Wedding day announcement

Melvin is on his way to his parents' house when he pulls the car into the driveway.

I hold onto his hand. "Who's going to be here today?"

He breaks into a broad grin before his eyes. "The typical people. The brunch is something that Mom and Dad do on a monthly basis. Going forward, it is going to be something that we do on a regular basis.

As I look around the house, I notice that Lacey and Leo are waiting for us on the stairs. "Okay," I say.

It's possible that they're not ready to move on just yet.

Melvin has parked the car. Following his exit, he walks around the car. I step out of the room after he opens the door for me.

I placed my hand in Leo's while we were making our way to the stairs, where Leo was, I placed my hand in his.