Before the duel

I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep last night, but it was the opposite, I slept like a newborn baby, plus I hadn't eaten anything more hearty like last night's soup for a long time and I don't like broth, but I really appreciate it.

Why do I feel my shoulder wet


She was jolted awake by my little shout.

-Good morning Gran... shame I drooled all over your shoulder, sorry.

-Lay at what point did you crawl into my bed?

She stretched, then wiped the little bit of drool off her face.

-Last night I couldn't sleep well, I was going to ask you, thinking you wouldn't be able to sleep, but I found you asleep, I didn't want to wake you up.

-So you crawled into my bed, yeah it sounds pretty logical Lay.

-Are you upset Gran?

-No, on the contrary, just a bit weirded out that's all...can I ask you why you decided to sleep with me?