Listen carefully (Kat?)

"Wha..what do you mean?" asked Raphael

The boys must have felt it too, from the time Kat gave them the first antidotes, I was not the Kat they knew. I looked just like Kat, but the aura around me must have changed drastically, but they brushed it off. It must be strange to encounter something they don't quite understand that they decide to think it was because the poison make them weak and hinder their perception.

"If you are not Katarina, then who are you?" Leon asked this time, I can tell he is curious, but at the same time secretly hoping that this is just some kind of sick joke

"I am afraid none of you are able to afford to know about me. Especially you Gaby, after all you will die soon anyway" I said nonchalantly

"I do not care who you are!!! Just give me the antidote right fucking now" Gaby screamed and screamed but her voice now rough and weak, slowly consumed by the poison.

"You can keep screaming and nothing will change anyway. I will tell you that the poison is quite strong, and you… are very weak. The you right now won't be able to handle it for much longer. Especially after your twin brother's buffs and blessings gone, you will die in a matter of minutes, Gaby. Good bye, you won't be missed" I said sweetly with looking at Gaby's hollowed and panicked eyes

"No.. no.. no!!!" She still has the strength to try to resist the poison, it seems

"Now, be a good girl and drop dead, will you?" I said lightly

Soon, Gaby dropped to her knees and slowly her breathing slowed and with a plop, she is now lying down, died. She probably died in a painful way, I would not know since I have never tasted Kat's blood poison. But I could tell the way the poison would work based on the how the victims looked in their last moments. The organs inside her must have been rotting away all these hours, and when her heart and brain finally rotted enough she drop dead just like that, an ending befitting of her, I would say.

"Now ain't that perfect?" I said cheerfully. Now I turned to the rest of the team members. From what I can see, they are all still shocked that someone within the team could die so easily, and I could kill so easily. Scarlet turned to her side and started vomiting.

'Ugh, this is why newbies are the worst. Vomiting just because of a dead body? Please. The least you could do as an adventurer is having a stomach to handle bodies' I scoffed.

Just after I finished my thoughts, several notifications pop up.

[Achievement Unlocked: First Human Kill]

You have slain a human for the first time

Reward: Your bloodlust increased from 0 to 1

My eyes widen as I almost laughed out loud when I saw the achievement I just received. It is definitely not the first time I have killed human, but since I have never officially registered as an adventurer before, I guess this is my official first human kill? Ha, how funny! I guess from now on I have to be careful when killing other human, I would not want to be discovered just because my kill count is recorded, after all.

[Hidden Individual Quest Completed]

Heal and Kill : You have poisoned, heal, and then killed the same person. Reward will be given for this twisted Individual.

Reward: Skills can now be ranked and develop

The second notification surprised me but in a good way. I have forgotten all about the hidden individual quest since it's known to be very difficult to even find out what it is. Most people usually accidentally completed it and then finally know what is the quest actually about, hence it's called Hidden Quest. Since it is different for each and every person, it can also be called Individual quest.

'Heal and then Kill, huh? That's quite a twisted criteria the system has given out there. I am glad that I was able to come out today, otherwise Kat will never be able to complete the hidden quest. She might trigger it for healing them, but she will never be able to kill them after showing them so much compassion as to heal them. Well, I guess I was lucky' I smile while reading the details about my rewards.

'This is quite a luck, now her skill could rank up, and before long she will not be this weak anymore. Now let's try absorb my spoil of war' I cheerfully ignored the confused look of the other team members standing beside me. I closed my eyes and trying recall how to absorb the skill. As soon as I think about 'wanting to absorb', power immediately enters my body. I instinctually know and feel that now I have the power to poison the mind.

Since Gaby is a mind controller, getting a fraction of mind skill is probably quite expected. I might not be able to control minds, but to be able to poison the mind is already impressive enough. Pleased with my findings, I tried to settle everything and plan how should I proceed from here. After that is done, I turned my back to face the 3 adventurers that Kat considers her teammates. I walk slowly to their side, judging from how quiet they are, they have no idea about what is about to unfold.

"Now, listen carefully to what I was about to say" I start

The three of them looked at me anxiously, now looking like prey eyeing up their predator.

"If possible, I would love for you to forget all of these. But our weak little mind controller is gone, so that plan is out of the bag. You know I am not Katarina, and it will be better for all of us if she stays oblivious. So when this is all over, I want all of us to never meet ever again. And by the time Kat wakes up from her slumber, all three of you will have a letter explaining all of this in a way she could understand" I add slowly but seriously

"Kat… doesn't know?" Scarlet asked

I smiled slowly as I look down, my gaze towards the far ground and for a split second, you'd think I looked a little sad. So I walk away and take the wristband belonging to Gaby and shove it into my sling bag.

"Now, this is what you will write in the letter. You will write that she tried the pills to make an antidote, she failed and passed out unconsciously. The three of you manage to survive but sweet little Gaby being the weakest, could not survive and died. After that, with your last strength, all of you worked together to help each other get out of this portal. And because everyone is now level D, we are finally free and all went our separate ways. Simple, right?" I asked cheerfully

I can clearly see shocked and confusion that from their face. After a long pause, Leon as the leader and captain raised his voice

"Is it really… necessary to cover it so elaborately?" Leon asked carefully

"Oh yes. Kat is not stupid, you know? Or I could just kill all of you and keep all of this as secret as I always did. There are always other ways, but I try to keep it simple, you know?" I answered lightly

"Then how the reward I promised you? How do I give it to you?" Raphael asked suddenly

I looked at Raphael like I just heard the stupidest joke I have ever possibly heard of.

"Are you an idiot? I don't need any of your reward, especially not from the Bright Family. I am not lacking in anything, but if you insist, you can hand them to Arcadia Tower under my name" I said mockingly

"Arcadia Tower? Is that your backing? No wonder you have the courage to offend the Bright Family. You have good backing" Scarlet chimed in, her snarly remarks sure does not changed one bit

"Silence. Now, if everyone understand their roles, let's get out of this fuck forsaken place. It's a wonder how people can struggle here of all places" I said annoyingly while I moved my legs walking together with Leon, Raphael and Scarlet to the exit of the portal world.

"Is this even the right way to the portal exit?" Scarlet asked again with her annoying voice. swear to god if she does not stop answering I will choke her to death first.

"You are free to walk any other way if you want to, but I am getting out of here as soon as possible. I swear I'd rather be poisoned than getting stucked here with a bunch of idiot for much longer, too bad the poison won't work on me" I said mockingly

They all fall silent, maybe offended, but not like I'd care one bit. After a little more walking, we can see a large door with green hues oozing out from the distance. Instantly everybody felt relieved that we managed to find the portal as we walk closer to the said exit.

"What about the badger kill count?" Leon asked suddenly just before we are about to exit the portal

"Yeah, I think Kat has yet to complete her 200 badger kills" Raphael adds

"You guys better worry about yourself first. Well then, pray than we won't have to ever meet again. If we do… well, I will bury you guys in a pretty flower pot if you die. Toodles" I said shortly before I stepped into the portal.