
One week later

Nashville's law enforcement has determined that I am free to leave Tennessee and return to California.

Michelle's arrest means I won't have to worry about her causing me any trouble.

They informed me that she would be receiving psychiatric help and might not be suitable for any kind of incarceration.

My only hope is that the help she receives will make her better.

I don't want to entertain the idea that she is a completely wicked person and that the reason she has been treating me in this manner is because she is able to.

Ty makes a knock at the door. "Are you ready to go home, Katherine?"

"Yes, I am."

Ty tells me that he will go and grab the door when there is a knock on it.

My brother's voice is audible to me. "Can we see Katherine, please?"

The moment Ty turns his attention in my direction, I shake my head. "Come in." He opened the door himself.

I enter the room from behind.