Please catch me

As the movie Melvin and I have just finished watching is being played, we sit in the living room watching the credits roll. The CD, my brothers, gave me the night before is the first thing I notice when I open my handbag to get some gum out of it. After removing it from the bag, I put it inside the laptop. There is a knock on the front door just as the movie is about to begin playing, and I raise my head to look at Melvin. "Are you expecting anyone?"

The man shakes his head. "No one should have been allowed through those gates without my permission." I follow Melvin as he makes his way to the building's entrance. I find his brother holding a young lady when he opens the door.

"Are you going to let us in, Mel?" As his brother inquires.

"No," he says, looking at me. "You should have called before showing up at my place. Melvin keeps the door mostly closed.

"Who are you hiding in the house?" When Leo sees me on the other side of the door, he smiles and pushes it open. "Kathy?"

I give him a wave. "Hi, Leo."

My arms are extended to me by him. "Get over here, girl."

I close the laptop immediately before I rush over to him and hug him. "When did you get back?"

Leo stares at Melvin in awe. "You didn't tell her?"

The man gives a head shake. "I hadn't spent much time with her before Michelle went to Europe."

I remove myself from Leo's presence. "Are you going to answer my question?"

Leo encircles his girlfriend with his arms and embraces her. "I got back three weeks ago," he glances at the young lady. I want you to meet my fiancé, Lacey Anderson."

Her hair is blonde, her eyes are blue, and her complexion is tanned. It appears as though she has just sprung from the pages of a magazine.

As she approaches me, she steps forward and extends her hand to me.

She extends her hand to me, but I ignore it and hug her. "Leo has finally met someone to spend his life with. He often told me that our school girls did not deserve his respect. I believe he was making that statement because his brother had dated almost all the girls in the area.

"Did he ever date you?"

I give a head shake. "Neither one of them was someone I dated. Melvin was my closest friend for a long time. To make room for them, I move Melvin out of the way and greet them.

Along with Lacey and I, the boys follow us as we make our way to the kitchen.

I look across at Lacey. "Do you want tea or coffee?"

"I would like a black coffee with two sugars, please."

"I'll have the same," he says, Leo.

The pot is then filled, and I switch it on. After retrieving four cups from the cabinet, I pour coffee into each cup. "Do you want scones, jam, and cream?"

She gives a grin. "It's been a while since I've had that."

Leo is in the seat next to Lacey. After school, Katherine would go home and prepare a dessert, which she would bring to our apartment that evening. This was something that she did every week. She spoiled our household.

"You should teach me how to make some of Leo's favorite desserts."

"I'll teach you how to make them." Then I mutter. "That is, assuming you can escape from him. At this point, he does not allow you to escape his gaze.

The answer is no. If we become friends, he will allow me to participate in activities with you rather than wanting to keep a close eye on me.

The focus of Leo's attention shifts to us. "What are you girls whispering about?"

After making the coffee, I place it in front of everyone. I set the scones, jam, and cream on the table for everyone to enjoy.

Leo and Melvin remove the scones from the platter.


As Leo and Lacey leave the house at six o'clock, they hug me before leaving.

Melvin sits down in front of the television and watches the news.

When I enter the kitchen, I see the cooks working hard to prepare dinner for us. "What are you cooking?"

Towards me, Ella turns her head. It was Melvin who requested that we prepare steak with sauce and vegetables. What kind of vegetables do you prefer to eat?"

"Mixed vegetables are acceptable. Regarding my plate, I enjoy having a wide range of colors. Despite this, I do not enjoy eating mashed potatoes. Can you refrain from adding something to my plate? While the cooks are preparing things, I observe them. "Can I help with anything?"

"I'm sorry, miss. You can count on us. You ought to go down there and talk to Melvin. I do not doubt that he is seeking you at this very moment. The door to the kitchen opens precisely the moment Ella says that.

Melvin may be seen entering the room. "I knew I would find you in here." Putting his arms around me, he then kisses the crown of my head. He then wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry if she's bothering you."

"Sir, she wasn't bothering us." After Ella has begun peeling the potatoes, she places them in the saucepan before continuing. It is she who activates the hotplate.

I hushed Melvin in a whisper. They should be given the day off the following day. The fact that we will have dinner at my parents' house tomorrow makes them unnecessary.

He glances at them. Katherine and I will not be home the following day. Therefore, I was considering the possibility of you all taking the day off. You could see your family and friends or spend the day roaming the city.

Ella gives a grin. "Thank you, Sir."

The other people who work in the kitchen are also grateful to him.

Taking my hand, Melvin drags me out of the kitchen and into the hallway. "All of them hold a great deal of respect for you. Consistently, you put the needs of others ahead of your own. Although I am often self-centred, I want to be better when I am with you. A hand is running through his hair while he does so. "What are you doing to me, Kathy?"

"I am showing you the kind of person you would be. Don't let the movie industry get to you. You do not have a competitive advantage over any other renowned person. When I put my hand on his stomach, I can feel his abdominal muscles beneath my hand. "The guy I spent my childhood with is buried deep within you," she said. It would help if you kept him on the surface once you have found him. In my life, I want to be with him. He is the one."

After claiming my lips, Melvin raises me and kisses me. The lounge is where he carries me. "I will look for him."

In the lounge, Melvin and I have conversations similar to those we used to have when we were younger.

Talking to my best friend in this manner is something I have missed.

Upon entering the living room, we see Ella. "Dinner is ready, Sir."

Melvin gives her a look. "Thank you." After I had risen, he helped me stand up on my own.

As we enter the dining room, we notice that the table has been furnished and that candles have been lit.

Melvin develops a grin that stretches across his face. I love it when they prepare candles for us to use. It was never something that appealed to me to do it with Michelle. I experience different emotions with you than I do with her. It is he who pulls out a seat for me.

When I am seated, he moves his chair to the side of mine. He is leaning in close to me and looking into my eyes. Katherine, you will make me fall in love with you forever. I hope that you are there to catch me.

Melvin, I always make it a point to catch you. Always keep that in mind." After moving closer to him, I take a seat on his lap. As I lean in closer, I kiss my fictitious sweetheart.

In addition to intensifying the kiss, he encircles me with his arms.