First Mission (Kat)

White magic gems are one of the most valuable gems in the current world. Not only it can store almost anything in it, from items, materials, to even skills and living creatures. Amongst all, the clear gem is the most valuable of all and also the most sought after. Due to its' rarity drop and difficulty to find and to acquire, it ended up boosted the value even higher to something not any ordinary person like me can imagine.

'This… is a clear magical gem…. what the fuck is this luck? I need to keep this to sell.. as soon as possible… oh no I will be very very rich soon. But what if it disappear as soon as I go out of the training room? What should I do?' My mind panicked the moment I saw it.

The magic crystal clear gem typically cost a year worth of income of an regular working class people. For adventurers, this gem's value differs depending on the use and need but I know its' value is astronomical specifically for Arcadia Tower. I know just the right person who would definitely want this gem. My tower master, famously mysterious except for the two well known facts that he is an unbelievably competent Seal Master and for his love for his lover- the 2nd seat and a master of alchemy- Ivy.

The crystal clear gem will be such a great help to Civ Beaumont as it can seal anyone or anything he wanted without even breaking a sweat. The problem is will I be able to keep this gem even after I come out of the training room? It is a fact that we can get rewards from the training room, but this training room is just a simulator, will I be compensated if the clear gem disappeared?

I call out my Tower System and saw that I still have 13 hours remaining here in the training room. Considering I have spend the whole 11 hours here, getting a clear gem is worth more than enough. Hence regardless of my remaining time left here, I head back to the entrance of the training room. After walking around following the tracks of the monsters and picking up pouches for the whole 11 hours, I expect that getting back to the entrance might take some time. After all, the walking and snooping around the forest was not exactly straight line and the forest has covered up almost all of my sense of direction. However, I ended up only walking for around 3 to 4 hours when I finally saw the entrance door, which is surprising.

Without wasting more time, I stepped out from the training room, and reached the blue tube. I immediately checked my sling bag to see if my crystal clear gem is still there and has not yet disappeared on me. I had no time to check my other rewards, after all the crystal clear gem overshadow the value of all my rewards for sure. When I see the gem is still there, I left out a relief sigh that I did not notice I withheld.

"Luckily none of my rewards disappeared. The other gold, jewels and weapons are great, but if I loose the clear gem, I might regret it my whole life and cry a river" I said out loud with a clear relief. I pressed my room number and the robotic voice is heard again before the tube moved to my destination.

The moment I reached my room, I feel dumb to be needing to ran back to my room just to feel a sense of protection. I could have just asked the system about this thing and yet here I am, feeling protected in my new room where I have just recently informed I have.

'Then should I return to the training room? I still have a couple of hours left' I think to myself, contemplating whether or not should I skip my sleep and just finish my remaining time in the training room. 'I feel like I have slept too much recently, I think I should be able to finish a couple of hours in the training room. It is a waste to pay for 24 hours and spend those hours to sleep' My cheapskate self took over my mind for a while. Living means I need to make use and maximize anything I have at the moment, so I always try to save and do what I can to gather anything I can. Suddenly, I heard a beep sound and my floating window pops out.

[Messages: System (1) *new*]

'The system? what kind of message have I just received?' My thought ran wildly, afraid that it might ask me to give back my hard earned rewards from the training room. I pressed open the message in my mind, curious but also fearing about its' content.


Ms. Katarina Steel, you have received your first mission! Your mission is to find out more about the Kobold attacks in the city of Panskey.

The recent attacks surrounding the city of Panskey has been increasingly dangerous especially for the townsfolks and merchants. Kill the Kobolds and figure out the cause of the Kobold's alarming number increase and attacks. You are to report immediately to the administrative office and depart for Panskey by dawn. The Arcadia Tower wishes you good luck and save travels. May you finish your mission smoothly and successfully.

'What?' I think as my mind went blank. I unexpectedly received my first mission just when I was about to go back to the training room. Not to mention I now have no time to strike a deal with the tower owner regarding the crystal clear gem.

