The broken Sir

We went downstairs for breakfast, for Willfest that was the only thing he imposed on his house, if we were all in it, we all ate together, as usual Willfest was sitting at the head of the table, as I was ready before Lay, I went down first, while she finished getting ready.

-Will can you pass me the bread.

A, when I'm home, she started to call Willfest, Will, at first he didn't like her, I don't think in fact he still doesn't like her, but eventually he gave up, as long as in front of the others I tell him Sir Willfest, he didn't put up a problem.

-Yes here, eat quickly, today is a long day for you two, you'll start your punishment tonight, useless pair, I got fish, so we'll have that for breakfast for the next few days.

Willfest took beer to pass the piece of dry bread, Roy was copying his father.