Here We Go Again

This is already unheard of, unforgivable, this is a persecution of my person, and now my child, my own flesh, this is unforgivable my Lord, how much more will I have to suffer for the family of Poart. - Rants the Baron de Mons as he populates in front of Lord Irsih.

He paced back and forth playing the victim, though of course after what Roy did he was, or at least his son was.

"Your son provoked me, what more do you want, he said he was going to help you rape my sisters, you fucking pig!" shouted a very beaten Roy.

"Lies!!!, just lies from a soldier full of hatred towards my family, and, even if you were right, you think that a simple word deserves you to cut off the arm and disfigure the face of my son, my first born son, my first born son, you fucking starving bastard, if my cousin King Edward hadn't forgiven your stupid father, this would never have happened, I demand that he be killed, along with his father, who resisted the arrest of that scum".