'Damn it, the system said to report immediately. Where should I keep the gem for the time being while I was away?' I think hard as I do not have anyone I trust enough to keep such precious thing. Otto might be friendly, but it does not mean I trust him enough after meeting him for a couple of hours. After all, the tower is practically family-owned and everyone knows that blood is thicker than water. What are the chance that Otto will give up the crystal clear gem to the tower owner in the name of strengthening the tower for free? I am definitely not taking the chance.

When I decided to keep the crystal clear gem by myself and take it with me to the mission, I did not consider how I suck at keeping my expression to myself. Because the moment I reached the administrative office and saw Otto, one glance and he said "Miss Steel, you do not look good, has something happened?"

'No shit, I found a crystal clear gem! I just do not trust you enough to let you keep it safe for me' I think nervously to myself

"Yeah, um… I got my first mission and it said to report immediately to the administrative office" I said trying to calm myself down, not wanting to arise any suspicion. Although I have to say I already look suspicious enough but I guess it translate well to being nervous of my first mission?

"Oh my, yes yes here, let me help. Yes, Ms. Katarina Steel confirmed." Otto said while checking one of his files scattered around his table top. "Nervous for the first mission? Don't be. We have settled everything for you. Here, take this, this gold pouch should cover your necessary expense for the travel including the carriage, accommodation fee, and some provision fee" Otto continued while handing me a big rucksack.

"Do you usually provide for the members for their first mission?" I asked confusedly while receiving the rucksack, trying to gauge the weight of the gold pouch I was handed.

"Hmm.. sometimes. You can say some got preferential treatment, but only the ones that I personally really like though. There are no official records of this, but I have to say the return of investments I made on this are quite satisfying as they came back triumphantly and becoming influential rankers now" Otto replied with a small wink.

I laugh slightly, not sure if it was a joke or a real bribery in broad daylight. I appreciate the sentiment as I aware that this is a privilege I received just because Otto is friendly and we somehow really like each other's character. But this kindness made me feel guilty of keeping the fact that I have a crystal clear gem with me.

Although the crystal gem's value far surpassed the gold pouch he just handed to me, it still weighted a lot on my mind

"I expected to be compensated well from this investment, so make sure you come back alive and safely" Otto adds, and his word here were the last string that hold myself and before long, I snapped and spill out what I have been keeping.

"Otto, while I was away, can you help me keep this safe?" I said slowly while I rummage my sling bag and take out something wrapped in my grey handkerchief. I slowly pushed the thing out and place it carefully on Otto's table top.

"Hmm? What is it?" Otto asked while removing the cloth covering it. As soon as he saw what was underneath it, his eyes widen in shock and quickly turned to me. "What? Where and how did you get this?" He asked with his voice raised. I can hear confusion, shock and a lot of expression I could not read from Otto.

"I found it when I was training, the rewards I got when fighting a humanoid monster" I said and this time, I decided to be honest with Otto as I prayed really hard that hopefully he is trustworthy enough and I can trust him.

"You know this is… extremely valuable, and you want to leave it to me?" He ask this time with a disbelief tone I noticed as Otto was not even trying to hide it

"Well, you are the only one I trust here. And I can not possibly bring it with me to my mission" I said

Otto give me a sad smile after he heard that, but I think he is happy that I said I trust him.

"Then sell it me, I will give you a good price. That way you can convert it to tower points and keep it safe while I have no responsibility to keep it safe" He adds this time seriously.

"No, sorry. I don't think I can sell it to you." I answer

"Why not? Look, if you want to use it, then I will sell it back to you when you came back from your mission. I swear I will sell it to you with the same price I bought it for" He said

"No, what are you talking about? Why would I want to use it? Surely you understand I do not benefit much from using this gem. The most I can use is just storing things. I could have get another bag for it" I answer again

"Then if you do not want to sell it, nor you want to use it. Why bother keeping this?" Otto asked

"I never said I won't sell it…"

"What are you…" Otto's voice trail as his eyes widen "Don't tell me you…"

"Yeah, it's just that I am going to sell it to the one who need this the most. Our lovely tower master" I said with a smile sweet enough one might even say it looked sinister

"hahaha.. as expected of you. I am going to have a good time when you come back. I look forward to it, Miss Steel, no- Kat" Otto laugh roared through out the administrative office.