
Velaria didn't look well at all, even so, between the two of us we helped each other to walk, it was very painful for me to step on the leg I had jumped with. According to Velaria I was lucky not to have broken it, and that I shouldn't worry as she should recover by resting and the next day she should be as good as new.

To the question she asked me, I didn't know how to answer, I was only a man, but the real question is how I could occupy a mayus.

-Since when?

-Since when what? Vel... You don't mind if I say Vel, do you?

-Yes, it bothers me, for you it's Velaria, regarding the other thing, since when were you able to occupy the mayus?

For some reason I was annoyed by the way she told me not to call her Vel, it was too curt and heavy.