
As Melvin approaches the estate, he pulls his black car in front of it.

It is comparable in size to the house that Melvin and I rent together.

The fountain resembles a golden angel, with water flowing out of its mouth.

There are two flights of stairs that lead to a massive door that I have never seen before. The glass-constructed door is surrounded by a wooden side frame.

On the side of the driveway, there are twelve windows.

Suddenly, the doors to my car and Melvin's car open, and a man hands Melvin a tag. "You can pick up your car at the end of the night."

Taking the tag, Melvin says, "Thank you." Melvin wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Are you ready to meet Gabriella?"

I give a head shake. "I'm scared to meet the girl."

It is a laugh. My apologies. Today, she is moving in this direction.