questioning the young Kunoichi, Akihiko continued to remove his foot ware before looking at her again. From her expression, it was clear that she was shocked by his indifferent look and lack of interest.

She had a lot of things to ask him, she was worried about him, but she only got an indifferent, almost emotionless question? In fact, this girl should be considered lucky, since he didn't really want to be rude to her. By then, her young Kunoichi heart could not only have been broken, it could have been shattered beyond repairs.

"I..I.." Struggling to find an answer under his indifferent gaze, the girl stuttered.Akihiko merely glanced at her before climbing his bed, sat crosslegged and began his comprehension. Since she didn't want to answer then he wont waste time on an Idiot in love, with his vast expeience how could he not have notice this? He just didn't care!! Only God's would pick his interest, and that is after he managed to regain his emotions, so she should just forget it.

He knew this girl, her name was Hyuga Kaori. She was a beauty, and was well received in the clan, even the main family liked her harmless smile, and cheerful personality. The former owner was surely interested in her as he was almost something like a playboy, nut the current Akihiko…..

"What??" The girl was in disbelief, he just ignored her! Well, Akihiko knew about this girls character, she thinks that because of her jolly character everyone must like her, so she could use them to her advantage. She normally developed a special type of pride due to indulgence.

Akihiko has encountered a lot of girls like her so it came as no surprise that she was shocked at his blatant lack of interest. Akihiko didn't say anything though, he knew that girls like this craved attention like a bitch so he didn't say anything.

Truly, this girl was actually very good, and her personality was not twisted in any sense, it was just that he had no interest and he even felt disgust in that useless pride that she had begun to develop.

Taking a deep breath, Kaori calmed herself down and began to speak.

"I came to check up on you, you fell in a coma and I was worried about you…"

"I know, I didn't ask for your service nor your concern, you may leave!"

Before the damsel could finish her heart touching words, Akihiko ruthlessly cut her short. He didn't want to deal with this woman. They think that since they did something for you, you are obviously obliged to 'pay' for it.

It can be said that Akihiko understood women like the back of his hand, he normally did conduct experiments with alive human beings in the past so he knew them physically and emotionally, though he was still a virgin.

"…..!!!" Kaori's brain shortcircuited, she was shocked beyond belief!! To think that someone could say such a thing to poor innocent Kaori, well this was what she thought! She never expected anyone to be rude to her since she was always polite, like they normally say 'You don't slap a smiling face'.

As the reality of the situation dawned on her, she began to tear up, then sob. The whole time, Akihiko didn't spare her a glance with his eyes closed. Kaori violently ran away from his room with tears in her eyes. The Hyuga members that saw this were perplexed, so a portion of them chased after her while a portion came to Akihiko's door to check what happened.

They saw, the Jonin Hyuga Akihiko, meditating crossed legged in his neatly arranged room, so they couldn't deduce the situation from the state of the room. And none of them dared to disturb a Jonin because of a girl! So they silently closed his door and left inorder to find out from the girl.

'Women are a hinderance to strength, I dont have time to indulge in their antics. If I indulge them now, what will I do when an Infinite Tsukuyomi falls on my head. I'm even going to far, what will I do when Pain, Shinra Tensei's Konoha, what will I do when the Ten Tails fires his Tailed Beast bomb?

At the end of all this… Women are obstacles on my path to the Great Dao. Madara knew this, I know this, Isshiki knows this!! As expected only the true strong knew this great fact.

Sorry Hashirama…..your weak!!!{YOWAIMO}