Acting the role

When Alanie looks at the dashboard, she begins tapping her fingers against the door. Can't you drive at a faster speed? I prefer to arrive on time for my date with Logan.

At a red light, I stop and turn around to face her. I can't rush to your location to ensure you arrive on time for your date. Please phone him and let him know that you will be late.

Her arms make a cross. "I must not. He knows most of my time is spent working from home and playing games on my phone.

When the light switches to green, I proceed to cross the crossing. "Did you tell him you had a photo shoot this afternoon?"

Her head is shaken in shock. There is no way I would like him to be aware of it. Just in case things don't go according to plan."

I take hold of her hand. It's going to turn out all right. If I model with you, my supervisor has informed me that she will recruit Taylor, Walden, and you. It is a deal that our family can take advantage of."

"Are you going to do it?"

I let out a sigh. Indeed, I want to get all of you out of Mom and Dad's hair as soon as possible. They never stop harping on me about how our brothers are such slobs all the time. Instead of playing games in the family room, she would prefer that they spend a couple of hours away from the house each day.

In the past, I would compete against our brother, but they would always kick my ass.

Pulling up in front of my sister's condo, I pull the car.

Even though she was cast in the lead part of a television show, the show was canceled after the thirteenth episode. She brought the place.

After that, she was unable to secure a position because her manager was not successful in her position, and my sister was not considered.

Her efforts to revitalize her career were unsuccessful since no one in Hollywood would give her a chance.

I have faith that her decision to become a model would be suitable for her career.

She has earned the right to have good things happen to her.

Alanie hugs me. "Thank you." She quickly enters the building after closing the door behind her."

Following my exit from the parking lot, I return to my house.

When I arrived at the house, Melvin's car was parked in the garage.

Melvin and his brother descend the stairs before I park the car. At the bottom step, he comes to a standstill.

Following my exit from the vehicle, I make my way over to him. "Hey," Melvin says as he embraces me. It was brought to my attention that you have consented to become a model for Butler International. What convinced you to go through with it?

A grin appears on my face as I look at you. "I have the opportunity to collaborate closely with you and my siblings. If I hadn't given my consent, Alanie, Taylor, and Walden would not have been provided with employment.

"Tonight, we ought to celebrate your new job," she said. I will serve you dinner. I would like you to put on the dress lying on the bed.

Since the phony engagement, we have eaten dinner together for the first time. I had high hopes that everything would go fine with this one.

Melvin rubs the back of his neck. "I got us a table at Oliver's."

You have found a 5-star restaurant.

Oliver's is the restaurant that all of the famous people frequent.

To reserve a table at that restaurant, you need to make a reservation at least a couple of weeks in advance.

It has been brought to my attention that Oliver has a VIP table in a hidden section of the restaurant and reserves it for his close friends.

I am curious as to whether Melvin is friends with him.

"Melvin, how did you score the table at the last minute?"

Leo makes an advance. Oliver and I are friends. I told him that my brother wanted to take his fiancée out to dinner, and he told me that the VIP table was available for a few hours. At that point, he included your name on the list.

Greetings, Leo! "Thank you." Melvin and I are having dinner, so I enter the house and get ready.


Melvin's Audi R8 is parked in Oliver's restaurant's lot. After he has parked the car, he exits it. I step out of the room after he opens the door for me.

I hold his hand as we make our way to the red carpet in front of the restaurant.

There are ropes to keep the paparazzi and the customers separate.

When the paparazzi continue to take pictures of us, my flash goes off, and I hide my eyes.

Putting his hand on my hip, Melvin does so. He speaks to me as he leans more into me. "Let's give them one decent photo before heading to dinner."

"Okay," I murmur silently.

As the cameras snap images of me, I uncovered my face and looked at them simultaneously.

"Melvin, look here someone shouts."

Melvin continues to look at them while another photograph is taken.

"Melvin, who's the girl with you."

His arm encircles my shoulder while he does so. "This is Katherine, my fiancée," she said. I'm going to stop here and tell you nothing else.

I am relieved that they still do not know who I am, but you can be sure they will learn who I am when the magazine that featured the picture shoot is published.

I will enjoy it if they are unaware of who I am.

I took Melvin's hand, and we entered the restaurant. "That was more than one photo."

Melvin and I are making our way towards the host.

He gazes upward.

"We have a reservation under William for 7 pm."

The guy is taking a peek at the book. "I'm very sorry. I can't locate your name on this page.

"It should be put under the VIP table," explains Melvin.

The host examines the VIP section of the venue. I am sorry that your name is not listed here. Would it be possible to refer to it by a different name?

Could you please call Oliver? He is expecting us.

"I can't call the manager. He gave us exact instructions so that we would not disturb him. The host is announcing that a gentleman dressed in a suit is approaching us.

He looks first at Melvin and then at me. He extends his hand to Melvin on the table. "It's nice to see you again, Melvin." Their hands are shaken. In my direction, he turns his head. "Who is this beautiful girl?"

"I'm Katherine."

"No last name?"

"I have one." In my eyes, I see the host. "They are out there, and I don't want them to find out who I am," she said. We know how much they like putting people in a bad position. For now, I am not prepared to make my life public for the sake of rumors and speculation.

It is a laugh. "I like her better than the last one you brought here."

Does he have Michelle in mind?

Oliver gives a slight nod. "Michelle was the most unsatisfactory customer that ever visited this establishment. Because the meat was too red, the food needed to be better, and she wanted Caesar dressing on her salad, she would insist that we take the food back. Diet Coke was what she desired, rather than ordinary Coke, even though she was the one who placed the order for it to be so. My things had reached their limit, and fifty per cent of them refused to prepare anyone else's dinner for that table.

Melvin shakes his head. It was the worst date I had ever been on in my whole life. After that, we decided to eat at home alone. Because of this, my chefs are always present at my place of residence. Since you've been at the house, I haven't seen my crew as pleased as they are with you in the house. We relied on their cooking abilities for all our meals, but since you've been here, they are happier than usual.

The situation will shift once Michelle returns to the scene.

Despite my best efforts, I must constantly remind myself that I am not Melvin's partner. His partner is attending fashion shows in Europe, and I am merely acting the role until she returns.

At other moments, I wish she would never come again so that I may experience genuine joy.