IWTIT60BTS Chapter 2.1: Do good things as a career

After the meal, Li Chunhua instructed her two daughters-in-law to wash the dishes. Song Yuhua timidly went, but Lin Xueju was unwilling. She began to shed tears, and Su Tieshan, as the father-in-law, immediately put on a stern face. Lin Xueju could only clench her teeth and comply.

"Er Ya, you should learn more. Your big sister is smarter than you. Let me tell you, one must be clever in life. Be soft when needed and firm when necessary. Of course, the most important thing is to win over your own man. In this family, if it weren't for your father listening to me, I wouldn't have a voice. Your brothers, these unfilial creatures, have become heartless, forgetting their mother after getting married!" Turning around, Li Chunhua addressed her quiet daughter.

Hearing this, Su Man nodded perfunctorily. She thought to herself that this old lady might have watched too many dramas, turning a rural household into something resembling the inner palace of a royal court.

Except during the urgent harvesting period, even during busy farming seasons, there will usually be a midday break. This allows everyone to have good energy for work in the afternoon.

Having watched the rest of the family go inside to rest, Su Man took the opportunity to return to her room and take a look.

There were two beds in the room, one slightly larger, covered with a floral-patterned sheet. Next to it was a desk with a stack of books. Su Man looked over; the textbooks were new, but they were two popular novels that showed signs of being read many times.

Positioned against the wall was a slightly smaller bed, covered with a patchwork of coarse cloth sheets.

It looked ugly no matter how you looked at it.

This was the place Su Man was going to sleep now.

She sat on her own bed and tried it out, then tried the bed on the larger bunk. Then she touched her chin and started thinking.

"Host, what were you thinking? Your facial expression indicated that you were contemplating matters of a delicate nature."

Su Man chuckled lightly.

"I was just thinking of improving my living conditions first, how is that considered as being of a delicate nature?"

In the Su family, there was no preference for sons over daughters. On the contrary, due to Li Chunhua's own unhappy childhood, she treated her two daughters even better. However, there was always differences. Although both daughters were cherished, the eldest daughter, who resembled her and was particularly capable, naturally received more affection. Especially since this eldest daughter knew well how to ask for what she wanted.

As the saying goes, a crying child gets milk. Generally, they were treated better. However, the original host was different because of poor health since childhood, leading to a lazy and indifferent personality, avoiding meddling in others' affairs. This somewhat resembled Su Man herself.

However, Su Man had a stronger will to survive than her. Moreover, she had a strong pursuit for material life and naturally wouldn't just accept her fate like that.

"Host, I recommend that you promptly engage in acts of kindness to earn rewards, which will accelerate the improvement of your life."

Su Man didn't like being controlled by others, but this system was indeed a way for her to acquire material goods. So, she decided to establish a good rapport with this system. As for how to eventually free herself from its control, that would be a consideration for the future.

"Um... saintly....forget it, I'll just give you a code name," she awkwardly called out the words 'saintly'. "How about I just call you... seven eight... nine?"

"The saintly system sincerely thanks the host's care and for naming me... Ding! Henceforth, this system's name is confirmed as 789." The system displayed a highly cheerful expression and released numerous pink bubbles.

Su Man: '..."

Is this system naive and sweet? I'm not sure if it's acting.

T/N: 傻白甜 is a term that is often used to describe someone who appears cute, innocent, and naive, but lacks intelligence or perception.

"If I do good deeds, will I get rewarded? What are the specific rewards?"

Immediately, 789 listed out a checklist in her mind, filled with a series of rewards and materials. Su Man was dazzled by what seemed to be a comprehensive range of options.

Especially the food items, they made her feel so hungry that her body involuntarily began to salivate.

However, everything listed above required saintly points to exchange, which would require Su Man to perform good deeds to earn them. Depending on the nature of the good deed, the system will award a certain amount of saintly points.

The allocation ratio of these saintly points wasn't very detailed; instead, it was set within broad ranges. For instance, small gestures that are effortless might earn 5 saintly points. These 5 saintly points are equivalent to five yuan in Su Man's previous era, or five mao in today's terms.

T/N: 五毛钱 is what's used which is 5 mao qian. This is the equivalent of 0.5 yuan. It's basically like 50 cents but in Chinese currency.

