The student who is now a teacher

Last night I had to give him several explanations about the bite marks to Hel, it was unbelievable to me that he hadn't noticed when we were fucking in the small wooded area near the mansion, but I explained to him that I was bitten by a wolf, at least the bite looked like one, because when I had to explain to him that an elf, a woman of a different race than ours bit me repeatedly, he kills me and I don't think I exaggerate.


Everything would have been easier without the bites, I hesitate for a long time until I stop insisting, Hel is too mood swinging, if she found out she kissed me I'd be in serious trouble.

-Take heed for fuck's sake, Gran! - Will shouted with authority.

-I'm sorry, it won't happen again Will.

-Willfest right now boy, we are training now and I must teach my Lord very well mustn't I?

He looked like he was going to enjoy making me suffer with his training.

-Yes Willfest.