If Su Man were to put it some effort, she could earn anywhere from 10 to 100 saintly points. If she were to put in a lot of effort, she can earn over 100 saintly points.

If Su Man were to save a life, she could earn even more, starting from a minimum of 1000 saintly points. The points awarded depend on the rescue process and the number of lives saved, with practically no upper limit.

Moreover, at the beginning, not everything can be exchanged; there are restrictions based on levels.

For example, Su Man's current level is like an apprentice saint, so she can only purchase everyday essentials. The more extraordinary items are beyond her reach.

This is also where the design team behind this system showed their brilliance. They understood that people who possessed the system might not always have pure intentions or lack basic needs. Therefore, they used this game-like leveling system to motivate people to perform good deeds and level up.

After Su Man finished reading, her mouth twitched a couple of times.

"So, doing a good deed gets you five yuan, but saving a life could reward you a thousand yuan..."

"Don't underestimate it, host. This money is important for the poor, like yourself now. A small effort could let you buy two big meat buns to eat, host. Wouldn't you want that?"

Su Man pursed her lips as her stomach emitted a rumbling sound.

The bowl of porridge she had for lunch didn't suffice at all.

With that in mind, Su Man couldn't stay still any longer. She sat up from the bed, rolled up her sleeves, and walked out of the room.

Outside, Song Yuhua was bent over, sweeping the floor with a child on her back. It looked very difficult.

Meanwhile, everyone else was inside taking their afternoon nap.

"Would helping my own family count as doing a good deed?" Su Man asked the system.

"Yes, it can. After all, to your soul, they are also strangers. Your acts of kindness towards strangers can be considered as doing a good deed." 789 answered.

"Let me do this. You go rest." Su Man walked over with a stern face, then reached out and took the broom from Song Yuhua's hand.

 Just as Song Yuhua was about to wipe her sweat, her younger sister-in-law snatched the broom from her hand. She paused for a moment, then quickly said.

"Let me do it. Er Ya, you go rest."

Su Man looked at her with determination.

"I said I'll do it," she asserted, then continued to sweep the floor earnestly. Her serious expression made it seem like she was completing a solemn task.

"Host, since you're doing good deeds, why not express goodwill to others with a smile?" 789 suggested.

"Why should I show goodwill? Aren't I already doing good deeds? Do I have to greet everyone with a smile just because I'm doing good deeds? Or does being a saint mean I have to smile at everyone?" Su Man replied. Her biological mother used to smile at everyone, and everyone ended up thinking she was easy to bully. Of course, it turned out she really was easy to bully. So Su Man absolutely won't show goodwill to others.

789:'...' It found itself speechless.

Su Man continued to sweep the floor quickly, eager to finish quickly and receive her reward.

As she continued to sweep, she suddenly heard sobbing from nearby.

She lifted her head and saw Song Yuhua with tears streaming down her face.

Su Man: '...'

Although unsure why she was crying, she had no intention of meddling and continued to work with her head down.

"Er Ya, you're so good to me." Song Yuhua, deeply moved, said.

Since marrying into this family, Er Ya is the only one who has shown kindness to her. The others either target her or ignore her, like Er Ya used to do. But now, Er Ya was actually helping her sweep the floor.

Er Ya is really too good.

Su Man didn't want to be seen as a good person; good people don't end up well. She aimed to be a bad person who did good deeds.

So she looked up seriously and said, "No, I'm just sweeping the floor. I'm not being nice to you at all. Don't thank me."

Upon hearing her words, Song Yuhua didn't believe her at all. If her sister-in-law wasn't being nice to her, why would she come out of the house specifically to help her with the chores?

"I know you act tough, but you have a warm heart. I understand," she said, wiping the corner of her eye as she spoke.

Su Man: '...'

"Host, people in this era are quite straightforward. In our time, if you suddenly help someone, they would suspect you had ulterior motives, thinking you were just being overly polite." 789 sighed.

"That's the right way to do it. Otherwise, fools like this will suffer if they encounter someone with ill intentions." Su Man said expressionlessly.

"But then, there would be no love left in the world." 789 sighed sadly.

Su Man sneered disdainfully. What is love? Love is the most unreliable thing there is.